1,466 research outputs found

    Bose-Fermi mixtures in 1D optical superlattices

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    The zero temperature phase diagram of binary boson-fermion mixtures in two-colour superlattices is investigated. The eigenvalue problem associated with the Bose-Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian is solved using an exact numerical diagonalization technique, supplemented by an adaptive basis truncation scheme. The physically motivated basis truncation allows to access larger systems in a fully controlled and very flexible framework. Several experimentally relevant observables, such as the matter-wave interference pattern and the condensatefraction, are investigated in order to explore the rich phase diagram. At symmetric half filling a phase similar to the Mott-insulating phase in a commensurate purely bosonic system is identified and an analogy to recent experiments is pointed out. Furthermore a phase of complete localization of the bosonic species generated by the repulsive boson-fermion interaction is identified. These localized condensates are of a different nature than the genuine Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Triple Michelson Interferometer for a Third-Generation Gravitational Wave Detector

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    The upcoming European design study `Einstein gravitational-wave Telescope' represents the first step towards a substantial, international effort for the design of a third-generation interferometric gravitational wave detector. It is generally believed that third-generation instruments might not be installed into existing infrastructures but will provoke a new search for optimal detector sites. Consequently, the detector design could be subject to fewer constraints than the on-going design of the second generation instruments. In particular, it will be prudent to investigate alternatives to the traditional L-shaped Michelson interferometer. In this article, we review an old proposal to use three Michelson interferometers in a triangular configuration. We use this example of a triple Michelson interferometer to clarify the terminology and will put this idea into the context of more recent research on interferometer technologies. Furthermore the benefits of a triangular detector will be used to motivate this design as a good starting point for a more detailed research effort towards a third-generation gravitational wave detector.Comment: Minor corrections to the main text and two additional appendices. 14 pages, 6 figure

    Photon pressure induced test mass deformation in gravitational-wave detectors

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    A widely used assumption within the gravitational-wave community has so far been that a test mass acts like a rigid body for frequencies in the detection band, i.e. for frequencies far below the first internal resonance. In this article we demonstrate that localized forces, applied for example by a photon pressure actuator, can result in a non-negligible elastic deformation of the test masses. For a photon pressure actuator setup used in the gravitational wave detector GEO600 we measured that this effect modifies the standard response function by 10% at 1 kHz and about 100% at 2.5 kHz
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