2,204 research outputs found

    Spitzer White Dwarf Planet Limits

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    We present preliminary limits on the presence of planets around white dwarf stars using the IRAC photometer on the Spitzer space telescope. Planets emit strongly in the mid-infrared which allows their presence to be detected as an excess at these wavelengths. We place limits of 5MJ5 M_J for 8 stars assuming ages of 1Gyr1 Gyr, and 10MJ10 M_J for 23 stars.We describe our survey, present our results and comment on approaches to improve our methodology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Proceedings of 15th European White Dwarf Worksho

    Tunneling conduction in graphene/(poly)vinyl alcohol composites

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    Graphene/(Poly)vinyl alcohol (PVA) composite film with thickness 60ÎĽm60 \mu m were synthesized by solidification of a PVA solution comprising of dispersed graphene nanosheets. The close proximity of the graphene sheets enables the fluctuation induced tunneling of electrons to occur from one sheet to another. The dielectric data show that the present system can be simulated to a parallel resistance-capacitor network. The high frequency exponent of the frequency variation of the ac conductivity indicates that the charge carriers move in a two-dimensional space. The sample preparation technique will be helpful for synthesizing flexible conductors.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    A Spitzer White Dwarf Infrared Survey

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    We present mid-infrared photometry of 124 white dwarf stars with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Objects were observed simultaneously at 4.5 and 8.0 ÎĽm with sensitivities better than 0.1 mJy. This data set can be used to test models of white dwarf atmospheres in a new wavelength regime, as well as to search for planetary companions and debris disks

    The White Dwarf Cooling Age of M67

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    A deep imaging survey covering the entire 23\arcmin diameter of the old open cluster M67 to V=25V = 25 has been carried out using the mosaic imager (UHCam) on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. The cluster color-magnitude diagram (CMD) can be traced from stars on its giant branch at MV=+1M_{V} = +1 down through main sequence stars at least as faint as MV=13.5M_{V} = 13.5. Stars this low in luminosity have masses below 0.15M⊙0.15 M_{\odot}. A modest white dwarf (WD) cooling sequence is also observed commencing slightly fainter than MV=10M_V = 10 and, after correction for background galaxy and stellar field contamination, terminating near MV=14.6M_V = 14.6. The observed WDs follow quite closely a theoretical cooling sequence for 0.7M⊙0.7 M_{\odot} pure carbon core WDs with hydrogen-rich atmospheres (DA WDs). The cooling time to an MVM_V of 14.6 for such WDs is 4.3 Gyr which we take as the WD cooling age of the cluster. A fit of a set of isochrones to the cluster CMD indicates a turnoff age of 4.0 Gyr. The excellent agreement between these results suggests that ages derived from white dwarf cooling should be considered as reliable as those from other dating techniques. The WDs currently contribute about 9% of the total cluster mass but the number seen appears to be somewhat low when compared with the number of giants observed in the cluster.Comment: 15 pages plus 3 diagrams, minor corrections, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, to be published September 10, 199

    The Metallicity Distribution of Intracluster Stars in Virgo

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    We have used the Hubble Space Telescope\u27s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) to detect and measure ~5300 stars in a single intracluster field in the Virgo Cluster. By performing F606W and F814W photometry on these stars, we have determined their metallicity distribution function and constrained the types of stars present in this portion of Virgo\u27s intracluster space. Based on the small number of stars detected that were brighter than the red giant branch (RGB) tip, we suggest that in this region, Virgo\u27s intracluster stars are mostly old (10 Gyr). Through analysis of the RGB stars themselves, we determine that the population contains the full range of metallicities probed (-2.3 ≤ [M/H] ≤ 0.0). We also present evidence that the younger (≤10 Gyr) component of the population is more metal-rich, with [M/H] \u3e -0.5. The spatial distribution of the most metal-poor stars in the field shows significantly more structure than that of the metal-rich stars, indicating that the intracluster population is not well mixed. We discuss the implications that these observations have for the production of intracluster stars and the dynamical evolution of the Virgo Cluster

