115 research outputs found

    Electrical Resistance of Copper-Gold Alloys at Low Temperatures

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    Electrical resistance of the copper-gold alloys containing 5.0_6, 24.1, 25.0_7, 50.8, 74.0 and 75.0_6 at. % gold was measured in the range from liquid helium to room temperature in the annealed and quenched states. It was established that the residual resistance of the 75.0_6 per cent alloy is lower in the ordered state than in the disordered one, and that the ratios of the residual resistance to the ice point resistance are 0.699 and 0.800 for the ordered and disordered states, respectively. Also it was found for the 74.0 per cent alloy that the residual resistance of the partly ordered state is higher than that of the disordered state. The Debye temperatures of the alloys were evaluated by using the Gruneisen formula. 185°and 160°K were obtained for the 75.0_6 per cent alloy in the ordered and disordered states, respectively. A resistance minimum of the magnitude of 0.01 μΩ-cm was found in the neighborhood of 13°K for the 25.0_7 per cent alloy. Such a minimum seems to be little affected by the degree of order, and was thought to be due to the presence of small amounts of certain impurities. This view was supported by an appearance of more distinct minimum near 19°K for the 23.5_7 per cent alloy containing 0.16 per cent iron as an impurity

    Regulation of UDP-glucose:ceramide glucosyltransferase-1 by ceramide

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    AbstractWe report that the expression of mRNA and the activity of UDP-glucose:ceramide (Cer) glucosyltransferase-1 (GlcT-1) of human hepatoma Huh7 and mouse melanoma B16 cells increases after treatment with bacterial sphingomyelinase or upon addition of short-chain Cer. Interestingly, however, GlcT-1 gene transcription was not increased by Cer when GlcT-1 cDNA was introduced with the CMV promoter in GlcT-1-deficient GM95 cells, suggesting that the normal promoter region of GlcT-1 gene is essential for the response. The conversion of C6-Cer to C6-GlcCer occurred much more rapidly in GlcT-1-overexpressing Huh7 cells than in mock transfectants. As a result, GlcT-1-overexpressing cells acquired a greater resistance to C6-Cer-mediated cell death

    Impact of Gba2 on neuronopathic Gaucher’s disease and α-synuclein accumulation in medaka (Oryzias latipes)

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    Homozygous mutations in the lysosomal glucocerebrosidase gene, GBA1, cause Gaucher's disease (GD), while heterozygous mutations in GBA1 are a strong risk factor for Parkinson's disease (PD), whose pathological hallmark is intraneuronal α-synuclein (asyn) aggregates. We previously reported that gba1 knockout (KO) medaka exhibited glucosylceramide accumulation and neuronopathic GD phenotypes, including short lifespan, the dopaminergic and noradrenergic neuronal cell loss, microglial activation, and swimming abnormality, with asyn accumulation in the brains. A recent study reported that deletion of GBA2, non-lysosomal glucocerebrosidase, in a non-neuronopathic GD mouse model rescued its phenotypes. In the present study, we generated gba2 KO medaka and examined the effect of Gba2 deletion on the phenotypes of gba1 KO medaka. The Gba2 deletion in gba1 KO medaka resulted in the exacerbation of glucosylceramide accumulation and no improvement in neuronopathic GD pathological changes, asyn accumulation, or swimming abnormalities. Meanwhile, though gba2 KO medaka did not show any apparent phenotypes, biochemical analysis revealed asyn accumulation in the brains. gba2 KO medaka showed a trend towards an increase in sphingolipids in the brains, which is one of the possible causes of asyn accumulation. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the deletion of Gba2 does not rescue the pathological changes or behavioral abnormalities of gba1 KO medaka, and GBA2 represents a novel factor affecting asyn accumulation in the brains

    Glycosphingolipids are required for sorting melanosomal proteins in the Golgi complex

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    A;lthough glycosphingolipids are ubiquitously expressed and essential for multicellular organisms, surprisingly little is known about their intracellular functions. To explore the role of glycosphingolipids in membrane transport, we used the glycosphingolipid-deficient GM95 mouse melanoma cell line. We found that GM95 cells do not make melanin pigment because tyrosinase, the first and rate-limiting enzyme in melanin synthesis, was not targeted to melanosomes but accumulated in the Golgi complex. However, tyrosinase-related protein 1 still reached melanosomal structures via the plasma membrane instead of the direct pathway from the Golgi. Delivery of lysosomal enzymes from the Golgi complex to endosomes was normal, suggesting that this pathway is not affected by the absence of glycosphingolipids. Loss of pigmentation was due to tyrosinase mislocalization, since transfection of tyrosinase with an extended transmembrane domain, which bypassed the transport block, restored pigmentation. Transfection of ceramide glucosyltransferase or addition of glucosylsphingosine restored tyrosinase transport and pigmentation. We conclude that protein transport from Golgi to melanosomes via the direct pathway requires glycosphingolipids

    CAGE-Seq Reveals that HIV-1 Latent Infection Does Not Trigger Unique Cellular Responses in a Jurkat T Cell Model

