263 research outputs found

    Gambling-related harms: Developing priorities for harm reduction policy setting

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    As jurisdictions worldwide have overseen gambling expansion, most have implemented regulatory and public policy regimes to reduce harm. This study was conducted to specify the nature and extent of gambling-related harm that public policy efforts could prevent or mitigate in Ontario, Canada. Research has historically operationalized harm from gambling as cases of disordered gambling; and policy work has focused on the prevalence and treatment of these cases. Recent work to fully conceptualize and measure gambling-related harm in individual gamblers, their families, and communities (Blaszczynski et al, 2015, Browne et al., 2016, 2017; Langham et al., 2016,) dovetailed with the desire of policy makers in Ontario to measure the return on investment (ROI) of harm reduction efforts. To develop priorities for harm reduction policy-setting, investigators conducted extensive literature reviews, Delphi consensus process, in-depth interviews, and knowledge translation workshops with two informant groups: international research experts on gambling harm; and, Ontario policy leaders from ministries and agencies involved in gambling operation, regulation, and harm reduction. Findings outline expert opinion of effective evaluation metrics, data requirements, stakeholder roles, and harm reduction strategies. This research contributes methodological and evidentiary guidance for policy makers to identify priority harms and measure ROI from harm reduction programming

    Gestão macroeconômica e controles de capitais

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    Esta nota discute as implicações da imposição de controles de capitais sobre variáveis macroeconômicas, tanto no que diz respeito a políticas de estabilização, quanto no que diz respeito a crescimento econômico de longo prazo. Vasta evidência empírica permite sugerir que, a despeito de seus custos microeconômicos e duvidosas vantagens macroeconômicas, existe um espaço, ainda que limitado, para que controles de capitais sejam úteis no alcance de determinados objetivos econômicos

    Parents, employment, gender and well-being: a time use study

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    Transformations in the economy have led to changes in employment practices that can create a mismatch between parents’ work schedules and family routines. At the same time, approaches to child-rearing have become more time-intensive, with expectations of increased parental involvement in all aspects of children’s lives compared to previous generations. Mothers are subject to a more intensified maternal role and for fathers, the provider role is no longer sufficient. There are strong social pressures for more active participation in children’s lives and to nurture greater emotional connectivity in the parent-child relationship. These transformations in parenting and employment practices have contributed to a situation where parents now report increased levels of time pressure and greater dissatisfaction with the balance between work and the rest of their lives. The purpose of this study was to develop a broader understanding of how mothers and fathers with school-age children allocate their time, how it varies by household composition, season of the year, and work schedule, and how time use is related to subjective well-being. Given the role that leisure may play in creating a more satisfactory work-life balance, special attention was given to the amount of time available for leisure, with whom this time was spent and the relationship to quality of life. The gender relations perspective provided a theoretical framework since role expectations and experiences of parenthood differ for mothers and fathers. By considering individual, interpersonal, institutional and socio-historical levels of influence, patterns of behaviour may be better understood within the Canadian social context. This study is a secondary analysis of the 2005 Canadian General Social Survey, Cycle 19. Using a sub-sample of 2,062 parents of school-age children (ages 5-17 years), patterns of time use and perceptions of quality of life were assessed and compared by gender according to household composition, season of the school year, work schedule and flexible work option. Work schedules were categorized as traditional (daytime, no weekends), non-standard (evening, weekend and rotating shifts) and irregular (unpredictable, with “on call”, casual, or other irregular patterns). Gender inequality in the allocation of time to important life spheres remained substantial even when faced with very complex challenges in coordinating employment arrangements, family routines, and the school year schedule. With the exception of single fathers, men spent more time on employment-related activities than women regardless of work schedule, while women continued to perform greater amounts of domestic and child care activities. Combined workloads of paid and unpaid labour were significantly different only among single mothers and fathers. For married or cohabitating parents, the distribution of paid and unpaid labour was asymmetrical but the combined workload was not significantly different. Fathers continued to be privileged with greater amounts of leisure time. This was especially noticeable for men with non-standard work schedules and fathers of teenage children. Seasonal differences in time use indicated that women’s routines were more linked to the school year than men’s because of their greater child care responsibilities. When irregular or non-standard schedules were in place that could create more optimal conditions for reconsidering time allocation, parents still followed activity patterns that reproduced traditional gender roles. For women, non-standard schedules were the most detrimental to quality of life, whereas for men irregular schedules decreased well-being. Flexible schedules also perpetuated inequality in the distribution of paid work, unpaid work and leisure although quality of life actually improved for women. This improved quality of life may be attributable to more time spent on activities with physical health benefits or increased options for daily schedules, but it also leads to questions about how much control mothers actually have over their time and whether they recognize or care to challenge the inequalities that persist in the distribution of labour and leisure. Quality of life was diminished by conditions that contributed to a deviation from traditional role expectations. Some of these included not having a partner, women’s work schedules that conflicted with other family members, and for men, having an irregular and unpredictable work schedule. Since these conditions are characteristic of a sizable minority of Canadians parents, their experiences should not be dismissed but rather given greater attention. Additionally, future discussions of work-life integration should consider access to leisure since time for leisure was shown to contribute to parents’ quality of life. The gender relations perspective proved to be helpful in interpreting and understanding the dynamics of time use and behaviour. The four levels of interaction were highly interconnected, but changing institutional conditions such as employment schedules did not lead to greater equality. Instead, non-traditional work schedules widened the gender gap, particularly for child care and domestic activities. Dominant parenting practices were shown to be so deeply imbedded that stereotypical patterns remained a prevailing force guiding men’s and women’s daily activities. The GSS data, despite some limitations, provided considerable insight into the effect of parents’ employment and gender on time use and well-being. The findings of this study underscore the relevance of considering multiple levels of influence when assessing parenting practices, gendered behaviour, and quality of life for employed parents

