603 research outputs found

    A precise determination of chlorinity of sea water using the Ag-AgCl indicator electrode

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    A knowledge of the relative currents of the oceans depends to a large extent upon a knowledge of the distribution of mass. Measurements of temperature and cblorinity are made to furnish the necessary data for the computations of the density

    Campaigning and Contestation:Comments on politicians’ Facebook pages during the 2011 Danish general election campaign

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    This article is a critical study of the Facebook pages of politicians as public spheres using Dahlberg’s notion of contestation. A method is implemented inspired by qualitative content analysis and including focus groups in order to study citizen comments on eight main political candidates’ Facebook pages during the 2011 Danish election campaign. An analytical framework is presented that conceptualizes the particular platform as a dinner party, with a dinner table, a host, and the invited guests. The dinner party exhibits the interplay between these elements and how they limit the option of contesting the dominating discourse in favor of a supportive marketing logic

    Breeding Biology of Atlantic Population Canada Geese in Nunavik, Northern Québec

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    The Atlantic population of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis interior) experienced a sharp decline in numbers in the late 1980s. Management agencies in Canada and the United States responded by implementing several measures, notably closing sport hunting seasons for a number of years in most Atlantic Flyway states and provinces and funding a research project to study the nesting ecology and the factors affecting productivity of this goose population. In this paper we present the nesting phenology and breeding biology of Atlantic population Canada Geese on their tundra nesting grounds in Nunavik, Québec, specifically on a primary study area (32.8 km2) along Hudson Bay (1997–2003) and on several secondary sites (most smaller than 1 km2) distributed along the coastal lowlands of Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay (1996–2005). In the late 1990s the population rebounded, with strong increases in the population of breeding pairs and the density of nests between 1996 and 2001, followed by stabilization of both variables from 2001 to 2005. As a result, there was a near doubling in productivity index (the number of goslings produced per km2) on the primary study area, from 17.9 in 1997 to 32.0 in 2003. Geese start laying eggs soon after snow disappears from their nesting grounds. On the primary study area, for all years pooled, mean clutch initiation date, clutch size, hatching date, and Mayfield nesting success were 27 May, 4.54 eggs, 26 June, and 67.3%, respectively. Among secondary sites along both Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay, we found a correlation between the annual average daily temperature for 4–24 May (the period leading up to egg-laying) and the annual mean clutch initiation date: higher temperatures were correlated with earlier initiation. Similarly, an earlier annual mean clutch initiation date was correlated with large mean clutch size.La population de l’Atlantique de la bernache du Canada (Branta canadensis interior) a subi un déclin prononcé à la fin des années 1980. Les organismes chargés de la gestion de la faune au Canada et aux États-Unis ont réagi en mettant en place plusieurs mesures. Ils ont notamment fermé la saison de chasse sportive dans la plupart des États et provinces de la voie migratoire de la population de l’Atlantique pendant un certain nombre d’années et financé un projet de recherche sur l’écologie de la nidification et sur les facteurs limitant la productivité de cette population. Dans le présent article, nous décrivons la phénologie de la nidification et la biologie de la reproduction de la population de l’Atlantique de la bernache du Canada dans son aire de nidification de la toundra du Nunavik (Québec), plus précisément dans une aire d’étude principale (32,8 km2) établie en bordure de la baie d’Hudson (1997 – 2003) et dans plusieurs sites secondaires de superficie plus modeste (dans la plupart des cas, inférieure à 1 km2) disséminés dans les basses-terres côtières de la baie d’Hudson et de la baie d’Ungava (1996 – 2005). À la fin des années 1990, la population a rebondi, le nombre de couples nicheurs et la densité des nids augmentant fortement entre 1996 et 2001 pour ensuite se stabiliser de 2001 à 2005. Par suite de ce redressement, le nombre d’oisons produits par kilomètre carré a presque doublé (indice de productivité) dans l’aire d’étude principale, passant de 17,9 en 1997 à 32,0 en 2003. La ponte débute peu après la disparition de la neige dans les sites de nidification. Dans l’aire d’étude principale, nous avons enregistré les valeurs moyennes suivantes (années regroupées) : début de la période de ponte : 27 mai; taille des couvées : 4,54 oeufs; premières éclosions : 26 juin; succès de la nidification en mai : 67,3 %. Aux sites secondaires, en bordure de la baie d’Hudson et de la baie d’Ungava, nous avons relevé une corrélation entre la température journalière moyenne annuelle pour la période du 4 au 24 mai (période précédant le début de la période de ponte) et la date annuelle moyenne du début de la ponte: les températures plus élevées donnaient une corrélation avec un début de période de ponte plus hâtif. De même, une date annuelle moyenne plus hâtive du début de la ponte a été corrélée avec une grande taille moyenne des couvées

