351 research outputs found

    Exact Analysis of Entanglement in Gapped Quantum Spin Chains

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    We investigate the entanglement properties of the valence-bond-solid states with generic integer-spin SS. Using the Schwinger boson representation of the valence-bond-solid states, the entanglement entropy, the von Neumann entropy of a subsystem, is obtained exactly and its relationship with the usual correlation function is clarified. The saturation value of the entanglement entropy, 2log2(S+1)2 \log_2 (S+1), is derived explicitly and is interpreted in terms of the edge-state picture. The validity of our analytical results and the edge-state picture is numerically confirmed. We also propose a novel application of the edge state as a qubit for quantum computation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Detection of 40-48 GHz dust continuum linear polarization towards the Class 0 young stellar object IRAS 16293-2422

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    We performed the new JVLA full polarization observations at 40-48 GHz (6.3-7.5 mm) towards the nearby (dd ==147±\pm3.4 pc) Class 0 YSO IRAS 16293-2422, and compare with the previous SMA observations reported by Rao et al. (2009; 2014). We observed the quasar J1407+2827 which is weakly polarized and can be used as a leakage term calibrator for <<9 GHz observations, to gauge the potential residual polarization leakage after calibration. We did not detect Stokes Q, U, and V intensities from the observations of J1407+2827, and constrain (3-σ\sigma) the residual polarization leakage after calibration to be \lesssim0.3\%. We detect linear polarization from one of the two binary components of our target source, IRAS\,16293-2422\,B. The derived polarization position angles from our observations are in excellent agreement with those detected from the previous observations of the SMA, implying that on the spatial scale we are probing (\sim50-1000 au), the physical mechanisms for polarizing the continuum emission do not vary significantly over the wavelength range of \sim0.88-7.5 mm. We hypothesize that the observed polarization position angles trace the magnetic field which converges from large scale to an approximately face-on rotating accretion flow. In this scenario, magnetic field is predominantly poloidal on >>100 au scales, and becomes toroidal on smaller scales. However, this interpretation remains uncertain due to the high dust optical depths at the central region of IRAS\,16293-2422\,B and the uncertain temperature profile. We suggest that dust polarization at wavelengths comparable or longer than 7\,mm may still trace interstellar magnetic field. Future sensitive observations of dust polarization in the fully optically thin regime will have paramount importance for unambiguously resolving the magnetic field configuration.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted to A&A. Comments are welcom

    Hydrogen-bond-assisted syndiotactic-specific radical polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide : The solvent effect on the stereospecificity

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    Radical polymerizations of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm) in several solvents at low temperatures in the absence or presence of hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA) or 3-methyl-3-pentanol (3Me3PenOH) were examined. The isotacticities of the poly(NIPAAm)s obtained in the absence of HMPA and 3Me3PenOH at lower temperatures slightly increased as the polarities of the solvents used increased. The addition of HMPA significantly induced the syndiotactic-specificity even in polar solvents such as tetrahydrofuran and acetone, although the use of the solvents having proton-donating ability, such as chloroform, prevented the induction of the syndiotactic-specificity, even if their polarities are low. In the presence of 3Me3PenOH, a good correlation between the polarities of the solvents used and the syndiotacticities of the obtained poly(NIPAAm)s was observed, and poly(NIPAAm) with r = 73% was obtained using the toluene/methylcyclohexane mixed solvent

    Measurements of Stellar Inclinations for Kepler Planet Candidates II: Candidate Spin-Orbit Misalignments in Single and Multiple-Transiting Systems

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    We present a test for spin-orbit alignment for the host stars of 25 candidate planetary systems detected by the {\it Kepler} spacecraft. The inclination angle of each star's rotation axis was estimated from its rotation period, rotational line broadening, and radius. The rotation periods were determined using the {\it Kepler} photometric time series. The rotational line broadening was determined from high-resolution optical spectra with Subaru/HDS. Those same spectra were used to determine the star's photospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity) which were then interpreted with stellar-evolutionary models to determine stellar radii. We combine the new sample with the 7 stars from our previous work on this subject, finding that the stars show a statistical tendency to have inclinations near 90^\circ, in alignment with the planetary orbits. Possible spin-orbit misalignments are seen in several systems, including three multiple-planet systems (KOI-304, 988, 2261). Ideally these systems should be scrutinized with complementary techniques---such as the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, starspot-crossing anomalies or asteroseismology---but the measurements will be difficult owing to the relatively faint apparent magnitudes and small transit signals in these systems.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Effect of a combination of hexamethylphosphoramide and alkyl alcohol on the stereospecificity of radical polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide

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    Radical polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm) was investigated at low temperatures in the presence of both hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA) and alkyl alcohols. Although HMPA and alkyl alcohols separately induced syndiotactic specificity in NIPAAm polymerization in toluene at low temperatures, a combination of HMPA and less bulky alkyl alcohols, such as methanol and ethanol, was found to induce isotactic specificity at –80°C. NMR analysis of mixtures of NIPAAm, ethanol and HMPA suggested the formation of a 1:1:1 complex through O–H•••O=C and N–H•••O=P hydrogen bonding. It is believed that the steric effect of HMPA enhanced by cooperative hydrogen bonding was responsible for the combined effect of HMPA and alkyl alcohols in inducing isotactic specificity

    Optical dispersions through intracellular inhomogeneities

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    Transport of intensity equation (TIE) exhibits a non-interferometric correlation between intensity and phase variations of intermediate fields (e.g., light and electron) in biological imaging. Previous TIE formulations have generally assumed a free space propagation of monochromatic coherent field functions crossing phase distributions along a longitudinal direction. Here, we modify the TIE with fractal (or self-similar) organization models based on intracellular refractive index turbulence. We then implement the TIE simulation over a broad range of fractal dimensions and wavelengths. Simulation results show how the intensity propagation through the spatial fluctuation of intracellular refractive index interconnects fractal-dimensionality with intensity dispersion (or transmissivity) within the picometer to micrometer wavelength range. In addition, we provide a spatial-autocorrelation of phase derivatives which allows the direct measurement and reconstruction of intracellular fractal profiles from optical and electron microscopy imaging.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, 4 table

    Observation of the FeO2 and FeIVO stretching Raman bands for dioxygen reduction intermediates of cytochrome bo isolated from Escherichia coli

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    AbstractReaction intermediates in dioxygen reduction by the E. coli cytochrome bo-type ubiquinol oxidase were studied by time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy using the artificial cardiovascular system. At 0–20 μs following photolysis of the enzyme—CO adduct in the presence of O2, we observed the FeO2 stretching Raman band at 568 cm−1 which shifted to 535 cm−1 with the 18O2 derivative. These frequencies are remarkably close to those of other oxyhemoproteins including dioxygen-bound hemoglobin and aa3-type cytochrome c oxidase. In the later time range (20–40 μs), other oxygen-isotope-sensitive Raman bands were observed at 788 and 361 cm−1. Since the 781 cm−1 band exhibited a downshift by 37 cm−1 upon 18O2 substitution, we assigned it to the FeIVO stretching mode. This band is considered to arise from the ferryl intermediate, but its appearance was much earlier than the corresponding intermediate of bovine cytochrome c oxidase (> 100 μs). The 361 cm−1 band showed the 16O/18O isotopic frequency shift of 14 cm−1 similar to the case of bovine cytochrome c oxidase reaction