340 research outputs found

    Constructions of self-identity and experience of diagnosis in adults with intellectual disabilities

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    Background: Research exploring self-identity has focused on the meaning of having an intellectual disability with the risk of overshadowing other aspects that affect how people view themselves.Method: This systematic literature review explores the multifaceted constructions of self-identity in adults with intellectual disabilities. 30 qualitative studies are synthesised thematically, incorporating formal quality assessments.Results: The experience of power through control, dependence and influential narratives and negotiating the self from others, considering autonomy and seeking normality were related to individuals’ constructions of their identities. The desire to live a meaningful life considering future hopes, the ability to support others and the experience of connectedness contributed to positive self-identities.Conclusions: Self-identity in adults with intellectual disabilities appears multi-faceted, with a multitude of influences on the construction and expression of identity beyond that of an intellectual disability. The review highlighted a lack of high quality research and indicates the need for further rigorous studies across the literature base

    Liderazgo transformacional y la gestión administrativa en la Dirección Sub Regional de Salud “Luciano Castillo Colonna” – Sullana, 2018

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    La presente investigación, tuvo como objetivo general determinar la influencia del Liderazgo Transformacional en la Gestión Administrativa en la Dirección Sub Regional de Salud “Luciano Castillo Colonna” – Sullana, 2018. La investigación fue de diseño descriptivo, correlacional – causal de corte transversal con enfoque cuantitativo y tipo de estudio no experimental. La población estuvo constituida por 217 servidores públicos (nombrados y contratados) y se utilizó la muestra probabilística para la determinación del tamaño de la muestra que estuvo conformada por 139 servidores públicos al azar, mediante el muestreo aleatorio simple para la selección de los elementos. Se utilizó como instrumento de recolección de datos, dos cuestionarios en la escala de Likert, brindando información sobre el liderazgo transformacional y su influencia en la gestión administrativa. Los resultados del estudio, indican que el nivel de Liderazgo Transformacional que posee su Órgano Directivo es 52.5% regular, 36.7% deficiente y sólo el 10.8% adecuado; asimismo en lo que respecta al nivel de Gestión Administrativa del Órgano Directivo el 72.7% es regular, el 14.4% deficiente y el 12.9% adecuado. Según los resultados obtenidos de la contrastación de hipótesis se evidenció que existe una relación muy alta, positiva y altamente significativa (r= .808, p= .000) entre el Liderazgo Transformacional y la Gestión Administrativa. La investigación concluye que el liderazgo transformacional influye en la gestión administrativa en un 65.3% y significativamente siendo el valor p 0.000 menor a 0.05 en la Dirección Sub Regional de Salud “Luciano Castillo Colonna” – Sullana, 2018. El estudio recomienda en los indicadores deficientes las pautas a seguir, teniendo en cuenta cada dimensión del liderazgo transformacional, a efectos de que a través del liderazgo transformacional se mejore el nivel de eficiencia en la gestión administrativa

    The KINDRA project. Sharing and evaluating groundwater research and knowledge in Europe

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    Groundwater knowledge and research in the European Union is often scattered and non-standardised, because of different subjects involved and different approaches from Member States. The Horizon2020 project KINDRA has conducted an EU-wide assessment of existing groundwater-related practical and scientific knowledge based on a new Hydrogeological Research Classification System, identifying more than 280 keywords related to three main categories (namely Operational Actions, Research topics and Societal Challenges) to be intersected in a 3D-diagram approach. The classification is supported by a web-service, the European Inventory of Groundwater Research, which acts not only as knowledge repository but also as a tool to help identify relevant researchm topics, existing research trends and critical research challenges. The records have been uploaded during the project by 20 national experts from National Associations of Geologists, under the umbrella of the European Federation of Geologists. The total number of metadata included in the inventory at the end of the project are about 2300, and the analysis of the results is considered useful for producing synergies, implementing policies and optimising water management in Europe. By the use of additional indicators, the database content has been analysed by occurrence of keywords, type of document, level of innovation. Using the three-axes classification, more easily understandable by 2D diagrams as bubble plots, occurrence and relationship of different topics (main categories) in groundwater research have been highlighted. This article summarizes the activities realized in relation to the common classification system and to the metadata included in the EIGR, showing the distribution of thecollected information in different categories and attributes identified by the classification

    Scaling the Danish national water resources model for a pan-European quasi-3D groundwater resources model

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    In this study, we upscale and simplify hydrostratigraphic information from a detailed model for Denmark to a pan-European scale. This is part of a larger project to develop a harmonised overview of the volume and depth of groundwater resources in a quasi-3D European groundwater resource model. A 10 km grid and a maximum of c. 10 hydrostratigraphic layers were chosen as the common scale for the European database. The Danish information is based on the national water resources model (the DK-model), where the information is significantly more detailed (100 m grid and up to 26 layers). Information was transferred from the DK-model to the quasi-3D model by a method involving computations of mean volumes and expert assessment to reduce layers in each cell. In this process, detailed hydrostratigraphic information is lost, which could otherwise be used for local groundwater flow modelling in Denmark. However, the strength of the quasi-3D model is that it still contains the volumes of all hydrostratigraphic units, both the saturated and unsaturated parts. Hence, the upscaled model can contribute to a relatively precise calculation of European groundwater resources for the quantitative assessment of groundwater status across Europe at a 10 × 10 km scale

    Seasonal Changes in Methanogenesis and Methanogenic Community in Three Peatlands, New York State

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    Fluctuating environmental conditions can promote diversity and control dominance in community composition. In addition to seasonal temperature and moisture changes, seasonal supply of metabolic substrates selects populations temporally. Here we demonstrate cascading effects in the supply of metabolic substrates on methanogenesis and community composition of anaerobic methanogenic archaea in three contrasting peatlands in upstate New York. Fresh samples of peat soils, collected about every 3 months for 20 months and incubated at 22 ± 2°C regardless of the in situ temperature, exhibited potential rates of methane (CH4) production of 0.02–0.2 mmol L−1 day−1 [380–3800 nmol g−1 (dry) day−1). The addition of acetate stimulated rates of CH4 production in a fen peatland soil, whereas addition of hydrogen (H2), and simultaneous inhibition of H2-consuming acetogenic bacteria with rifampicin, stimulated CH4 production in two acidic bog soils, especially, in autumn and winter. The methanogenic community structure was characterized using T-RFLP analyses of SSU rRNA genes. The E2 group of methanogens (Methanoregulaceae) dominated in the two acidic bog peatlands with relatively greater abundance in winter. In the fen peatland, the E1 group (Methanoregulaceae) and members of the Methanosaetaceae were co-dominant, with E1 having a high relative abundance in spring. Change in relative abundance profiles among methanogenic groups in response to added metabolic substrates was as predicted. The acetate-amendment increased abundance of Methanosarcinaceae, and H2-amendment enhanced abundance of E2 group in all peat soils studied, respectively. Additionally, addition of acetate increased abundance of Methanosaetaceae only in the bog soils. Variation in the supply of metabolic substrates helps explain the moderate diversity of methanogens in peatlands

    Uso de colifagos somáticos como indicadores de contaminación fecal en playas de “la Costa Verde”, Lima–Perú

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    This study was undertaken in order to assess the use of somatic coliphages as faecal pollution indicators in recreational seawater. In 140 samples from 5 beaches at the “Costa Verde” circuit, Lima, somatic coliphages were enumerated and correlated with conventional faecal pollution indicators (Faecal coliforms, E. coli and enterococci). After sample treatment with the “Sample Filtration” modified technique, somatic coliphages were assayed by the “Single-Agar-Layer” method using the strain E. coli C ATCC 13706 as the bacterial host. Faecal coliforms (FC) E. coli (EC) and enterococci (EN) were enumerated by the Most Probable Number method. In the statistical analysis, we took into account faecal pollution levels based on arbitrary values such as <1000 CF/100 mL (“Low pollution”) and 1000 FC/100 mL (“High pollution”). The beaches surveyed showed faecal pollution levels from <3 to 2,4 x 105 to both FC and from EC, and <3 to 2,4 x 104 EN. In samples with “low pollution” the 32% of coliphage´s counts were greater than those of FC and EC, whereas on samples with “High pollution” no count was bigger than any of FC and EC. On the other hand, according with the principal component analysis, coliphages and enterococci were the best indicators of faecal pollution in the surveyed beaches. Furthermore, statistically significant correlations were determined between somatic coliphages with FC and EC; being greater on samples with “High pollution” (r = 0,89) than those in samples with “low pollution” (r = 0,43). From coliphages determination in the samples evaluated it was determined the value of 115 UFP/100 mL as a guideline for recreational seawater in the beaches under study. According with the results of this study, the somatic coliphages could be used as alternative faecal pollution indicators in recreational seawater.El presente estudio fue realizado con el objetivo de evaluar el uso de los colifagos somáticos como indicadores de contaminación fecal en aguas recreacionales marinas. Los colifagos somáticos fueron cuantificados en 140 muestras provenientes de 5 playas del circuito de la “Costa Verde”, Lima, y correlacionados con los indicadores de contaminación fecal convencionales (Coliformes fecales, E. coli y Enterococos). Los colifagos fueron determinados por el método de “capa simple” previa aplicación de la técnica modificada de “filtración de la muestra” y utilizando a E. coli ATCC 13706 como cepa hospedero. Los Coliformes fecales (CF), E. coli (EC) y Enterococos (EN) fueron cuantificados por el método del Número Más Probable (NMP). Para efectos de análisis estadístico se consideró niveles de contaminación fecal en función de valores arbitrarios de <1000 CF/100 mL (“baja contaminación”) y >1000 CF/100 mL (“alta contaminación”). Las playas evaluadas presentaron niveles de contaminación fecal de <3 a 2,4 x 105 CF y EC y <3 a 2,4 x 104 EN. En las muestras con “baja contaminación” fecal, el 32% de los recuentos de los colifagos fueron mayores que los de CF y EC; miemtras que en las muestras con “alta contaminación” ningún recuento de colifagos superó a los de CF o EC. Por otro lado, de acuerdo al análisis estadístico de componentes principales los colifagos y Enterococos fueron los mejores indicadores de contaminación fecal en las playas evaluadas. Asimismo, se determinó correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre colifagos, CF y EC; siendo mayor en muestras con alta contaminación (r = 0,89) que en aquellas con baja contaminación (r = 0,43). Mediante la cuantificación de colifagos en las muestras evaluadas se determinó estadísticamente el valor de 115 UFP/100 mL como criterio calificativo de balneabilidad para las playas de la zona evaluada. De acuerdo a nuestros resultados los colifagos somáticos podrían emplearse como una alternativa de indicadores de contaminación fecal en aguas recreacionales marinas

