3 research outputs found

    Towards Efficient Novel Materials Discovery

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    Die Entdeckung von neuen Materialien mit speziellen funktionalen Eigenschaften ist eins der wichtigsten Ziele in den Materialwissenschaften. Das Screening des strukturellen und chemischen Phasenraums nach potentiellen neuen Materialkandidaten wird häufig durch den Einsatz von Hochdurchsatzmethoden erleichtert. Schnelle und genaue Berechnungen sind eins der Hauptwerkzeuge solcher Screenings, deren erster Schritt oft Geometrierelaxationen sind. In Teil I dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Methode der eingeschränkten Geometrierelaxation vorgestellt, welche die perfekte Symmetrie des Kristalls erhält, Resourcen spart sowie Relaxationen von metastabilen Phasen und Systemen mit lokalen Symmetrien und Verzerrungen erlaubt. Neben der Verbesserung solcher Berechnungen um den Materialraum schneller zu durchleuchten ist auch eine bessere Nutzung vorhandener Daten ein wichtiger Pfeiler zur Beschleunigung der Entdeckung neuer Materialien. Obwohl schon viele verschiedene Datenbanken für computerbasierte Materialdaten existieren ist die Nutzbarkeit abhängig von der Darstellung dieser Daten. Hier untersuchen wir inwiefern semantische Technologien und Graphdarstellungen die Annotation von Daten verbessern können. Verschiedene Ontologien und Wissensgraphen werden entwickelt anhand derer die semantische Darstellung von Kristallstrukturen, Materialeigenschaften sowie experimentellen Ergebenissen im Gebiet der heterogenen Katalyse ermöglicht werden. Wir diskutieren, wie der Ansatz Ontologien und Wissensgraphen zu separieren, zusammenbricht wenn neues Wissen mit künstlicher Intelligenz involviert ist. Eine Zwischenebene wird als Lösung vorgeschlagen. Die Ontologien bilden das Hintergrundwissen, welches als Grundlage von zukünftigen autonomen Agenten verwendet werden kann. Zusammenfassend ist es noch ein langer Weg bis Materialdaten für Maschinen verständlich gemacht werden können, so das der direkte Nutzen semantischer Technologien nach aktuellem Stand in den Materialwissenschaften sehr limitiert ist.The discovery of novel materials with specific functional properties is one of the highest goals in materials science. Screening the structural and chemical space for potential new material candidates is often facilitated by high-throughput methods. Fast and still precise computations are a main tool for such screenings and often start with a geometry relaxation to find the nearest low-energy configuration relative to the input structure. In part I of this work, a new constrained geometry relaxation is presented which maintains the perfect symmetry of a crystal, saves time and resources as well as enables relaxations of meta-stable phases and systems with local symmetries or distortions. Apart from improving such computations for a quicker screening of the materials space, better usage of existing data is another pillar that can accelerate novel materials discovery. While many different databases exists that make computational results accessible, their usability depends largely on how the data is presented. We here investigate how semantic technologies and graph representations can improve data annotation. A number of different ontologies and knowledge graphs are developed enabling the semantic representation of crystal structures, materials properties as well experimental results in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. We discuss the breakdown of the knowledge-graph approach when knowledge is created using artificial intelligence and propose an intermediate information layer. The underlying ontologies can provide background knowledge for possible autonomous intelligent agents in the future. We conclude that making materials science data understandable to machines is still a long way to go and the usefulness of semantic technologies in the domain of materials science is at the moment very limited

    Shared metadata for data-centric materials science

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    The expansive production of data in materials science, their widespread sharing and repurposing requires educated support and stewardship. In order to ensure that this need helps rather than hinders scientific work, the implementation of the FAIR-data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) must not be too narrow. Besides, the wider materials-science community ought to agree on the strategies to tackle the challenges that are specific to its data, both from computations and experiments. In this paper, we present the result of the discussions held at the workshop on “Shared Metadata and Data Formats for Big-Data Driven Materials Science”. We start from an operative definition of metadata, and the features that a FAIR-compliant metadata schema should have. We will mainly focus on computational materials-science data and propose a constructive approach for the FAIRification of the (meta)data related to ground-state and excited-states calculations, potential-energy sampling, and generalized workflows. Finally, challenges with the FAIRification of experimental (meta)data and materials-science ontologies are presented together with an outlook of how to meet them

    Shared metadata for data-centric materials science

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    The expansive production of data in materials science, their widespread sharing andrepurposing requires educated support and stewardship. In order to ensure that this needhelps rather than hinders scientific work, the implementation of the FAIR-data principles(Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) must not be too narrow. Besides, thewider materials-science community ought to agree on the strategies to tackle the challengesthat are specific to its data, both from computations and experiments. In this paper, wepresent the result of the discussions held at the workshop on “Shared Metadata and DataFormats for Big-Data Driven Materials Science”. We start from an operative definition ofmetadata, and the features that a FAIR-compliant metadata schema should have. Wewill mainly focus on computational materials-science data and propose a constructiveapproach for the FAIRification of the (meta)data related to ground-state and excited-statescalculations, potential-energy sampling, and generalized workflows. Finally, challenges withthe FAIRification of experimental (meta)data and materials-science ontologies are presentedtogether with an outlook of how to meet them