    Herbig Ae/Be Stars in the Magellanic Bridge

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    We have found Herbig Ae/Be star candidates in the western region of the Magellanic Bridge. Using the near infrared camera SIRIUS and the 1.4 m telescope IRSF, we surveyed about 3.0 deg x 1.3 deg (24 deg < RA < 36 deg, -75 deg < Dec. < -73.7 deg) in the J, H, and Ks bands. On the basis of colors and magnitudes, about 200 Herbig Ae/Be star candidates are selected. Considering the contaminations by miscellaneous sources such as foreground stars and early-type dwarfs in the Magellanic Bridge, we estimate that about 80 (about 40%) of the candidates are likely to be Herbig Ae/Be stars. We also found one concentration of the candidates at the young star cluster NGC 796, strongly suggesting the existence of pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars in the Magellanic Bridge. This is the first detection of PMS star candidates in the Magellanic Bridge, and if they are genuine PMS stars, this could be direct evidence of recent star formation. However, the estimate of the number of Herbig Ae/Be stars depends on the fraction of classical Be stars, and thus a more precise determination of the Be star fraction or observations to differentiate between the Herbig Ae/Be stars and classical Be stars are required.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Dark Matter and the Chemical Evolution of Irregular Galaxies

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    We present three types of chemical evolution models for irregular galaxies: closed-box with continuous star formation rates (SFRs), closed-box with bursting SFRs, and O-rich outflow with continuous SFRs. We discuss the chemical evolution of the irregular galaxies NGC 1560 and II Zw 33, and a ``typical'' irregular galaxy. The fraction of low-mass stars needed by our models is larger than that derived for the solar vicinity, but similar to that found in globular clusters. For our typical irregular galaxy we need a mass fraction of about 40% in the form of substellar objects plus non baryonic dark matter inside the Holmberg radius, in good agreement with the results derived for NGC 1560 and II Zw 33 where we do have an independent estimate of the mass fraction in non baryonic dark matter. Closed-box models are better than O-rich outflow models in explaining the C/O and Z/O observed values for our typical irregular galaxy.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure, uses emulateapj.sty package. ApJ in press. New models were added. The order of Tables has been correcte

    Systematic Bias in Helioseismic Measurements of Meridional Circulation Arising from Nonlocal Averaging Kernels

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    Meridional circulation in the solar convection zone plays a profound role in regulating the interior dynamics of the Sun and its magnetism. While it is well accepted that meridional flows move from the equator towards the poles at the Sun's surface, helioseismic observations have yet to provide a definitive answer for the depth at which those flows return to the equator, or the number of circulation cells in depth. In this work, we investigate whether the discrepancies regarding the nature of the return flow are intrinsic to how helioseismic observations are made. We examine the seismic signature of possible meridional flow profiles by convolving time-distance averaging kernels with the mean flows obtained from 3-D hydrodynamic simulations of the solar convection zone. At mid and high latitudes, we find that weak flow structures in the deeper regions of the convection zone can be strongly obscured by signal from the much stronger surface flows. This contamination is the result of extended side lobes in the averaging kernels and generates a spurious equatorward signal of 2--3 m s1^{-1} at those latitudes, and at 70 Mm\approx 70~\mathrm{Mm} depth. At low latitudes, however, the flows in the simulations tend to be stronger and multiple cells across the shell depth can produce a sufficiently strong seismic signal to survive the convolution process. The signal associated with the deep equatorward return flow in the Sun is expected to be weak and in the same sense as the contamination from the surface. Hence, the return flow needs to exceed 2\sim 2--3 m s13~ \mathrm{m~s^{-1}} in magnitude for reported detections to be considered significant.Comment: Submitted to AAS Journal