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    The cure for HIV-1 is currently stalled by our inability to specifically identify and target latently infected cells. HIV-1 viral RNA/DNA or viral proteins are recognized by cellular mechanisms and induce interferon responses in virus-producing cells, but changes in latently infected cells remain unknown. HIVGKO contains a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter under the HIV-1 promoter and a monomeric Kusabira orange 2 (mKO2) reporter under the internal elongation factor alpha (EF1α) promoter. This viral construct enables direct identification of both productively and latently HIV-1-infected cells. In this study, we aim to identify specific cellular transcriptional responses triggered by HIV-1 entry and integration using cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE). We deep sequenced CAGE tags in non-infected and latently and productively infected cells and compared their differentially expressed transcription start site (TSS) profiles. Virus-producing cells had differentially expressed TSSs related to T-cell activation and apoptosis compared to those of non-infected cells or latently infected cells. Surprisingly, latently infected cells had only 33 differentially expressed TSSs compared to those of non-infected cells. Among these, SPP1 and APOE were downregulated in latently infected cells. SPP1 or APOE knockdown in Jurkat T cells increased susceptibility to HIVGKO infection, suggesting that they have antiviral properties. Components of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, MLST8, 4EBP, and RPS6, were significant TSSs in productively infected cells, and S6 kinase (S6K) phosphorylation was increased compared to that in latently infected cells, suggesting that mTOR pathway activity plays a role in establishing the latent reservoir. These findings indicate that HIV-1 entry and integration do not trigger unique transcriptional responses when infection becomes latent

    Implementasi Permendagri Nomor 15 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengarusutamaan Gender pada Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar di Kota Malang

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    Windra Rizkiyana1 & Wahyu Widodo21 Mahasiswa & 2Staf Pengajar Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Bandung No.1 MalangEmail: [email protected] education, still found a gender gap regarding both aspects of the expansion of educationalaccess and equity, quality and relevance of education and management. The purpose of this studywere: (1) describe the substance Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 on Gender Mainstreaming; (2) describethe implementation of Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 on Gender Mainstreaming in Elementary Educationin Malang; (3) Analyze the obstacles encountered in implementation Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 onGender Mainstreaming in Elementary Education in Malang. This type of research is a descriptiveanalysis, using a qualitative approach that is supported by a quantitative approach. And the techniquesof data acolllection through by interviews and the documents. Study sites are in Malang EducationDepartment. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis of qualitative and quantitative theorysupported by Gender Analysis Pathway (GAP), Content Analysis and Root Analysis. Implementationof Permendagri No 15 of 2008 about gender mainstreaming in basic education levels in Malang hasnot been optimal. These proved by the remains of gender inequality or gap that occurs in all threeaspects, that access and educational equity, quality and relevance of education, as well as accountabilityand governance. Constraints encountered in implementation Permendagri No. 15 of 2008 on gendermainstreaming in elementary education in Malang include: (a) Outreach activities that are specificallyabout the PUG in primary education has not been done; (b) The budget is not specifically formainstreaming activities; (c) newly formed working group PUG.Key word: Permendagri No. 15 of 2008, gender mainstreaming, basic educatio

    High-dose Dexamethasone Therapy as the Initial Treatment for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Protocol for a Multicenter, Open-label, Single Arm Trial

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    Standard therapy for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) has not been established. We are conducting a multicenter, prospective trial to determine the efficacy and safety of short-term, high-dose dexamethasone therapy in ITP patients aged 18-80 years with platelet counts of <20, 000 /μL, or with <50, 000/ μL and bleeding symptoms. The primary endpoints of this trial are the proportion of responses (complete plus partial response) on day 180 (day 46+180) after the completion of the 46-day high-dose dexamethasone therapy. The results of this investigation of the effectiveness and safety of this regimen will be essential for the establishment of standard therapy for ITP


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    今回当科で経験した脾動脈瘤3例について報告する.年齢は17歳から76歳(平均49.3歳)で、女性;1例、男性;2例であった.1例は破裂症例で緊急開腹,それ以外の2例は血管内治療を施行し,全て術後経過は良好であった.緊急開腹術を行った1例は2cm 未満の嚢状瘤であり,術前瘤径にとらわれず治療適応を考える必要がある.治療の第一選択として低侵襲な血管内治療を考慮する必要がある.We report 3 cases of splenic artery aneurysm (2 males,1 female; median age, 49.3 years; age range, 17-76 years).We performed splenectomy (included aneurysm) in emergency surgery for one ruptured case and performed endovascular therapy for two unruptured cases. The postoperative progress of all cases was satisfactory.Emergency case was saccular aneurysm under 2cm of size. Indication for treatment of intraabdominal aneurysm may be considered even in small size of aneurysm.All cases are still alive. It is necessary to take into account minimally invasive endovascular therapy in first-line

    Gastric function preserving esophagectomy for esophageal cancer

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    Although, the gastric roll is widely used for reconstruction after an esophagectomy for esophageal cancer, adverse effects such as the post operative disturbance of oral intake and the reflux of gastric juice have been reported. A function preserving surgical procedure, which is similar to that for stomach and colon cancer, has been developed for esophageal cancer. Gastric function can be preserved by using the intestine as the reconstructive organ after an esophagectomy. In this report, we described the procedure for an esophagectomy with pedunculated jejunal or right colonic interposition, collectively termed as a gastric function preserving esophagectomy (GPE). We believe that this procedure is minimally invasive with a low risk of postoperative digestive symptoms and weight loss

    Amino acid signaling in the intestine : The roles of glutamine, leucine and arginine

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    Amino acids have an influence on the function of organs, glands, tendons and arteries. Some of them play crucial roles in the control of gene expression by controlling the initiation phase of mRNA translation. Furthermore, recent studies have revealed that some kinds of amino acids directly participate in important signal transduction in the immune system. Glutamine, leucine and arginine play crucial roles in intestinal growth, integrity, and function through cellular signaling mechanisms. In this paper, we review amino acid signal transduction in the intestinal function