155 research outputs found

    The Development of Indonesian Teacher Competence Questionnaire

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    The enhancement of teacher\u27s quality is crucial, and it remains a challenge in Indonesia. As an effort to achieve a better education quality, a comprehensive reformation of the education system has to be done, especially regarding the aspect of teacher\u27s quality. The cultural uniqueness may impact the different values of competent teachers, make it typical to define a competence teacher from one place to another. Up to the present, there have been wide variations of the instruments used to measure teacher competence, but most are developed with regards to the western culture. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a culturally-sensitive instrument to assess teacher competence based on the situation of the targeted country where the teacher resides. High schools students in Jakarta and greater area participated in this study. Validity and reliability testing were performed to confirm the psychometric property of Teacher Competence Questionnaire (TCQ). It is concluded that TCQ is a valid and reliable instrument to measure teacher competence. Several limitations related to this study are discussed

    Evaluasi Desain Struktur Gedung Training Centre II Universitas Diponegoro

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    Desain struktur dari Gedung Training Centre II Universitas Diponegoro Semarang memiliki jarak antar kolom yang relatif dekat dan jumlah tingkat yang tidak terlalu tinggi, namun memiliki dimensi kolom dan balok yang besar. Dimensi tersebut merupakan hasil perencanaan Konsultan Perencana yang mengacu pada kriteria desain SNI 1726-2002 mengenai struktur gempa, SNI-1727-1989 mengenai pembebanan, dan SNI 2847-2002 mengenai struktur beton, dimana standar-standar tersebut bukan merupakan standar terbaru saat gedung tersebut dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015. Beberapa hal tersebut menjadi dasar dilakukannya evaluasi desain struktur ini. Evaluasi desain struktur gedung dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan ulang dengan mengacu pada kriteria-kriteria saat ini yaitu SNI 1726-2012, SNI 1727-2013, dan 2847-2013. Berdasarkan analisis gempa menunjukkan gedung tersebut termasuk dalam Struktur Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) dan harus menggunakan konsep kolom kuat - balok lemah. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan terjadinya overdesain pada desain eksisting yang direncanakan Konsultan Perencana, perbedaan paling signifikan terjadi pada struktur kolom dan fondasi. Pada beberapa elemen struktur seperti pada pelat untuk ruangan tertentu dan tulangan torsi balok desain eksisiting tidak memenuhi standar yang berlaku

    Pemanfaatan Imaji Bali dari Instagram sebagai Metode Berkarya Seni Rupa Bertemakan Identitas

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    Praktek penciptaan karya seni rupa pada dasarnya memiliki regularitas yang didasari oleh common sense (nalar wajar), dalam proses permulaan, produksi hingga apresiasinya. Dalam sejarah Seni Rupa Indonesia, persoalan itu hadir oleh karena suatu prinsip yang disebutnya sebagai prinsip modernism. Modernisasi yang terjadi di Bali melalui pengaruh orang-orang barat dan utamanya perkembangan pariwisata telah menstrukturkan Bali pada identifikasi tentang tempat yang khas dengan budaya kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakatnya, panorama alam serta suasana mistis-eksotis yang selalu menginspirasi.Penelitian ini melihat pemanfaatan identifikasi tentang Bali, melalui imaji-imaji yang terdapat dalam media sosial Instagram,pada praktek penciptaan karya seni rupa dengan menggunakan nalar wajar yang ditawarkan oleh metodologi visual.Pemanfaatan imaji-imaji tentang Bali yang terdapat pada Instagram telah menggeser situs produksi yang akan menimbulkan makna-makna baru, namun tidak menghilangkan makna-makna dan konteks yang sebelumnya melekat padanya

    Information on the Design of Failure Complex Detection House

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    Lack of attention to the developers of housing complexes in the matter of light,causing less terawatnya this facility. Thus we sometimes see in a housing complexthere are some lighting that is not functioning or damaged. If there are no complaintsfrom the residents, will require a long time to fix it or may not be completelyrepaired.Given the problems above, required a lighting failure detection system that canmonitor all the existing lighting at a housing complex. In this case, the authors use the8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface as an interface (interface) as a lightcontroller that uses the Turbo C as software that provides information to the operatortentrang housing complex lighting conditions


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    Based on the problems that exist in the company, the purpose of this study was to determine how to control the quality of birdnest at CV LVS Probolinggo using the New Seven Tools to minimize defects that occur. New Seven Tools method begins by identifying the root causes of the company and then assign efforts to find a solution that could be done by the company. In this study, the tools used were affinity diagram,relation diagram, tree diagram, matrix diagram, priority matrix, arrow diagram danprocess decision program chart (PDPC)


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    Based on the problems that exist in the company, the purpose of this study was to determine how to control the quality of birdnest at CV LVS Probolinggo using the New Seven Tools to minimize defects that occur. New Seven Tools method begins by identifying the root causes of the company and then assign efforts to find a solution that could be done by the company. In this study, the tools used were affinity diagram,relation diagram, tree diagram, matrix diagram, priority matrix, arrow diagram danprocess decision program chart (PDPC)

    Growth and Development of Bactrocera Carambolae Drew & Handcock (Diptera: Tephritidae) on Three Artificial Diets

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    Pollard and tofu waste as main component of food for Fruit fly (Bactrocera carambolae) gave better nutrition to support their growth and development than tapioca waste. Pollard, tofu waste and tapioca waste contributed to finish fruit fly life cycles 16, 47, 17, 83 and 18.77 days respectively. Oviposition period of fruit fly on pollard was longer than others. Total number of eggs was laid by fruit fly on pollard about twice to three times higher than others. In addition, longest period of male and female adults was shown by pollard. Net reproduction rate (Ro), mean of life span period (T), intrinsic rate of increase (rm), rate of limit rate of increase (λ) and reproduction value (RVx) shown by life table explained that pollard was suitable material for rearing of B. carambolae as diet


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    Based on the problems that exist in the company, the purpose of this study was to determine how to control the quality of birdnest at CV LVS Probolinggo using the New Seven Tools to minimize defects that occur. New Seven Tools method begins by identifying the root causes of the company and then assign efforts to find a solution that could be done by the company. In this study, the tools used were affinity diagram,relation diagram, tree diagram, matrix diagram, priority matrix, arrow diagram danprocess decision program chart (PDPC)
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