1,324 research outputs found

    A Comparison of the Ovulation Method With the CUE Ovulation Predictor in Determining the Fertile Period

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the CUE Ovulation Predictor with the ovulation method in determining the fertile period. Eleven regularly ovulating women measured their salivary and vaginal electrical resistance (ER) with the CUE, observed their cervical-vaginal mucus, and measured their urine for a luteinizing hormone (LH) surge on a daily basis. Data from 21 menstrual cycles showed no statistical difference (T= 0.33, p= 0.63) between the CUE fertile period, which ranged from 5 to 10 days (mean = 6.7 days, SD = 1.6), and the fertile period of the ovulation method, which ranged from 4 to 9 days (mean = 6.5 days, SD = 2.0). The CUE has potential as an adjunctive device in the learning and use of natural family planning methods

    A critical developmental window for ELAV/Hu-dependent mRNA signatures at the onset of neuronal differentiation

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    Cell-type-specific gene regulatory programs are essential for cell differentiation and function. In animal neurons, the highly conserved ELAV/Hu family of proteins promotes alternative splicing and polyadenylation of mRNA precursors to create unique neuronal transcript isoforms. Here, we assess transcriptome profiles and neurogenesis success in Drosophila models engineered to express differing levels of ELAV activity in the course of development. We show that the ELAV-mediated establishment of a subset of neuronal mRNA isoforms at the onset of neuron differentiation constitutes a developmental bottleneck that cannot be overcome later by the nuclear activation of the paralog found in neurons (FNE). Loss of ELAV function outside of that critical time window results in neurological defects. We find that FNE, when activated early enough, can restore ELAV-dependent neuronal mRNA isoforms and fully rescue development. Our findings demonstrate the essential role of robust cellular strategies to maintain ELAV activity and intact neuronal signatures in neurogenesis and neuronal function

    ERDO - a framework to select an appropriate randomization procedure for clinical trials

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    Background: Randomization is considered to be a key feature to protect against bias in randomized clinical trials. Randomization induces comparability with respect to known and unknown covariates, mitigates selection bias, and provides a basis for inference. Although various randomization procedures have been proposed, no single procedure performs uniformly best. In the design phase of a clinical trial, the scientist has to decide which randomization procedure to use, taking into account the practical setting of the trial with respect to the potential of bias. Less emphasis has been placed on this important design decision than on analysis, and less support has been available to guide the scientist in making this decision.Methods: We propose a framework that weights the properties of the randomization procedure with respect to practical needs of the research question to be answered by the clinical trial. In particular, the framework assesses the impact of chronological and selection bias on the probability of a type I error. The framework is applied to a case study with a 2-arm parallel group, single center randomized clinical trial with continuous endpoint, with no-interim analysis, 1:1 allocation and no adaptation in the randomization process.Results: In so doing, we derive scientific arguments for the selection of an appropriate randomization procedure and develop a template which is illustrated in parallel by a case study. Possible extensions are discussed.Conclusion: The proposed ERDO framework guides the investigator through a template for the choice of a randomization procedure, and provides easy to use tools for the assessment. The barriers for the thorough reporting and assessment of randomization procedures could be further reduced in the future when regulators and pharmaceutical companies employ similar, standardized frameworks for the choice of a randomization procedure

    Coupling of diagenetic alterations and mechanical properties of Lower Permian siliciclastic sandstones: a pilot study

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    Initial detrital composition and authigenic alterations during diagenesis of three sandstone types are related to their mechanical properties. Sandstones were prepared for geotechnical standard tests [density, uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), Young’s modulus (E), strain at failure (ε)] and thin sections for petrographic analyses (point counting). UCS ranges from 3 to 62 MPa and positively correlates with density (1.75–2.35 g/cm3) and E (0.3–12.7 GPa). Optical porosity is controlling these mechanical parameters and was linked to diagenetic alterations. Diagenetic alterations affecting porosity reduction are the abundance of clay minerals, and the intensity of mechanical and chemical compaction. The latter is controlled by clay mineral coatings on contacts between detrital grains, and the occurrence of authigenic quartz and dolomite. Horizontal contact lengths of grains normalized to their respective particle diameter (effective contact ratio, ECR) and porosity are identified as a control on the mechanical properties UCS and E, reflected by the rock strength index SR. The results of this pilot study suggest that SR is able to predict UCS and E based on petrographic information obtained from the studied samples. These results enhance the understanding of the coupling between mineralogy and geomechanics and highlight the impact of diagenesis on geomechanical behavior

    Geologische und STEEPLE-Aspekte zur überregionalen Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen zur Herstellung von Beton

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    Die weitere Zunahme der Weltbevölkerung und des Wohlstands wird bis zum Jahr 2060 zu einer Verdoppelung der Rohstoffexploration auf mindestens 86 Gt führen. Recycling allein wird den globalen Bedarf nicht decken können. Nutzungskonflikte können jedoch auch zukünftig verhindert werden, weil Baurohstoffe geologisch in ausreichender Menge verfügbar sind. Allerdings wird die Verfügbarkeit von qualitativ hochwertigem Kalkstein, Sand und Kies sowie Gips und Anhydrit für die Betonherstellung durch den anthropogenen Druck, die regionale Verteilung, politische, ökonomische, sozial-ethische, technologische, Umwelt und gesetzliche Aspekte begrenzt. Der Rückgang der Schwerindustrie und der Kohleverstromung in Deutschland führt zu geringeren verfügbaren Mengen an Hüttensand, Flugasche und REA-Gips. Deren Import, Substitution und neue Lagerstätten sind zur Deckung des Bedarfs der Bauindustrie notwendig. Der Anteil an R- (recycling) und M- (manufactured) Baustoffen kann erhöht werden, wenn Innovationen eine qualitativ hochwertige Sortierung gewährleisten. Der Megatrend Digitalisierung ermöglicht hierbei Effizienzsteigerungen in der Rohstoffgewinnung, der Bauindustrie, dem Recycling und an den Schnittstellen zu den Behörden. Die heimische Industrie kann bei geeigneten Randbedingungen auch mittelfristig den Rohstoffbedarf decken, globalem Protektionismus entgegenwirken und die Versorgungssicherheit gewährleisten. Eine attraktive und gesellschaftlich akzeptierte Rohstoffindustrie bündelt technisches Wissen und Innovation einer vertikalen Wertschöpfungskette bei Exploration, Produktion und Recycling. Langfristige Genehmigungsprozesse, unterschiedliche Nutzungsinteressen und die öffentliche Wahrnehmung erschweren die unternehmerische Tätigkeit. Auch eine Ausbildung im Bereich der Rohstoffexploration im Rohstoffland Deutschland wird weniger attraktiv. Damit gehen technisches Wissen und Innovationskraft sukzessive verloren