347 research outputs found

    La presse japonaise pendant la Première Guerre mondiale : reportages de guerre et débats sur le journalisme

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    Comment la Première Guerre mondiale fut-elle représentée dans la presse japonaise ? Comment se mua-t-elle sous la plume des journalistes en événement médiatique ? Tandis que le journalisme connaissait alors au Japon un nouvel essor et que les médias débattaient de cette « guerre mondiale », deux envoyés spéciaux en Europe pour l’Asahi, Sugimura Sojinkan (1872-1945) et Ōba Kakō (1872-1924), couvrirent les événements depuis le terrain. La Première Guerre mondiale fut ainsi l’occasion, en Asie orientale, de saisir le « monde » dans sa globalité. Nous cherchons dans cet article à montrer comment, en croisant reportages de guerre et discours sur le journalisme, les médias produisent une réalité fictive construite sur ces témoignages de terrain.日本のジャーナリストが、この世界戦争をどのように表象し、メディアイベントによってその戦争を伝えたか。1910年代は、日本にとって「新聞ジャーナリズム」の繁栄期であり、数多くのメディアが「世界戦争論」を議論していた。ジャーナリストの杉村楚人冠(1872~1945)と大庭柯公(1872~1924)は、ともに朝日新聞の特派員としてヨーロッパに赴き、現地で世界戦争を報道した。当時、東アジアの地域において、世界戦争は「世界」を一体として感じさせる出来事だった。本稿では、世界戦争の時代における、東アジアの「戦争証言」とメディアイベントを中心としたジャーナリズム論を交差させ、「現場証言」が作り出す虚構のリアリティを論じたものである。How was World War I represented in the Japanese press? How was it turned into a media event by journalists? As the journalism industry expanded rapidly and newspapers debated the “World War”, the Asahi Shimbun dispatched two correspondents, Sugimura ­Sojinkan (1872-1945) and Ōba Kakō (1872-1924), to cover the events unfolding in Europe. World War I was thus an opportunity for East Asia to picture the “world” in a global sense. This paper, which is based on war reports and debates on journalism, examines how the press provides readers with a fictional reality constructed from testimonies from the field

    Experiences of Mindful Education: Phenomenological Analysis of MBCT Exercises in a Graduate Class Context

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    This paper uses phenomenological psychology both as a qualitative inquiry and a pedagogic tool in order to understand how graduate students experience the exercises of the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy program in a classroom setting. This understanding is necessary for both teachers and researchers of contemplative pedagogy to ensure that students are helped and not harmed by these practices, as well as to tailor teacher responses to the plurality of individual experience. Furthermore, it aids students in becoming aware of and articulating the changes they are undergoing through contemplative practices. This paper shares summaries of the autophenomenologies of three participants which are then interpreted by the research team. These idiographic descriptions are examined on four themes: 1) textures of attention, 2) “using” mindfulness to relax, 3) normative consciousness, and 4) pedagogical dangers and process. The analysis suggests that mindful education needs to take care in understanding the limits of our ability to express matters concerning the subtleties of how we pay attention, consider the complex interplay in non-clinical populations between “being mode” and “doing mode,” and how that connects to our interpretation of “non-judgment” in mindfulness

    PIXE analysis of magnetic spherules in Paleozoic-Mesozoic bedded chert

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    Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) was applied to the elemental characterization of magnetic microspherules collected from the Paleozoic and Mesozoic bedded chert in Southwest Japan. Comparison of the titanium and chromium contents of the spherules with the magnetic components of meteorites and volcanic ash showed that this technique offers promising potential as a new method for distinguishing between spherules of terrestrial and extraterrestrial origin

    Shouted speech detection using hidden markov model with rahmonic and mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients

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    In recent years, crime prevention systems have been developed to detect various hazardous situations. In general, the systems utilize the image information recorded by a camera to monitor the situations. It is however difficult to detect them in the blind area. To address the problem, it is required to utilize not only image information but also acoustic information occurred in such situations. Our previous study showed that two acoustic features including rahmonic and mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCCs) are effective for detecting the shouted speech. Rahmonic shows a subharmonic of fundamental frequency in the cepstrum domain, and MFCCs represent coefficients that collectively make up mel-frequency cepstrum. In this method, a shouted speech model is constructed from these features by using a gaussian mixture model (GMM). However, the previous method with GMM has difficulty in representing temporal changes of the speech features. In this study, we further expand the previous method using hidden Markov model (HMM) which has state transition to represent the temporal changes. Through objective experiments, the proposed method using HMM could achieve higher detection performance of the shouted speech than the conventional method using GMM

    A Comparison of Physical vs. Nonphysical Wedge Modalities in Radiotherapy

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    This chapter discusses the clinical application and implementation of wedge techniques in radiation therapy. Coverage of the target region with a curative dose is critical for treating several cancer types; to that end, wedge filters are commonly used to improve dose uniformity to the target volume. Initially, wedges designed for this purpose were physical and were made of high-density materials such as lead or steel. Subsequently, nonphysical wedges were introduced; these improved the dose uniformity using computer systems in lieu of physical materials. As wedge systems evolve, however, they each continue to have their advantages and disadvantages. When using physical wedges, it is difficult to control the generation of secondary radiation resulting from the collision of the radiation beam with the wedge body; conversely, nonphysical wedges do not create any secondary radiation because there is no physical interference with the beam. On the other hand, nonphysical wedges are less suitable for treating moving tumors, such as those in the lung, and physical wedges have better dose coverage to the target volume than nonphysical wedges. This chapter aims to guide decision-making regarding the choice of wedge types in various clinical situations

    N=4 Instanton Calculus in Omega and R-R Backgrounds

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    We study the instanton calculus for N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in ten-dimensional Omega-background with the R-symmetry Wilson line gauge field. From the ADHM construction of instantons in the background, we obtain the deformed instanton effective action. For a certain case we get the effective action of N=2^* theory in the Omega-background. We also study the low-energy effective D(-1)-brane action for the D3/D(-1)-brane system in the R-R 3-form field strength backgrounds and find that the action agrees with the instanton effective action in the Omega-background.Comment: 28 page