87 research outputs found

    A 2-MHz 6-kVA voltage-source inverter using low-profile MOSFET modules for low-temperature plasma generators

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    &lt;p&gt;This paper presents a 2-MHz 6-kVA voltage-source inverter for low-temperature plasma generators. A new MOSFET module referred to as a “mega pack” is specially designed and fabricated for high-frequency high-power applications. It has a low-profile package equipped with four terminal plates. The main circuit consists of a single-phase full-bridge inverter using the four new modules. The layout of the modules is characterized by two modules, which are placed back-to-back with each other, forming a half bridge. Both device and circuit designs achieve great reduction of stray inductance in the main circuit. A prototype inverter shows stable operation around frequencies as high as 2 MHz.&lt;/p&gt;</p

    サン ヨウイン ユウドヒ ケンテイ ト x^2 ケンテイ オ ヨビ ソノ ザンサ ブンセキホウ

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    3要因クロス表の尤度比検定(x^2検定)には, 18個のモデルがあるが, 実質的には8個のモデルに包含される, その8個のモデルうち7個のモデルでは直接期待値を算出できる.残りの1種類は, 繰り返し法によって期待値を推定する必要がある(篠原 1989).これらの8個のモデルのうち3個は期待値を周辺度数を固定して算出モデルである.本研究では, これらのモデルのほかに, 期待度数に均等分布を仮定した4つのモデルのほかに, 期待度数に均等分布を仮定した4つのモデルを, 具体的な計算方法とともに残差分析法も含めて説明した

    Configuration mixing calculation for complete low-lying spectra with the mean-field Hamiltonian

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    We propose a new theoretical approach to ground and low-energy excited states of nuclei extending the nuclear mean-field theory. It consists of three steps: stochastic preparation of many Slater determinants, the parity and angular momentum projection, and diagonalization of the generalized eigenvalue problems. The Slater determinants are constructed in the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate representation capable of describing arbitrary shape of nuclei. We examine feasibility and usefulness of the method by applying the method with the BKN interaction to light 4N-nuclei, 12C, 16O, and 20Ne. We discuss difficulties of keeping linear independence for basis states projected on good parity and angular momentum and present a possible prescription.Comment: 12 pages, revtex

    Comprehensive treatment for severe periodontitis with pathologic tooth migration−related bimaxillary protrusion : A case report with 3-year follow-up

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    Background: Patients with severe periodontitis often experience pathologic tooth migration (PTM), which impairs esthetics and leads to occlusal disharmony (e.g., premature contacts and/or traumatic occlusion) that can further exacerbate periodontitis. Here, we describe a patient who exhibited severe periodontitis with PTM-related bimaxillary protrusion. This report includes 3-year clinical outcomes following periodontal regenerative therapy, implant-anchored orthodontic therapy, and implant prosthodontics intended to achieve both functional and esthetic improvements. Case Description: A 63-year-old woman presented with the chief complaint of upper anterior tooth mobility. Clinical examination revealed excessive tooth mobility, deep periodontal pockets, and infrabony defects in all teeth. All teeth exhibited PTM; the mandibular anterior teeth exhibited marked protrusion caused by the progression of periodontitis. After initial periodontal therapy, periodontal regenerative therapy was performed in all molar regions. At 9 and 6 months postoperatively, comprehensive orthodontic treatment was initiated for the mandible and maxilla, respectively, using orthodontic anchorage devices to achieve acceptable functional occlusion. After orthodontic treatment, staged guided bone regeneration was performed and dental implants were placed in the severely resorbed maxillary anterior ridge. This comprehensive treatment yielded favorable periodontal conditions, stable occlusion, and good esthetic outcomes. Practical Implications: Favorable esthetics, stable occlusion, and highly cleansable periodontal tissues were achieved with well-planned interdisciplinary and comprehensive treatment, although the patient had severe periodontitis and PTM-related bimaxillary protrusion