    Subsurface Flows in and Around Active Regions with Rotating and Non-rotating Sunspots

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    The temporal variation of the horizontal velocity in subsurface layers beneath three different types of active regions is studied using the technique of ring diagrams. In this study, we select active regions (ARs) 10923, 10930, 10935 from three consecutive Carrington rotations: AR 10930 contains a fast-rotating sunspot in a strong emerging active region while other two have non-rotating sunspots with emerging flux in AR 10923 and decaying flux in AR 10935. The depth range covered is from the surface to about 12 Mm. In order to minimize the influence of systematic effects, the selection of active and quiet regions is made so that these were observed at the same heliographic locations on the solar disk. We find a significant variation in both components of the horizontal velocity in active regions as compared to quiet regions. The magnitude is higher in emerging-flux regions than in the decaying-flux region, in agreement with earlier findings. Further, we clearly see a significant temporal variation in depth profiles of both zonal and meridional flow components in AR 10930, with the variation in the zonal component being more pronounced. We also notice a significant influence of the plasma motion in areas closest to the rotating sunspot in AR 10930 while areas surrounding the non-rotating sunspots in all three cases are least affected by the presence of the active region in their neighborhood.Comment: Solar Physics (in press), includes 11 figure

    Time-dependent suppression of oscillatory power in evolving solar magnetic fields

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    Oscillation amplitudes are generally smaller within magnetically active regions like sunspots and plage when compared to their surroundings. Such magnetic features, when viewed in spatially resolved power maps, appear as regions of suppressed power due to reductions in the oscillation amplitudes. Employing high spatial- and temporal-resolution observations from the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) in New Mexico, we study the power suppression in a region of evolving magnetic fields adjacent to a pore. By utilizing wavelet analysis, we study for the first time how the oscillatory properties in this region change as the magnetic field evolves with time. Image sequences taken in the blue continuum, G-band, Ca ii K, and Hα filters were used in this study. It is observed that the suppression found in the chromosphere occupies a relatively larger area, confirming previous findings. Also, the suppression is extended to structures directly connected to the magnetic region, and is found to get enhanced as the magnetic field strength increased with time. The dependence of the suppression on the magnetic field strength is greater at longer periods and higher formation heights. Furthermore, the dominant periodicity in the chromosphere was found to be anti-correlated with increases in the magnetic field strength

    Helioseismology of Sunspots: A Case Study of NOAA Region 9787

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    Various methods of helioseismology are used to study the subsurface properties of the sunspot in NOAA Active Region 9787. This sunspot was chosen because it is axisymmetric, shows little evolution during 20-28 January 2002, and was observed continuously by the MDI/SOHO instrument. (...) Wave travel times and mode frequencies are affected by the sunspot. In most cases, wave packets that propagate through the sunspot have reduced travel times. At short travel distances, however, the sign of the travel-time shifts appears to depend sensitively on how the data are processed and, in particular, on filtering in frequency-wavenumber space. We carry out two linear inversions for wave speed: one using travel-times and phase-speed filters and the other one using mode frequencies from ring analysis. These two inversions give subsurface wave-speed profiles with opposite signs and different amplitudes. (...) From this study of AR9787, we conclude that we are currently unable to provide a unified description of the subsurface structure and dynamics of the sunspot.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure