12 research outputs found

    Direct laser-written polymer structures for guided-wave optical interconnects

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    This thesis describes the developments of guided-wave optical interconnects suitable for integration with printed circuit boards. The technology is based around direct laser writing of waveguides and other features in a newly developed multifunctional acrylate polymer system, using a He-Cd (325 nm) laser. It was demonstrated that, by writing with a laser spot having top-hat intensity profile, more sharply defined vertical and angled sidewalls could be achieved, compared to conventional methods using a Gaussian beam. Typical dimensions of the multimode waveguides were 50 x 50 J.lm, written with 50 J.lW of optical power with 100 J.lm/s scanning speed. The waveguide losses were measured, using the cut-back technique, to be -0.6 dB/em. A novel oil-immersion technique was developed to.overcome the limitations of refraction of the laser beam at the air / polymer inte~face and hence directly write 45° angled structures in the polymer. Metallised 45° out-of-plane mirrors were fabricated using these angled polymer structures and losses were measured to be ~ 0.8 dB per reflection. Successful coupling of optical signals between waveguides in different layers was also demonstrated in a double layer structure, in which the out-ofplane 45° mirrors provided the necessary optical connectivity. Direct laser writing was also employed to fabricate ~50 J.lm wide and 100 J.lm high polymer bumps for use in flip-chip bonding. Electroless gold plating was used to selectively metallise the polymer bumps and to produce electrical tracks on the substrate. Electrical resistances between the top of the bump and a lower metal pad were measured as less than ~5 ohms.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Ecological studies on high-rate biological filters with special reference to microbial biosynthesis and nitrification

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    Pilot scale studies of high rate filtration were initiated to assess its potential as either a primary 'roughing' filter to alleviate the seasonal overloading of low rate filters on Hereford sewage treatment works - caused by wastes from cider production - or as a two stage high rate process to provide complete sewage treatment. Four mineral and four plastic primary filter media and two plastic secondary filter media were studied. The hydraulic loading applied to the primary plastic media (11.2 m3 /m3 .d) was twice that applied to the mineral media. The plastic media removed an average around 66 percent and the mineral media around 73 percent of the BOD applied when the 90 percentile BOD concentration was 563 mg/1. At a hydraulic loading of 4 m3 /m3 .d the secondary filters removed most of the POD from partially settled primary filter effluents, with one secondary effluent satisfying a 25 mg/1 BOD and 30 mg/1 SS standard. No significant degree of nitrification was achieved. Fungi dominated the biological film of the primary filters, with invertebrate grazers having little influence on film levels. Ponding did not arise, and modular media supported lower film levels than random-fill types. Secondary filter film levels were low, being dominated by bacteria. The biological loading applied to the filters was related to sludge dewaterability, with the most readily conditionable sludges produced by filters supporting heavy film. Sludges produced by random-fill media could be dewatered as readily as those produced by low rate filters treating the same sewage. Laboratory scale studies showed a relationship between log effluent BOD and nitrification achieved by biological filters. This relationship and the relationship between BOD load applied and removed observed in all filter media could he used to optimise operating conditions required in biological filters to achieve given effluent BOD and ammoniacal nitrogen standards

    Innovative optical and electronic interconnect printed circuit board manufacturing research

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    An overview of the £1.3 million EPSRC and company matched funded Innovative electronics Manufacturing Research Centre (IeMRC) Flagship project between 3 UK universities and 10 companies entitled "Integrated Optical and Electronic Interconnect PCB Manufacturing". The project aims to develop of optical waveguide design rules, layout software, fabrication methods compatible with commercial production, characterisation techniques and optical connector design to provide a supply chain for Polymer Multimode Optical Waveguide Printed Circuit Boards (OPCB) for 10 Gb/s board-to-board interconnections

    Integrated optical and electronic interconnect printed circuit board manufacturing

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    Introduction: At high bit rates copper tracks in printed circuit boards (PCBs) suffer severe loss and pulse distortion due to radiation of electromagnetic waves, dispersion and bandwidth limitations. The loss can be overcome to some extent by transmitting higher power pulses and by changing the dielectric constant and loss tangent of the PCB substrate material. However, high power pulses consume power and can cause electro-migration which reduces the board lifetime, although the copper tracks can be surrounded by another metal to prevent this at the expense of further processing steps. The use of special board materials can be costly and some materials containing high dielectric constant crystallites can cause poor adhesion. The pulse distortion, dispersion and bandwidth limitations can be overcome to some extent by the use of pulse pre-emphasis and adaptive equalisation at further cost. Electromagnetic waves are radiated efficiently at high bit rates removing power from the track so causing loss, but more importantly they are also received efficiently by other nearby and distant copper tracks on the same PCB, or on adjacent PCBs, or PCBs and other electrical conductors outside of the system enclosure. This EMI crosstalk causes increased noise and so degrades the signal to noise ratio and the bit error rate of the copper track interconnections. Therefore, the main forces driving the development of alternative interconnect technologies are the EMI crosstalk, which becomes increasingly more serious as bit rates increase for longer and denser interconnects, and secondly the cost of overcoming the other problems that occur in copper interconnects at high bit rates. Optical fibres have replaced copper cables for long distance, backbone and submarine applications where they offer wide bandwidths for low loss, produce and receive no electromagnetic interference, and are relatively low cost. Optical interconnects are beginning to penetrate the markets at shorter distances, such as in local area networks, and as their cost is reduced, will be used within the system enclosure. The use of optics is expected to occur first where the problems for copper are most significant which is for high bit rate, dense interconnections in large area backplanes within non-conducting enclosures. Optical fibres are not the most convenient for interconnections within a system as they can only bend through a large radius of about 10 cm, otherwise light escapes from the fibre core into the cladding resulting in loss and signal corruption. Fibre connectors form a major part of the cost of the optical interconnect and a system with many fibres has many costly connectors. The fibres must be individually routed and errors in routing are time consuming to debug and correct. The fibres can be laid flat on the PCB plane and even bonded together within an epoxy layer, but this is not suited to low cost mass production. An alternative technology suitable for low cost mass production is that of multimode polymer buried channel optical waveguide interconnections within layers in the multilayer PCB formed by the same, or slightly modified, processes already available within PCB manufacturing facilities. Copper tracks are still required in such substrates to transmit power through the backplane (or motherboard), Figure 1, in order to power mezzanine (or line, or drive, or daughter) boards and copper is still a practical and low cost option at low data rates. Hence, there is a need to develop a new type of multilayer hybrid PCB in which optical waveguide interconnects are used for the highest data rates, with copper tracks for lower data rates and for power lines and earth planes. These issues have been anticipated by system design companies such as Xyratex Technology, IBM Zurich and Siemens C-Labs, microprocessor designers such as Intel and materials development companies such as Dow Corning, NTT, Rohm and Haas and Exxelis, who have instituted research in their own laboratories and in associated universities into optical waveguide interconnect technology. Leading Universities and Research Institutions such as Cambridge (CAPE), University College London (UCL), Heriot Watt University, Loughborough University, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), IMEC - Ghent University, TFCG Microsystems, Belgium, Paderborn University, Germany, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland and ETRI, South Korea are developing novel polymer materials, developing fabrication techniques, discovering design rules for waveguide layout and carrying out precision characterisation. Optical buried channel waveguides usually have a core with an approximately square or rectangular cross section made from a high refractive index (slow speed of light) material and a cladding surrounding the core of a lower refractive index (higher speed of light). They operate by total internal reflection (TIR) in a similar way to optical fibres. The cost of waveguide connectors is minimised by choosing to use multi-mode waveguides which typically have cores of 40 - 70micron width which can tolerate more misalignment than single mode waveguides. The optical buried channel waveguides are formed on a plane by a variety of fabrication techniques which can be implemented, after slight adaptation, in PCB manufacturers. Arrays of low-cost vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) emitting 850 nm wavelength and arrays of photodiodes operating at 1 0 Gb/s are readily available at low-cost for use in optical transmitters and receivers. At this wavelength, polymer is a convenient low-loss material for use as the core and cladding. Polymers can be chosen or designed which can be easily processed to form waveguides at low temperatures, have low cost, and can withstand subsequent high temperature reflow soldering processes. For optical printed circuit boards to be brought into widespread use, layout tools must be made readily available which design both the copper tracks and the optical waveguides [1]. In 2006 David R. Selviah of UCL, formed a large consortium of complementary universities and companies and led a successful bid to carry out a Flagship project entitled “Integrated Optical and Electronic Interconnect PCB Manufacturing (OPCB)” in the Innovative Electronics Manufacturing Research Centre (IeMRC). The consortium companies represented a complete supply and manufacturing chain and route to market for the polymer waveguide technology including companies manufacturing PCB layout tools, computer programs for modelling the behaviour of multimode waveguides, developing and supplying low loss polymer formulations, manufacturing multilayer PCBs, supplying printer fabrication equipment together with end user system companies who require optical printed circuit boards. The following sections describe the project’s objectives, the approaches being taken and some examples of what has been achieved so far in the project with an indication of future directions