46 research outputs found

    Dwindling Surface Cooling of a Rotating Jovian Planet Leads to a Convection Zone that Grows to a Finite Depth

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    Recent measurements of Jupiter's gravitational field (by Juno) and seismology of Saturn's rings (by Cassini) strongly suggest that both planets have a stably-stratified core that still possesses a primordial gradient in the concentration of heavy elements. The existence of such a "diffusely" stratified core has been a surprise as it was long expected that the Jovian planets should be fully convective and hence fully mixed. A vigorous zone of convection, driven by surface cooling, forms at the surface and deepens through entrainment of fluid from underneath. In fact, it was believed that this convection zone should grow so rapidly that the entire planet would be consumed in less than a million years. Here we suggest that two processes, acting in concert, present a solution to this puzzle. All of the giant planets are rapidly rotating and have a cooling rate that declines with time. Both of these effects reduce the rate of fluid entrainment into the convection zone. Through the use of an analytic prescription of entrainment in giant planets, we demonstrate that these two effects, rotation and dwindling surface cooling, result in a convection zone which initially grows but eventually stalls. The depth to which the convective interface asymptotes depends on the rotation rate and on the stratification of the stable interior. Conversely, in a nonrotating planet, or in a planet that maintains a higher level of cooling than current models suggest, the convection zone deepens forever, eventually spanning the entire planet.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication by Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Rotation reduces convective mixing in Jupiter and other gas giants

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    Recent measurements of Jupiter's gravitational moments by the Juno spacecraft and seismology of Saturn's rings suggest that the primordial composition gradients in the deep interior of these planets have persisted since their formation. One possible explanation is the presence of a double-diffusive staircase below the planet's outer convection zone, which inhibits mixing across the deeper layers. However, hydrodynamic simulations have shown that these staircases are not long-lasting and can be disrupted by overshooting convection. In this paper we suggests that planetary rotation could be another factor for the longevity of primordial composition gradients. Using rotational mixing-length theory and 3D hydrodynamic simulations, we demonstrate that rotation significantly reduces both the convective velocity and the mixing of primordial composition gradients. In particular, for Jovian conditions at t∼108 yrst\sim10^{8}~\mathrm{yrs} after formation, rotation reduces the convective velocity by a factor of 6, and in turn, the kinetic energy flux available for mixing gets reduced by a factor of 63∼2006^3\sim 200. This leads to an entrainment timescale that is more than two orders of magnitude longer than without rotation. We encourage future hydrodynamic models of Jupiter and other gas giants to include rapid rotation, because the decrease in the mixing efficiency could explain why Jupiter and Saturn are not fully mixed.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    A Novel Approach to Resonant Absorption of the Fast MHD Eigenmodes of a Coronal Arcade

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    The arched eld lines forming coronal arcades are often observed to undulate as magne- tohydrodynamic (MHD) waves propagate both across and along the magnetic eld. These waves are most likely a combination of resonantly coupled fast magnetoacoustic waves and Alfv\' en waves. The coupling results in resonant absorption of the fast waves, converting fast wave energy into Alfv\' en waves. The fast eigenmodes of the arcade have proven difficult to compute or derive analytically, largely because of the mathematical complexity that the coupling introduces. When a traditional spectral decomposition is employed, the discrete spectrum associated with the fast eigenmodes is often subsumed into the continuous Alfv \'en spectrum. Thus fast eigenmodes, become collective modes or quasi-modes. Here we present a spectral decomposition that treats the eigenmodes as having real frequencies but complex wavenumbers. Using this procedure we derive dispersion relations, spatial damping rates, and eigenfunctions for the resonant, fast eigenmodes of the arcade. We demonstrate that resonant absorption introduces a fast mode that would not exist otherwise. This new mode is heavily damped by resonant absorption, only travelling a few wavelengths before losing most of its energy

    Systematic Bias in Helioseismic Measurements of Meridional Circulation Arising from Nonlocal Averaging Kernels

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    Meridional circulation in the solar convection zone plays a profound role in regulating the interior dynamics of the Sun and its magnetism. While it is well accepted that meridional flows move from the equator towards the poles at the Sun's surface, helioseismic observations have yet to provide a definitive answer for the depth at which those flows return to the equator, or the number of circulation cells in depth. In this work, we investigate whether the discrepancies regarding the nature of the return flow are intrinsic to how helioseismic observations are made. We examine the seismic signature of possible meridional flow profiles by convolving time-distance averaging kernels with the mean flows obtained from 3-D hydrodynamic simulations of the solar convection zone. At mid and high latitudes, we find that weak flow structures in the deeper regions of the convection zone can be strongly obscured by signal from the much stronger surface flows. This contamination is the result of extended side lobes in the averaging kernels and generates a spurious equatorward signal of 2--3 m s−1^{-1} at those latitudes, and at ≈70 Mm\approx 70~\mathrm{Mm} depth. At low latitudes, however, the flows in the simulations tend to be stronger and multiple cells across the shell depth can produce a sufficiently strong seismic signal to survive the convolution process. The signal associated with the deep equatorward return flow in the Sun is expected to be weak and in the same sense as the contamination from the surface. Hence, the return flow needs to exceed ∼2\sim 2--3 m s−13~ \mathrm{m~s^{-1}} in magnitude for reported detections to be considered significant.Comment: Submitted to AAS Journal

    Marked Hemodilution Increases Neurologic Injury Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rabbits

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