    The KINDRA project – towards Open Science in Hydrogeology for higher impact

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    Groundwater knowledge and research in the European Union is often scattered and non-standardised. Therefore, KINDRA is conducting an EU-wide assessment of existing groundwater-related practical and scientific knowledge based on a new Hydrogeological Research Classification System (HRC-SYS). The classification is supported by a web service, the European Inventory of Groundwater Research (EIGR), which acts not only as a knowledge repository but also as a tool to help identify relevant research topics, existing research trends and critical research challenges. These results will be useful for producing synergies, implementing policies and optimising water management in Europe. This article presents the work of the project during the first two years in relation to a common classification system and an activity for data collection and training delivered by the EFG’s National Associations in 20 European countries

    CRISPR Associated Diversity within a Population of Sulfolobus islandicus

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    Predator-prey models for virus-host interactions predict that viruses will cause oscillations of microbial host densities due to an arms race between resistance and virulence. A new form of microbial resistance, CRISPRs (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) are a rapidly evolving, sequence-specific immunity mechanism in which a short piece of invading viral DNA is inserted into the host's chromosome, thereby rendering the host resistant to further infection. Few studies have linked this form of resistance to population dynamics in natural microbial populations.We examined sequence diversity in 39 strains of the archeaon Sulfolobus islandicus from a single, isolated hot spring from Kamchatka, Russia to determine the effects of CRISPR immunity on microbial population dynamics. First, multiple housekeeping genetic markers identify a large clonal group of identical genotypes coexisting with a diverse set of rare genotypes. Second, the sequence-specific CRISPR spacer arrays split the large group of isolates into two very different groups and reveal extensive diversity and no evidence for dominance of a single clone within the population.The evenness of resistance genotypes found within this population of S. islandicus is indicative of a lack of strain dominance, in contrast to the prediction for a resistant strain in a simple predator-prey interaction. Based on evidence for the independent acquisition of resistant sequences, we hypothesize that CRISPR mediated clonal interference between resistant strains promotes and maintains diversity in this natural population

    The KINDRA project. A tool for sharing Europe’s groundwater research and knowledge

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    Hydrogeology-related research activities cover a wide spectrum of research areas at EU and national levels. The KINDRA project (Knowledge Inventory for hydrogeology research, Grant Agreement No. 642047) seeks to create a critical mass for scientific knowledge exchange of hydrogeological research, to ensure wide applicability on research results - including support for innovation and development - and to reduce unnecessary duplication of efforts. A new terminology and classification methodology for groundwater R&D results and activities (Hydrogeological Research Classification System: HRC-SYS) has been developed based on a hierarchical structure using keywords derived from EU directives and scientific journals. This classification allows the population of a European Inventory of Groundwater Research (EIGR) of research results, activities, projects, and programmes to be used to identify critical research challenges and gaps, for better implementation of the Water Framework Directive