3,645 research outputs found

    Learning generative texture models with extended Fields-of-Experts

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    We evaluate the ability of the popular Field-of-Experts (FoE) to model structure in images. As a test case we focus on modeling synthetic and natural textures. We find that even for modeling single textures, the FoE provides insufficient flexibility to learn good generative models – it does not perform any better than the much simpler Gaussian FoE. We propose an extended version of the FoE (allowing for bimodal potentials) and demonstrate that this novel formulation, when trained with a better approximation of the likelihood gradient, gives rise to a more powerful generative model of specific visual structure that produces significantly better results for the texture task

    Energy-based temporal neural networks for imputing missing values

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    Imputing missing values in high dimensional time series is a difficult problem. There have been some approaches to the problem [11,8] where neural architectures were trained as probabilistic models of the data. However, we argue that this approach is not optimal. We propose to view temporal neural networks with latent variables as energy-based models and train them for missing value recovery directly. In this paper we introduce two energy-based models. The first model is based on a one dimensional convolution and the second model utilizes a recurrent neural network. We demonstrate how ideas from the energy-based learning framework can be used to train these models to recover missing values. The models are evaluated on a motion capture dataset

    Automated Image Analysis of Offshore Infrastructure Marine Biofouling

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    Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/6/1/2/s1 Acknowledgments: This project was funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) project No.: NE/N019865/1. The authors would like to thank Melanie Netherway and Don Orr, from our project partner (company requested to remain anonymous) for the provision of survey footage and for supporting the project. In addition, many thanks to Oscar Beijbom, University California Berkley for providing guidance and support to the project. Additional thanks to Calum Reay, Bibby Offshore; George Gair, Subsea 7; and Alan Buchan, Wood Group Kenny for help with footage collection and for allowing us to host workshops with them and their teams, their feedback and insights were very much appreciated.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Comparing Probabilistic Models for Melodic Sequences

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    Modelling the real world complexity of music is a challenge for machine learning. We address the task of modeling melodic sequences from the same music genre. We perform a comparative analysis of two probabilistic models; a Dirichlet Variable Length Markov Model (Dirichlet-VMM) and a Time Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (TC-RBM). We show that the TC-RBM learns descriptive music features, such as underlying chords and typical melody transitions and dynamics. We assess the models for future prediction and compare their performance to a VMM, which is the current state of the art in melody generation. We show that both models perform significantly better than the VMM, with the Dirichlet-VMM marginally outperforming the TC-RBM. Finally, we evaluate the short order statistics of the models, using the Kullback-Leibler divergence between test sequences and model samples, and show that our proposed methods match the statistics of the music genre significantly better than the VMM.Comment: in Proceedings of the ECML-PKDD 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6913, pp. 289-304. Springer (2011

    Response of finite-time particle detectors in non-inertial frames and curved spacetime

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    The response of the Unruh-DeWitt type monopole detectors which were coupled to the quantum field only for a finite proper time interval is studied for inertial and accelerated trajectories, in the Minkowski vacuum in (3+1) dimensions. Such a detector will respond even while on an inertial trajctory due to the transient effects. Further the response will also depend on the manner in which the detector is switched on and off. We consider the response in the case of smooth as well as abrupt switching of the detector. The former case is achieved with the aid of smooth window functions whose width, TT, determines the effective time scale for which the detector is coupled to the field. We obtain a general formula for the response of the detector when a window function is specified, and work out the response in detail for the case of gaussian and exponential window functions. A detailed discussion of both T→0T \rightarrow 0 and T→∞T \rightarrow \infty limits are given and several subtlities in the limiting procedure are clarified. The analysis is extended for detector responses in Schwarzschild and de-Sitter spacetimes in (1+1) dimensions.Comment: 29 pages, normal TeX, figures appended as postscript file, IUCAA Preprint # 23/9

    Instantiating deformable models with a neural net

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    Deformable models are an attractive approach to recognizing objects which have considerable within-class variability such as handwritten characters. However, there are severe search problems associated with fitting the models to data which could be reduced if a better starting point for the search were available. We show that by training a neural network to predict how a deformable model should be instantiated from an input image, such improved starting points can be obtained. This method has been implemented for a system that recognizes handwritten digits using deformable models, and the results show that the search time can be significantly reduced without compromising recognition performance. © 1997 Academic Press

    Using generative models for handwritten digit recognition

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    We describe a method of recognizing handwritten digits by fitting generative models that are built from deformable B-splines with Gaussian ``ink generators'' spaced along the length of the spline. The splines are adjusted using a novel elastic matching procedure based on the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm that maximizes the likelihood of the model generating the data. This approach has many advantages. (1) After identifying the model most likely to have generated the data, the system not only produces a classification of the digit but also a rich description of the instantiation parameters which can yield information such as the writing style. (2) During the process of explaining the image, generative models can perform recognition driven segmentation. (3) The method involves a relatively small number of parameters and hence training is relatively easy and fast. (4) Unlike many other recognition schemes it does not rely on some form of pre-normalization of input images, but can handle arbitrary scalings, translations and a limited degree of image rotation. We have demonstrated our method of fitting models to images does not get trapped in poor local minima. The main disadvantage of the method is it requires much more computation than more standard OCR techniques
