12 research outputs found

    Zur Personenwahrnehmung im Attributionsgeschehen: Eine Replikation der klassischen Arbeit von Heider und Simmel (1944)

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    Als zentraler Befund der einflussreichen Arbeit von Heider und Simmel [American Journal of Psychology, 57, 243-259 (1944)]zeigte sich, dass bewegte geometrische Objekte ganz überwiegend als intentional handelnde Lebewesen wahrgenommen werden und diese wiederum mehrheitlich als Personen. Da die Originaluntersuchung ausschließlich Frauen miteinbezog und die Darstellung der Ergebnisse mitunter keine genauen Angaben zur Häufigkeit personaler Kausalität erlaubt, wird eine Replikation durchgeführt, um die Befunde auf eine breiter generalisierbare Basis zu stellen. Unter Verwendung des Originalversuchsmaterials zeigt sich auch bei konservativer Analyse der Ergebnisse, dass geschlechtsunabhängig weniger als 35 % der Teilnehmenden die geometrischen Objekte als Lebewesen beschrieben. Von denjenigen, die die Objekte als beseelt wahrnahmen, wurden diese in etwa 80 % der Fälle als Menschen bezeichnet. Mögliche Erklärungen dieser Abweichungen von den Originalbefunden werden diskutiert

    Guided de-escalation of antiplatelet treatment in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (TROPICAL-ACS): a randomised, open-label, multicentre trial

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    Oberflächenveredelung von Kunststoffformteilen integriert im Spritzgussprozess

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der ganzflächigen Dekoration von Kunststoffformteilen integriert im Spritzgussprozess. Aufbauend auf die aktuellen Dekorationsverfahren nach dem Spritzgussprozess werden die Möglichkeiten der integrierten Verfahren dargestellt. Eine qualitativhochwertige Dekoration im Spritzgussprozess integriert, erfordert ein optimales Zusammenspiel einzelner Technologien. Die Bewertung der Dekoration mit Möglichkeiten zur Simulation des Prozesses runden die Beschreibung der Einzeltechnologien ab. Diese Grundlagen helfen, die Kriterien für die Produktentwicklung von Kunststoffformteilen mit der integrierten Dekoration zu definieren. Ein Beispiel aus der Praxis zeigt den Produktentwicklungsprozess beginnend mit der Auswahl des passenden Verfahrens, der Artikel- und Werkzeugkonstruktion mit Definition des Substrates, bis hin zur Werkzeugfertigung und Teileproduktion. Über eine Versuchsreihe mit Auswertung erfolgt eine Evaluierung des Projektes

    A Psychophysically Motivated Compression Approach for 3D Haptic Data

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    Haptic interaction with virtual as well as real environments is much more demanding to the underlying network than traditional audio /video communication. Because of very strict delay constraints imposed by the global control loop which is closed by the communication system very high packet rates are generated. Each packet typically carries a small amount of payload data leading to a significant packet header versus payload overhead. This paper presents a psychophysically motivated deadband transmission approach for multidimensional haptic data using the example of three dimensional haptic interaction. Packets are only generated and sent if the change in haptic variables exceeds the just noticeable difference of the human operator. The presented approach reduces packet rates in haptic systems by up to 90% without any perceivable reduction of immersiveness. To our knowledge the proposed approach is the first psychophysically motivated compression approach for multidimensional haptic data in literature

    Astronautic Communication for Telepresence Applications

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    Numerous applications of telerobotics and telepresence are believed to have great potential to reliably and securely perform tasks in environments that are dangerous or inaccessible for human beings. Especially in the case of space flight missions certain operations cannot yet be automated but necessarily involve human interactions. In such cases, the communication between an operator at a ground station and a remote manipulator in space is critical for success. In this work, a novel simulator that allows for thoroughly analyzing the effects of wireless communication paths in diverse telepresence scenarios at low implementation complexity is developed and presented. The effects that significantly impact reliability and performance of data transmission are investigated; also new strategies for improving the overall system quality are proposed. The exemplary communication path between the DLR ground station in Weilheim and the International Space Station (ISS) is in the focus of our work


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    The performance and immersiveness of telepresence and teleaction systems critically depend on the quality of the communication between the operator and the teleoperator. High packet rate for low delay data exchange in internet-based teleoperation is one of the major challenges in this context. A psychophysically motivated data reduction scheme, earlier presented by the authors, solves this problem by the use of signal amplitude dependent deadband quantization. This scheme successfully limits the amount of transmitted packets, but as soon as the size of the deadband exceeds a certain limit, noticeable and disturbing artifacts are introduced into the haptic signals. In this paper, we present a novel signal reconstruction technique, based on a signal adaptive synthesis filter. It removes discontinuities in the displayed signals and enables the use of strong deadband based data reduction without perceptible disturbance in the telepresence system. Index Terms — perceptual coding, haptics, deadband, synthesis filter, teleaction system, telepresenc

    Psychophysically Motivated Compression of Haptic Data

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    Abstract. One of the key challenges in telepresence and teleaction systems is the fact that a global control loop is closed over a communication network. The transmission delay of haptic information is extremely critical. Therefore, new data samples from the haptic sensors are typically forwarded immediately to the receiver which leads to high packet generation rates and high network load especially if the Internet is used as the communication infrastructure. We present multiple approaches to reduce the amount of data communicated in a telepresence and teleaction system. Our new transmission strategies lead to reduced demand on the communication system and therefore more stable communication. The methods presented in this paper range from purely statistical exploitation of haptic data signals to psychophysically motivated compression using a passive deadband transmission approach. The latter only delivers data packets over the network when the sampled sensor data changes by an amount which is just above the human perception threshold. Our psychophysics based approach leads to a considerable reduction (up to 90%) of packet rate and data rate without sacrificing fidelity and immersiveness of the system and has been tested in 1-DoF- and Multi-DoF-Systems

    Perception-Based Data Reduction and Transmission of Haptic Data in Telepresence and Teleaction Systems

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    We present a novel approach for the transmission of haptic data in telepresence and teleaction systems. The goal of this work is to reduce the packet rate between an operator and a teleoperator without impairing the immersiveness of the system. Our approach exploits the properties of human haptic perception and is, more specifically, based on the concept of just noticeable differences. In our scheme, updates of the haptic amplitude values are signaled across the network only if the change of a haptic stimulus is detectable by the human operator. We investigate haptic data communication for a 1 degree-of-freedom (DoF) and a 3 DoF teleaction system. Our experimental results show that the presented approach is able to reduce the packet rate between the operator and teleoperator by up to 90 % of the original rate without affecting the performance of the system