1,334 research outputs found

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    «Agotamiento» en la era digital

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    La Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 3 de julio de 2012 ha abierto intensos debates acerca de la aplicabilidad de la regla conocida como del «agotamiento del derecho de distribución» a todas aquellas obras de propiedad intelectual recogidas en formato digital en un soporte no físico. Hasta 2012 se entendía que la regla del agotamiento sólo era aplicable a aquellas obras de propiedad intelectual comercializadas en un soporte (o corpus mysticum) físico; sin embargo, el Tribunal hace una interpretación por la cual actualiza está regla a la economía digital, entendiendo que cuando (como en el caso juzgado) se celebra un contrato de licencia de uso de programa de ordenador sin limitación temporal y éste es descargado directamente online desde la web del titular de los derechos el contrato es análogo a una compraventa a los efectos de entender aplicable la regla del agotamiento. En este artículo se analizan las fases por las que ha pasado la economía digital en cuanto a la transmisión de contenidos digitales (divididas en tres periodos) así como otras figuras próximas a la regla del agotamiento como son la doctrina de la primera venta y la licencia implícita; así como las consecuencias desde un punto de vista económico que puede tener una interpretación más o menos expansiva de las posibilidades del titular de los derechos de introducir medidas tecnológicas de protección en las obras de propiedad intelectual que comercializa, conocidas como Digital Right Management.The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 3 July 2012 (UsedSoft v. Oracle) opened intense debates about the applicability of the rule known as «exhaustion of the right of distribution» to all those works of intellectual property collected in digital format on a non-physical medium. Until 2012 it was understood that the rule of exhaustion was only applicable to those works of intellectual property marketed in a physical support (or corpus mysticum). Nevertheless, the Court makes an interpretation in which it updates the rule to the digital economy understanding that when (as in the case in court) a license agreement without temporal limitation for the use of a computer program is concluded and the program is downloaded directly online from the rights holder's websíte, the contract is analogous to a sale with regards to the rule of exhaustion. This article analyses the phases through which the digital economy has gone through in terms of the transmission of digital content (divided into three periods) as well as other figures close to the rule of exhaustion as the doctrine of the first sale and the implied license; as well as the consequences that could have a more or less expansive interpretation of the possibilities of the right holder to introduce technological protection measures in the works of intellectual property that he commercializes known Digital Right Management, from an economic point of view

    Degradation of Leaf Litter by Composting and its Effect on Growth of Solanum

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    Compost is the stable, humus-like product resulting from the biological decomposition of organic matter under controlled conditions. Compost is a rich source of vitamins, hormones, enzymes, macro and micro nutrients which when applied to plants help in efficient growth. The major thrust of this investigation was focused on the biodegradation of the leaf litter to produce compost. The present study has been carried out to analyze enzymes, physicochemical characteristics, and micro and macro nutrients present in the compost at regular interval of time and also a comparative study was done on the effect of compost on growth parameters namely germination percentage, root length, shoot length and number of leaf count in Solanum lycopersicum after 30th day of planting. The results of the study revealed that the enzyme activities (amylase, cellulase, protease and invertase) and total macronutrients (N, P, K ) and micronutrients (Mn and Cu) showed elevated levels in compost than control. The compost applied plant (Solanum lycopersicum) showed increased germination percentage, root length, shoot length and number of leaves than the compost untreated plant. Hence based on the studies performed it was concluded that this quality of compost obtained from the degradation of leaf litter by microorganism is an effective biofertilizer which would facilitate the increased uptake of the nutrients by the plants resulting in higher growth and yield

    Increasing BSN Student Understanding of Pathology & How the Disease Process Can Effect Multiple Organ Systems

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    Schoolchildren in the Principality of Liechtenstein are mildly iodine deficient

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    Abstract Objective To investigate the iodine status of schoolchildren in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Design A representative, cross-sectional principality-wide screening of iodine level in household salt and urinary iodine concentrations (UIC) in primary-school children. Data were compared with the WHO criteria and with 2009 iodine survey data from Switzerland, a neighbouring country that supplies most of the salt used in Liechtenstein. Settings Principality of Liechtenstein. Subjects Schoolchildren (n 228) aged 6-12 years from five different primary schools representing 11·4 % of the children at this age. Results The median UIC was 96 (range: 10-446) μg/l; 11 %, 56 % and 1 % of children had a UIC 300 μg/l, respectively. In all, 79 % of households were using adequately iodised salt (≥15 ppm). The median UIC was 20 % lower than that in children at comparable age in Switzerland (120 μg/l; P < 0·05). Conclusions According to the WHO criteria, schoolchildren in Liechtenstein are mildly iodine deficient and household iodised salt coverage is inadequate. Public health measures to increase iodine intakes in the Principality should be considere

    The material side of virtualization

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    The Environmental Informatics community could recently celebrate its 20th anniversary. The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to problems of environmental research and management has made considerable progress and contributes to sustainable development. Moreover, ICT has the potential to virtualize processes that would otherwise consume considerable amounts of material and energy; virtual meetings, for instance, could avoid 97-98% of the CO2 emissions of physical meetings.The time, space, material and energy needed to provide a unit of ICT service have roughly decreased by a factor of 1000 since the first PC was sold. It seems therefore natural that researchers and industries using ICT in the environmental field ignore the environmental impacts caused by ICT hardware &ndash; they are just negligible compared to the environmental benefits that can be realized with the applications.Paradoxically, it is the progress in ICT hardware efficiency that has made ICT a part of the problem, too. The global mass and energy flows caused throughout the hardware life cycle are increasing due to the wide-spread use of ICT products and their decreasing useful lives. The environ-mental problems caused by the production, use and disposal of ICT hard-ware are solvable in principle; they are not as hard as the discrepancy between - e.g. - growing mobility and CO2 reduction goals. But problems can only be solved if they are not neglected

    Környezeti informatika és a fenntartható információs társadalom víziója

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    A tanulmány a kibontakozó információs társadalom és a fenntarthatóság mint cél közötti kapcsolatokat tárgyalja. Hogyan járulhat hozzá az információs technológia a fenntartható fejlődéshez? Melyek az információs társadalom lehetőségei és kockázatai a fenntarthatóság mint elérendő cél szempontjából? A szerző az információs és kommunikációs technológiák (IKT) és a fenntarthatóság közötti kölcsönhatások két fő területét, nevezetesen a környezeti információk feldolgozásával foglalkozó környezeti informatikát (Environmental Informatics) és az információs társadalom működésében releváns szerepet játszó technológiák (röviden: információs társadalmi technológiák) hatásait vizsgálja

    Position Statement of 5 July 2022 on the Decision of the WTO Ministerial Conference on the TRIPS Agreement adopted on 17 June 2022

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    On 17 June 2022, after nearly one and a half years of intense debate concerning the proposal to waive IP protection in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization adopted a decision on the TRIPS Agreement. It has not waived any intellectual property rights as such but instead mainly clarified the application of the existing TRIPS flexibilities, in particular, regarding compulsory licensing of patents. The Position Statement shows that the Ministerial Decision makes no substantive difference in the existing international legal framework, except for lifting the limitation on the exportation of vaccines manufactured in accordance with the Decision. To the extent that the Decision can make the application of TRIPS flexibilities more expedient, it is to be welcomed. At the same time, it is argued that such facilitating effect should not be limited to, or justified by, the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. More critically, it should not be restricted to COVID-19 vaccines, of which there is currently no shortage – rather, the same level of TRIPS flexibilities should apply to all medicinal products needed to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic