2,404 research outputs found

    Retarded long-range potentials for the alkali-metal atoms and a perfectly conducting wall

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    The retarded long-range potentials for hydrogen and alkali-metal atoms in their ground states and a perfectly conducting wall are calculated. The potentials are given over a wide range of atom-wall distances and the validity of the approximations used is established.Comment: RevTeX, epsf, 11 pages, 2 fig

    Trapped-Atom-Interferometer in a Magnetic Microtrap

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    We propose a configuration of a magnetic microtrap which can be used as an interferometer for three-dimensionally trapped atoms. The interferometer is realized via a dynamic splitting potential that transforms from a single well into two separate wells and back. The ports of the interferometer are neighboring vibrational states in the single well potential. We present a one-dimensional model of this interferometer and compute the probability of unwanted vibrational excitations for a realistic magnetic potential. We optimize the speed of the splitting process in order suppress these excitations and conclude that such interferometer device should be feasible with currently available microtrap technique.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Influence of primary particle density in the morphology of agglomerates

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    Agglomeration processes occur in many different realms of science such as colloid and aerosol formation or formation of bacterial colonies. We study the influence of primary particle density in agglomerate structure using diffusion-controlled Monte Carlo simulations with realistic space scales through different regimes (DLA and DLCA). The equivalence of Monte Carlo time steps to real time scales is given by Hirsch's hydrodynamical theory of Brownian motion. Agglomerate behavior at different time stages of the simulations suggests that three indices (fractal exponent, coordination number and eccentricity index) characterize agglomerate geometry. Using these indices, we have found that the initial density of primary particles greatly influences the final structure of the agglomerate as observed in recent experimental works.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, PRE, to appea

    Entangled light from Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose a method to generate entangled light with a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a cavity, a system realized in recent experiments. The atoms of the condensate are trapped in a periodic potential generated by a cavity mode. The condensate is continuously pumped by a laser and spontaneously emits a pair of photons of different frequencies in two distinct cavity modes. In this way, the condensate mediates entanglement between two cavity modes which leak out and can be separated and exhibit continuous variable entanglement. The scheme exploits the experimentally demonstrated strong, steady and collective coupling of condensate atoms to a cavity field.Comment: 5 pages and 5 figure

    Simultaneous position and mass determination of a nanoscale-thickness cantilever sensor in viscous fluids

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    We report simultaneous determination of the mass and position of micro-beads attached to a nanoscale-thickness cantilever sensor by analyzing wave propagations along the cantilever while taking into account viscous and inertial loading due to a surrounding fluid. The fluid-structure interaction was identified by measuring the change in the wavenumber under different fluid conditions. The predicted positions and masses agreed with actual measurements. Even at large mass ratios (6%-21%) of the beads to the cantilever, this wave approach enabled accurate determination of the mass and position, demonstrating the potential for highly accurate cantilever sensing of particle-based bio-analytes such as bacteria. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLCopen0

    Diffusion, thermalization and optical pumping of YbF molecules in a cold buffer gas cell

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    We produce YbF molecules with a density of 10^18 m^-3 using laser ablation inside a cryogenically-cooled cell filled with a helium buffer gas. Using absorption imaging and absorption spectroscopy we study the formation, diffusion, thermalization and optical pumping of the molecules. The absorption images show an initial rapid expansion of molecules away from the ablation target followed by a much slower diffusion to the cell walls. We study how the time constant for diffusion depends on the helium density and temperature, and obtain values for the YbF-He diffusion cross-section at two different temperatures. We measure the translational and rotational temperatures of the molecules as a function of time since formation, obtain the characteristic time constant for the molecules to thermalize with the cell walls, and elucidate the process responsible for limiting this thermalization rate. Finally, we make a detailed study of how the absorption of the probe laser saturates as its intensity increases, showing that the saturation intensity is proportional to the helium density. We use this to estimate collision rates and the density of molecules in the cell.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, minor revisions following referee suggestion

    Quantum computing with neutral atoms

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    We develop a method to entangle neutral atoms using cold controlled collisions. We analyze this method in two particular set-ups: optical lattices and magnetic micro-traps. Both offer the possibility of performing certain multi-particle operations in parallel. Using this fact, we show how to implement efficient quantum error correction and schemes for fault-tolerant computing.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figure

    Casimir-Polder forces: A non-perturbative approach

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    Within the frame of macroscopic QED in linear, causal media, we study the radiation force of Casimir-Polder type acting on an atom which is positioned near dispersing and absorbing magnetodielectric bodies and initially prepared in an arbitrary electronic state. It is shown that minimal and multipolar coupling lead to essentially the same lowest-order perturbative result for the force acting on an atom in an energy eigenstate. To go beyond perturbation theory, the calculations are based on the exact center-of-mass equation of motion. For a nondriven atom in the weak-coupling regime, the force as a function of time is a superposition of force components that are related to the electronic density-matrix elements at a chosen time. Even the force component associated with the ground state is not derivable from a potential in the ususal way, because of the position dependence of the atomic polarizability. Further, when the atom is initially prepared in a coherent superposition of energy eigenstates, then temporally oscillating force components are observed, which are due to the interaction of the atom with both electric and magnetic fields.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, additional misprints correcte

    Optics with an Atom Laser Beam

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    We report on the atom optical manipulation of an atom laser beam. Reflection, focusing and its storage in a resonator are demonstrated. Precise and versatile mechanical control over an atom laser beam propagating in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is achieved by optically inducing spin-flips between atomic ground states with different magnetic moment. The magnetic force acting on the atoms can thereby be effectively switched on and off. The surface of the atom optical element is determined by the resonance condition for the spin-flip in the inhomogeneous magnetic field. A mirror reflectivity of more than 98% is measured

    Spin flip lifetimes in superconducting atom chips: BCS versus Eliashberg theory

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    We investigate theoretically the magnetic spin-flip transitions of neutral atoms trapped near a superconducting slab. Our calculations are based on a quantum-theoretical treatment of electromagnetic radiation near dielectric and metallic bodies. Specific results are given for rubidium atoms near a niobium superconductor. At the low frequencies typical of the atomic transitions, we find that BCS theory greatly overestimates coherence effects, which are much less pronounced when quasiparticle lifetime effects are included through Eliashberg theory. At 4.2 K, the typical atomic spin lifetime is found to be larger than a thousand seconds, even for atom-superconductor distances of one micrometer. This constitutes a large enhancement in comparison with normal metals.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