    WIYN Open Cluster Study 1: Deep Photometry of NGC 188

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    We have employed precise V and I photometry of NGC 188 at WIYN to explore the cluster luminosity function (LF) and study the cluster white dwarfs (WDs). Our photometry is offset by V = 0.052 (fainter) from Sandage (1962) and Eggen & Sandage (1969). All published photometry for the past three decades have been based on these two calibrations, which are in error by 0.05 +- 0.01. We employ the Pinsonneault etal (1998) fiducial main sequence to derive a cluster distance modulus of 11.43 +- 0.08. We report observations that are >= 50% complete to V = 24.6 and find that the cluster central-field LF peaks at M_I ~ 3 to 4. This is unlike the solar neighborhood LF and unlike the LFs of dynamically unevolved portions of open and globular clusters, which rise continuously until M_I ~ 9.5. Although we find that >= 50% of the unresolved cluster objects are multiple systems, their presence cannot account for the shape of the NGC 188 LF. For theoretical reasons (Terlevich 1987; Vesperini & Heggie 1997) having to do with the survivability of NGC 188 we believe the cluster is highly dynamically evolved and that the missing low luminosity stars are either in the cluster outskirts or have left the cluster altogether. We identify nine candidate WDs, of which we expect three to six are bona fide cluster WDs. The luminosities of the faintest likely WD indicates an age (Bergeron, Wesemael, & Beauchamp 1995) of 1.14 +- 0.09 Gyrs. This is a lower limit to the cluster age and observations probing to V = 27 or 28 will be necessary to find the faintest cluster WDs and independently determine the cluster age. While our age limit is not surprising for this ~6 Gyr old cluster, our result demonstrates the value of the WD age technique with its very low internal errors. (abridged)Comment: 26 pages, uuencoded gunzip'ed latex + 16 postscrip figures, to be published in A

    Virgo’s Intracluster Globular Clusters as Seen by the Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    We report the discovery of four candidate intracluster globular clusters (IGCs) in a single deepHST ACS field of the Virgo Cluster. We show that each cluster is roughly spherical, has a magnitude near the peak of the Virgo globular cluster luminosity function, has a radial profile that is best fitted by a King model, and is surrounded by an excess of point sources that have the colors and magnitudes of cluster red giant stars. Despite the fact that two of our IGC candidates have integrated colors redder than the mean of the M87 globular cluster system, we propose that all of the objects are metal-poor, with [M/H] \u3c -1. We show that the tidal radii of our intracluster globular clusters are all larger than the mean for Milky Way clusters and suggest that the clusters have undergone less tidal stress than their Galactic counterparts. Finally, we normalize our globular cluster observations to the luminosity of intracluster stars and derive a value of SN ~ 6 for the specific frequency of Virgo intracluster globular clusters. We use these data to constrain the origins of Virgo\u27s intracluster population and suggest that globular clusters in our intracluster field have a different origin than globular clusters in the vicinity of M87. In particular, we argue that dwarf elliptical galaxies may be an important source of intracluster stars

    B-physics with Nf=2N_f=2 Wilson fermions

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    We report the final results of the ALPHA collaboration for some B-physics observables: fBf_B, fBsf_{B_s} and mbm_b. We employ CLS configurations with 2 flavors of O(a)O(a) improved Wilson fermions in the sea and pion masses ranging down to 190 MeV. The b-quark is treated in HQET to order 1/mb1/m_b. The renormalization, the matching and the improvement were performed non-perturbatively, and three lattice spacings reaching a=0.048a=0.048 fm are used in the continuum extrapolation

    Mesoscopic Model for Free Energy Landscape Analysis of DNA sequences

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    A mesoscopic model which allows us to identify and quantify the strength of binding sites in DNA sequences is proposed. The model is based on the Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois model for the DNA chain coupled to a Brownian particle which explores the sequence interacting more importantly with open base pairs of the DNA chain. We apply the model to promoter sequences of different organisms. The free energy landscape obtained for these promoters shows a complex structure that is strongly connected to their biological behavior. The analysis method used is able to quantify free energy differences of sites within genome sequences.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Identification of Cool White Dwarfs in the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey

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    We report our search for the cool white dwarfs belonging to the Galactic disk by extending the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. Narrow-band DDO51 photometry of the Deep Wide-Field Survey's northern field was obtained using the 4m-Mayall Telescope and the MOSAIC imager to separate cool white dwarfs from other stellar types of similar T_eff. Follow-up spectroscopy of four white dwarf candidates from our photometric search resulted in the discovery of two new cool white dwarfs as companions to M dwarfs.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in proceedings of the 13th European Workshop on White Dwarf
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