24 research outputs found

    Chemical Cues for Malaria Vectors Oviposition Site Selection:\ud Challenges and Opportunities

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    The attractiveness of oviposition site for malaria vector mosquitoes is dependent upon a number of physical and chemical factors. Many aspects of mosquito behavior, including host location and oviposition, are mediated by volatile semiochemicals. It is anticipated that selection of oviposition site by semio-chemicals in the form of attractants or stimulants can be used in oviposition traps to monitor or possibly in combination with insecticides to control gravid mosquito populations for mass trapping. So far, volatile compounds identified as oviposition attractants for mosquitoes include phenol, 4-methyl phenol, 4-ethyl phenol, indole, skatole, and p-cresol from hay infusions; 3-carene, terpinene, copaene, cedrene, and d-cadinene released by copepods; alcohol and terpenoids including p-cresol fromplants; ethyl acetate and hydrocarbon substances, probably released by filamentous algae; 3-methyl-1-butanol identified frombacteria. Research priorities should be directed at identifying more oviposition attractants to determine the properties of these semio-chemicals for possible use in designing control tools. This would aim at luring females to lethal traps or stimulants to increase their exposure to insecticide-impregnated substrates.\ud \u

    Recent Outbreaks of Rift Valley Fever in East Africa and the Middle East

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    Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an important neglected, emerging, mosquito-borne disease with severe negative impact on human and animal health. Mosquitoes in the Aedes genus have been considered as the reservoir, as well as vectors, since their transovarially infected eggs withstand desiccation and larvae hatch when in contact with water. However, different mosquito species serve as epizootic/epidemic vectors of RVF, creating a complex epidemiologic pattern in East Africa. The recent RVF outbreaks in Somalia (2006–2007), Kenya (2006–2007), Tanzania (2007), and Sudan (2007–2008) showed extension to districts, which were not involved before. These outbreaks also demonstrated the changing epidemiology of the disease from being originally associated with livestock, to a seemingly highly virulent form infecting humans and causing considerably high-fatality rates. The amount of rainfall is considered to be the main factor initiating RVF outbreaks. The interaction between rainfall and local environment, i.e., type of soil, livestock, and human determine the space-time clustering of RVF outbreaks. Contact with animals or their products was the most dominant risk factor to transfer the infection to humans. Uncontrolled movement of livestock during an outbreak is responsible for introducing RVF to new areas. For example, the virus that caused the Saudi Arabia outbreak in 2000 was found to be the same strain that caused the 1997–98 outbreaks in East Africa. A strategy that involves active surveillance with effective case management and diagnosis for humans and identifying target areas for animal vaccination, restriction on animal movements outside the affected areas, identifying breeding sites, and targeted intensive mosquito control programs has been shown to succeed in limiting the effect of RVF outbreak and curb the spread of the disease from the onset

    Habitat stability and occurrences of malaria vector larvae in western Kenya highlands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the occurrence of malaria vector larvae in the valleys of western Kenya highlands is well documented, knowledge of larval habitats in the uphill sites is lacking. Given that most inhabitants of the highlands actually dwell in the uphill regions, it is important to develop understanding of mosquito breeding habitat stability in these sites in order to determine their potential for larval control.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 128 potential larval habitats were identified in hilltops and along the seasonal streams in the Sigalagala area of Kakamega district, western Kenya. Water availability in the habitats was followed up daily from August 3, 2006 to February 23, 2007. A habitat is defined as stable when it remains aquatic continuously for at least 12 d. Mosquito larvae were observed weekly. Frequencies of aquatic, stable and larvae positive habitats were compared between the hilltop and seasonal stream area using χ<sup>2</sup>-test. Factors affecting the presence/absence of <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>larvae in the highlands were determined using multiple logistic regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Topography significantly affected habitat availability and stability. The occurrence of aquatic habitats in the hilltop was more sporadic than in the stream area. The percentage of habitat occurrences that were classified as stable during the rainy season is 48.76% and 80.79% respectively for the hilltop and stream area. Corresponding frequencies of larvae positive habitats were 0% in the hilltop and 5.91% in the stream area. After the rainy season, only 23.42% of habitat occurrences were stable and 0.01% larvae positive habitats were found in the hilltops, whereas 89.75% of occurrences remained stable in the stream area resulting in a frequency of 12.21% larvae positive habitats. The logistic regression analysis confirmed the association between habitat stability and larval occurrence and indicated that habitat surface area was negatively affecting the occurrence of <it>An. gambiae </it>larvae. While <it>An. gambiae </it>and <it>An. funestus </it>larvae occurred throughout the study period along the streams, a total of only 15 <it>An. gambiae </it>larvae were counted in the hilltops, and no <it>An. funestus </it>were found. Moreover, no larvae managed to develop into adults in the hilltops, and the density of adult <it>An. gambiae </it>was consistently low, averaging at 0.06 females per house per survey.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The occurrence of malaria vector larvae in the hilltop area was uncommon as a result of the low availability and high instability of habitats. To optimize the cost-effectiveness of malaria interventions in the western Kenya highlands, larval control should be focused primarily along the streams, as these are likely the only productive habitats at high altitude.</p