    Multicenter phase II trial of preoperative chemoradiotherapy with S-1 for locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    PURPOSE: We evaluated whether preoperative chemotherapy with S-1 and concurrent radiotherapy is feasible and efficacious in the treatment of advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma. METHODS: Participants comprised 39 patients with oral carcinoma (stage III, n = 15; stage IVA, n = 24). All patients received a total radiation dose of 40 Gy, in once-daily 2-Gy fractions, and received S-1 at 65 mg/m(2)/day for 5 consecutive days, over 4 consecutive weeks with concurrent radiotherapy. RESULTS: Hematological toxicity was mild and reversible. The most common non-hematological toxicity was grade 3 mucositis, but this was transient and tolerable. Radical surgery was performed for 37 patients, with the remaining 2 patients declining the surgery. Postoperatively, local failure developed in 1 patient, and neck failure in 2 patients. Distant metastases were identified in 4 patients. At a median follow-up of 38.0 months (range 23–88 months), locoregional control, disease-specific survival, and overall survival rates at 3 years were 91.5, 83.8, and 83.8 %, respectively. CONCLUSION: Concurrent administration of S-1 and radiotherapy combined with surgery offers a well-tolerated method of successfully treating advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma. The locoregional control rate remains high even at 3 years of follow-up, and no serious adverse effects have been encountered

    Thermoelectric Performance of p-Type Mg 2 Si 0:25 Sn 0:75 with Li and Ag Double Doping

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    The single-phase of p-type Mg 2 Si 0:25 Sn 0:75 with Li and Ag double doping were prepared by the liquid-solid reaction and hot-pressing methods. All samples thus obtained were identified by XRD as single-phase solid solutions with an anti-fluorite structure. The effects of Li and Ag double doping on thermoelectric performance were investigated at temperature differences (ÁT) of 0 to 500 K. The thermoelectromotive force (E) of the Li-25000 ppm single-doped sample was determined to be 88 mV at ÁT ¼ 500 K. For the Li-20000 ppm and Ag-5000 ppm double-doped sample, the E value became larger (92 mV) after Ag substitution. A maximum E value of 97 mV was obtained for the Ag-25000 ppm single-doped sample and the Li-5000 ppm and Ag-20000 ppm double-doped sample. Mean resistivity (r m ) at ÁT ¼ 500 K decreased by double doping and showed a minimum value of 2:94 Â 10 À5 m for the Li-5000 ppm and Ag-20000 ppm double-doped sample. The maximum effective power (P ¼ E 2 =4r m ) increased with ÁT. The P values of single-doped samples at ÁT ¼ 500 K were 38 Wm À1 for Li singledoped and 72 Wm À1 for Ag single-doped samples. P for the Li-20000 ppm and Ag-5000 ppm double-doped sample was 64 Wm À1 , which was an improvement of about 90% compared with the Li single-doped sample. The maximum value of P at ÁT ¼ 500 K was 80 Wm À1 for the Li-5000 ppm and Ag-20000 ppm double-doped sample, which was an improvement of about 10% compared with the Ag single-doped sample

    クマダイ シキ コンピタンス シャクド ノ カイハツ ト ダトウセイ ショウガクセイ ノ カンジョウ タイド オヨビ キボウ ト ノ カンケイ

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    本研究は, コンピタンス尺度の信頼性と妥当性を検討するために行われた.妥当性は, 児童の問題行動についての自己報告との関連で検討した.また, 有能感尺度と感情・態度尺度, 希望尺度との相関の検討も試みた.被験者は, 熊本市の二つの小学校の5年生317名(男子164名, 女子153名), 6年生310名(男子146名, 女子164名)の合計627名である.しかし,実際の被験者数は55項目に有効回答の526名を使用した。有能感尺度は5要因, 感情・態度尺度は感情と態度の2要因, 希望尺度は通路と発動性の2要因から構成された.これらの尺度についてグループ主軸法で各要因の内的整合性による信頼性係数を算出した.その結果, α係数は.625~.900の範囲の高い値が得られた.主な結果は以下の通り.1)感情・態度尺度の総合得点と2つの要因と有能感との間には強い正の相関があり, 全体として有能感が高ければ, 感情・態度も望ましい方向にあった.2)希望尺度の総合得点と2つの要因と有能感との間にも強い正の相関があり, 有能感が高ければ, 希望も高かった.3)重相関分析法を用いて, 3つの尺度の要因を予測要因として問題行動の予測を試みた.その結果, 有能感の多くの要因で, 有能感が高いほど問題行動の経験が少なかった