7,159 research outputs found

    Stability optimization of laminated composite plates

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    The optimum design of plates with orthotropic layers under axial compression and shear is discussed. The plates considered are the laminates of N orthotropic layers whose principal material axes coincide with the plate axes. Each layer is assumed to have the same thickness and an equal number of fibers in the direction of + alpha sub i and - alpha sub i with respect to the plate axis. The fiber directions which give the highest axial buckling stress and the highest shear buckling stress are found by utilizing a mathematical optimization technique for various aspect ratios of the plates. Inhomogeneity in the direction of the plate thickness (stacking sequence) is taken into account in this analysis

    Observational tests for oscillating expansion rate of the Universe

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    We investigate the observational constraints on the oscillating scalar field model using data from type Ia supernovae, cosmic microwave background anisotropies, and baryon acoustic oscillations. According to a Fourier analysis, the galaxy number count NN from redshift zz data indicates that galaxies have preferred periodic redshift spacings. We fix the mass of the scalar field as mϕ=3.2×10−31hm_\phi=3.2\times 10^{-31}h eV{\rm eV} such that the scalar field model can account for the redshift spacings, and we constrain the other basic parameters by comparing the model with accurate observational data. We obtain the following constraints: Ωm,0=0.28±0.03\Omega_{m,0}=0.28\pm 0.03 (95% C.L.), Ωϕ,0−158\Omega_{\phi,0} -158 (95% C.L.) (in the range ξ≤0\xi \le 0). The best fit values of the energy density parameter of the scalar field and the coupling constant are Ωϕ,0=0.01\Omega_{\phi,0}= 0.01 and ξ=−25\xi= -25, respectively. The value of Ωϕ,0\Omega_{\phi,0} is close to but not equal to 00. Hence, in the scalar field model, the amplitude of the galaxy number count cannot be large. However, because the best fit values of Ωϕ,0\Omega_{\phi,0} and ξ\xi are not 00, the scalar field model has the possibility of accounting for the periodic structure in the NN--zz relation of galaxies. The variation of the effective gravitational constant in the scalar field model is not inconsistent with the bound from observation.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    On injective hulls of simple modules

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    We characterize a ring over which every left module of finite length has an injective hull of finite length. Using this, we show that finite normalizing extensions of such a ring also have the same property. We also consider rings having the property that the injective hull of every simple module is artinian. We show that certain noncommutative noetherian rings have this property

    Can transport peak explain the low-mass enhancement of dileptons at RHIC?

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    We propose a novel relation between the low-mass enhancement of dielectrons observed at PHENIX and transport coefficients of QGP such as the charge diffusion constant DD and the relaxation time Ï„J\tau_{\rm J}. We parameterize the transport peak in the spectral function using the second-order relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics by Israel and Stewart. Combining the spectral function and the full (3+1)-dimensional hydrodynamical evolution with the lattice EoS, theoretical dielectron spectra and the experimental data are compared. Detailed analysis suggests that the low-mass dilepton enhancement originates mainly from the high-temperature QGP phase where there is a large electric charge fluctuation as obtained from lattice QCD simulations.Comment: To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2011, May 23 - May 28, Annecy, Franc

    Potential Profiling of the Nanometer-Scale Charge Depletion Layer in n-ZnO/p-NiO Junction Using Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    We have performed a depth-profile analysis of an all-oxide p-n junction diode n-ZnO/p-NiO using photoemission spectroscopy combined with Ar-ion sputtering. Systematic core-level shifts were observed during the gradual removal of the ZnO overlayer, and were interpreted using a simple model based on charge conservation. Spatial profile of the potential around the interface was deduced, including the charge-depletion width of 2.3 nm extending on the ZnO side and the built-in potential of 0.54 eV

    Jet-fluid string formation and decay in high-energy heavy-ion collisions

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    We propose a new hadronization mechanism, jet-fluid string (JFS) formation and decay, to understand observables in intermediate to high-pTp_{T} regions comprehensively. In the JFS model, hard partons produced in jet lose their energy in traversing the QGP fluid, which is described by fully three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. When a jet parton escapes from the QGP fluid, it picks up a partner parton from a fluid and forms a color singlet string, then it decays to hadrons. We find that high-pTp_T v2v_2 values in JFS are about two times larger than in the independent fragmentation model.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; Proceeding for poster sessions at Quark Matter 2006, Shanghai, China, 14-20 November 2006; to appear in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Derived factorization categories of non-Thom–Sebastiani-type sums of potentials

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    We first prove semi-orthogonal decompositions of derived factorizationcategories arising from sums of potentials of gauged Landau-Ginzburg models,where the sums are not necessarily Thom--Sebastiani type. We then apply theresult to the category HMFLf(f){\rm HMF}^{L_f}(f) of maximally graded matrixfactorizations of an invertible polynomial ff of chain type, and explicitlyconstruct a full strong exceptional collection E1E_1,..., EμE_{\mu} in {\rmHMF}^{L_f}(f) whose length μ\mu is the Milnor number of theBerglund--H\"ubsch transpose f~\widetilde{f} of ff. This proves a conjecture,which postulates that for an invertible polynomial ff the category {\rmHMF}^{L_f}(f) admits a tilting object, in the case when ff is a chainpolynomial. Moreover, by careful analysis of morphisms between the exceptionalobjects EiE_i, we explicitly determine the quiver with relations (Q,I)(Q,I) whichrepresents the endomorphism ring of the associated tilting object⊕i=1μEi\oplus_{i=1}^{\mu}E_i in HMFLf(f){\rm HMF}^{L_f}(f), and in particular we obtain anequivalence HMFLf(f)≅Db(mod kQ/I){\rm HMF}^{L_f}(f)\cong {\rm D}^{\rm b}({\rm mod}\, kQ/I).<br
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