25 research outputs found

    Does Womens Political Presence Matter? Examining the Effects of Descriptive Representation on Symbolic Representation in Uruguay

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    The ASU research team studied how women's descriptive, substantive, and symbolic political representation is affected by legislation that establishes quotas for the number of women serving in parliament. The team conducted their research in Uruguay, taking advantage of a five-year lag between when the gender quota law was passed (2009) and the elections for which it was first implemented (October 2014) to conduct a natural experiment on the law's effects, independent of those attributed to its drafting and passage. The ASU team implemented a two-wave survey, before and after quota implementation, and compared those survey results to content analyses of election coverage, legislators' floor speeches and websites, and bill sponsorship

    Chemical mediators in embryo implantation

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    La implantación embrionaria es un proceso complejo, eficiente en menos del 30% de los casos, en el cual están influyendo múltiples factores, tales como, hormonales, anatómicos, inmunológicos y genéticos. De la adecuada interacción en el microambiente fetal y uterino se logrará finalmente el desarrollo del embarazo.Embryo implantation is a complex process, efficient in less than 30% of cases, in which multiple factors are influencing, such as hormonal, anatomical, immunological and genetic factors. From the adequate interaction in the fetal and uterine microenvironment, the development of pregnancy will finally be achieved

    Mediadores químicos en la implantación embrionaria

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    ResumenLa implantación embrionaria es un proceso complejo, eficiente en menos del 30% de los casos, en el cual están influyendo múltiples factores, tales como, hormonales, anatómicos, inmunológicos y genéticos. De la adecuada interacción en el microambiente fetal y uterino se logrará finalmente el desarrollo del embarazo.Palabras clave: Implantación embrionaria, Aposición, Adhesión e invasión embrionaria

    Derecho de autonomía de los consejos comunitarios de comunidades negras del departamento del Chocó: Límites y retos

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    Objetivo. Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar el derecho a la de autonomía de los Consejos Comunitarios de Comunidades Negras del departamento del Chocó, con la finalidad de identificar los principales retos en el ejercicio de este derecho. Metodología. Se utilizó la investigación documental, se revisó legislación, jurisprudencia y doctrina nacional e internacional, también, se realizó entrevista semiestructurada a representantes de organizaciones étnico territoriales, entidades públicas y comunidad en general. Resultados. Se concluye, que es necesario establecer pactos, acuerdos internos sobre las funciones de los consejos comunitarios en los territorios colectivos; igualmente, la falta de recursos económicos y los contratos con terceros limitan el derecho a la autonomía de los consejos comunitarios del departamento del Chocó.The objective of this article is analyze the autonomy right of the black community inside community councils in Chocó with the idea of identify the main challenges in the law and the own government. It was used the experimental and information research, and review the principal legislation, jurisprudence and national and international doctrine. Also it was made an interview to some people in behalf of the ethnical organization, public organization and the community. To wrap up, the lack of community council’s regulation, economical resource and the third-party contracts reduce or restrict the autonomy of the community councils in Chocó department.Objectivo. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o direito à autonomia dos Conselhos Comunitários de Comunidades Negras do Departamento de Chocó, a fim de identificar os principais desafios no exercício deste direito e auto-governo. Metodologia. Utilizou-se pesquisa experimental e documental, a legislação major, jurisprudência e doutrina nacional e internacional foi revista, também, entrevista semi-estruturada foi realizada com representantes de organizações étnicas territoriais, entidades públicas e comunidade. Resultados. Conclui-se que o regulamento insuficiente de conselhos comunitários, a falta de recursos financeiros e de contratos com terceiros limita o direito de autonomia dos conselhos da comunidade do departamento de Choc

    Does Female Incumbency Reduce Gender Bias in Elections? Evidence from Chile

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    The incumbency advantage is typically thought to constrain female political representation, but can female incumbency provide a signal to parties that reduces strategic gender bias? We argue that once women prove they can win elections, parties will revise their strategic evaluations of their value as candidates. We test this using an original dataset of twenty-one Chilean elections between 1989 and 2012. We use a Heckman selection model to assess re-election rates by incumbent candidate gender, conditional on the re-nomination of incumbents. We find that female incumbents are just as likely to be re-nominated and re-elected as their male counterparts