    Extensive permethrin and DDT resistance in Anopheles arabiensis from eastern and central Sudan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The distribution of insecticide treated nets (ITN) has been dramatically scaled up in eastern and central Sudan. Resistance to insecticides has already been reported in this region and there is an urgent need to develop appropriate resistance management strategies, which requires detailed information on the extent and causes of resistance. This study assessed resistance to permethrin and DDT in seven populations of <it>Anopheles arabiensis </it>from Sudan.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three out of the seven populations were defined as resistant to permethrin and five of six populations resistant to DDT according to WHO criteria. The 1014F kdr allele was present in all six populations tested and the presence of this allele was significantly correlated with resistance to permethrin (<it>P </it>= 0.0460). While homozygous 1014F individuals were statistically not more likely to survive (53.7%) permethrin than to be killed (38.6%) by the diagnostic dose, there was no difference in the likelihood of permethrin survival in heterozygotes (<it>P </it>= 0.7973). The susceptible genotypes were more likely to be killed by permethrin exposure than to survive (<it>P </it>= 0.0460). The 1014F allele failed to confer a survival advantage to the WHO diagnostic dose of DDT in either the homozygous or heterozygous state. The 1014S allele was not detected in any of the populations tested.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The kdr allele is certainly contributing to the extensive resistance to permethrin and DDT in Sudan but the high number of DDT (43%) and permethrin (16.7%) survivors that did not contain either kdr alleles suggests that other resistance mechanisms are also present in these populations. The high frequency of permethrin resistance throughout central and eastern Sudan is a cause of great concern for malaria control activities.</p

    Durability associated efficacy of long-lasting insecticidal nets after five years of household use

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) have been strongly advocated for use to prevent malaria in sub-Saharan Africa and have significantly reduced human-vector contact. PermaNet<sup>® </sup>2.0 is among the five LLINs brands which have been given full approval by the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES). The LLINs are expected to protect the malaria endemic communities, but a number of factors within the community can affect their durability and efficacy. This study evaluated the durability, efficacy and retention of PermaNet<sup>® </sup>2.0 after five years of use in a Tanzanian community.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Two to three day- old non blood-fed female mosquitoes from an insectary susceptible colony (<it>An. gambiae </it>s.s, this colony was established at TPRI from Kisumu, Kenya in 1992) and wild mosquito populations (<it>An. arabiensis </it>and <it>Culex quinquefasciatus</it>) were used in cone bioassay tests to assess the efficacy of mosquito nets.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The knockdown effect was recorded after three minutes of exposure, and mortality was recorded after 24 hours post-exposure. Mortality of <it>An. gambiae </it>s.s from insectary colony was 100% while <it>An. arabiensis </it>and <it>Cx.quinquefasciatus </it>wild populations had reduced mortality. Insecticide content of the new (the bed net of the same brand but never used before) and used PermaNet<sup>® </sup>2.0 was determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that, in order to achieve maximum protection against malaria, public health education focusing on bed net use and maintenance should be incorporated into the mass distribution of nets in communities.</p

    Changing Patterns of Malaria Epidemiology between 2002 and 2010 in Western Kenya: The Fall and Rise of Malaria

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    The impact of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) on reducing malaria incidence is shown mainly through data collection from health facilities. Routine evaluation of long-term epidemiological and entomological dynamics is currently unavailable. In Kenya, new policies supporting the provision of free ITNs were implemented nationwide in June 2006. To evaluate the impacts of ITNs on malaria transmission, we conducted monthly surveys in three sentinel sites with different transmission intensities in western Kenya from 2002 to 2010.Longitudinal samplings of malaria parasite prevalence in asymptomatic school children and vector abundance in randomly selected houses were undertaken monthly from February 2002. ITN ownership and usage surveys were conducted annually from 2004 to 2010. Asymptomatic malaria parasite prevalence and vector abundances gradually decreased in all three sites from 2002 to 2006, and parasite prevalence reached its lowest level from late 2006 to early 2007. The abundance of the major malaria vectors, Anopheles funestus and An. gambiae, increased about 5-10 folds in all study sites after 2007. However, the resurgence of vectors was highly variable between sites and species. By 2010, asymptomatic parasite prevalence in Kombewa had resurged to levels recorded in 2004/2005, but the resurgence was smaller in magnitude in the other sites. Household ITN ownership was at 50-70% in 2009, but the functional and effective bed net coverage in the population was estimated at 40.3%, 49.4% and 28.2% in 2010 in Iguhu, Kombewa, and Marani, respectively.The resurgence in parasite prevalence and malaria vectors has been observed in two out of three sentinel sites in western Kenya despite a high ownership of ITNs. The likely factors contributing to malaria resurgence include reduced efficacy of ITNs, insecticide resistance in mosquitoes and lack of proper use of ITNs. These factors should be targeted to avoid further resurgence of malaria transmission