    Specification methods for material-handling control algorithms in flexible manufacturing systems

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    Good methods are needed to specify, test, and debug material-handling control logic. This article surveys a number of representative methods for defining and describing control algorithms for programmable material-handling equipment used in flexible manufacturing systems. The methods are evaluated with regard to their suitability for communication between people and as bases for interfaces to automatic program generators. It is concluded that no single method is entirely satisfactory. Three methods (position diagrams, function block diagrams, and operation networks) have potential to be combined into an effective hybrid approach that minimizes the need for the user to switch between various conceptual models.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45519/1/10696_2004_Article_BF00170208.pd

    The Relationship between Physical Inactivity and Family Life Course Stage

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    Physical inactivity is a well-documented risk factor for numerous chronic diseases and a major public health problem in Canada. Since social-ecological models suggest that behaviour is influenced by the person as well as the social and physical environment, it is important to be sensitive to other factors when examining physical activity participation. The purpose of this study was to explore the associations between physical inactivity, marital status and family stage for men and women in Canada. The study was based on data from the Canadian Community Health Survey, Cycle 2.1, for adults aged 18-64 living with a spouse or partner (with or without children) or single living with children. Respondents were classified as inactive or active according to self-reported leisure-time physical activity. Logistic regression was used to examine gender differences in the relationship between household composition and physical inactivity. Explanatory variables included parents’ age, sex, age of youngest child, income adequacy and interview mode. Family stage was significantly associated with adult physical inactivity levels. Individuals with very young children (\u3c 6 years old) were more likely to be inactive compared to childless adults or those with older children (\u3e12 years old). Having children between 6-12 years old was related to increased physical activity, possibly due to more family leisure pursuits involving physical activity. Living with a partner was associated with greater physical inactivity, particularly when controlling for income adequacy. Furthermore, those with high income adequacy were less likely to be inactive, and having a very young child increased this difference. In conclusion, family life course stage and income adequacy were most influential in determining levels of physical inactivity. Therefore, physically active leisure programs targeting adults with very young children, particularly those at lower income levels, may be helpful in increasing physical activity and decreasing health risks associated with inactivity. Margo Hilbrecht is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Guelph’s Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being. She recently received her Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo in Recreation and Leisure Studies. Her research focuses on time use and work-life integration as it pertains to non-traditional work arrangements, gender and leisure. These interests extend to perceptions of time pressure and stress associated with the coordination of employment, school, and leisure activities in families with school-age children. Her current research explores the social and health consequences of unpredictable work schedules for parents employed in the retail sector

    Determinantes econômicos, políticos e institucionais da política fiscal do estado do Rio Grande do Sul entre 1964 e 1998

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    The current literature on the political economy of the public deficit assumes the possibility of that in addition to economic factors, are determinants of the public deficit order factors political and institutional changes such as institutional regime change, electoral legislation andBudget institutions. The purpose of this article is to verify the applicability of this the case of the state of Rio Grande do Sul in the period between the years of 1964 and 1998 from the use of the intertemporal budget restriction of the government and techniques of the unitary and cointegration root literature, the balance of between the variable expenses and per capita revenue, and the estimated mechanism of correction based on economic, political and institutional factors. It is concluded that the adjustment variable used by the State government is the per capita expenditure, and that the models of interest groups are verified by the present study, as well as the influence of the political system and fiscal institutions.A literatura corrente sobre a economia política do déficit público assume a hipótese de que além de fatores econômicos, são determinantes do déficit público fatores de ordens político e institucional tais como mudança de regime institucional, legislação eleitoral e instituições orçamentárias. O objetivo deste artigo é verificar a aplicabilidade dessa hipótese para o caso do estado do Rio Grande do Sul no período compreendido entre os anos de 1964 e 1998 a partir da utilização da restrição orçamentária intertemporal do governo e técnicas da literatura de raiz unitária e co-integração, testa-se o equilíbrio de longo prazo entre as variáveis despesas e receita per capita, e estima-se o mecanismo de correção com base em fatores de ordem econômica, política e institucional. Conclui-se que a variável de ajuste utilizada pelo governo do estado é a despesa per capita, e que os modelos de grupos de interesses são verificados pelo presente estudo, assim como a influência do sistema político e das instituições fiscais

    Routing of western Canadian Plains runoff during the 8.2 ka cold event

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    The collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet over Hudson Bay ∼8.47 ka allowed the rapid drainage of glacial Lake Agassiz into the Labrador Sea, an event identified as causing a reduction in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and the 8.2 ka cold event. Atmosphere-ocean models simulations based on this forcing, however, fail to reproduce several characteristics of this event, particularly its duration. Here we use planktonic foraminifera U/Ca records to document the routing of western Canadian Plains runoff that accompanied ice-sheet collapse. Geochemical modeling of the ∼7 nmol/mol increase in U/Ca at the opening of Hudson Bay indicates an increase in freshwater discharge of 0.13 ± 0.03 Sverdrups (106 m3 s−1) from routing, a sufficient magnitude to cause an AMOC reduction. We suggest that this routing event suppressed AMOC strength for several centuries after the drainage of Lake Agassiz, explaining multi-centennial climate anomalies associated with the 8.2 ka cold event

    Richard Löwenherz im Museum : Menschen und Objekte in Bewegung

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    Irgendwo in unserem sogenannten Allgemeinwissen über das Mittelalter ist auch die Vorstellung verankert, dass das Leben früher ruhiger, gemütlicher und nicht so hektisch war wie heute. Früher, als die Welt noch ‚normal’ war, hatten die meisten Menschen einen festen Lebensmittelpunkt, waren fest verwurzelt in einer Gemeinschaft und verließen ihre Heimat nur dann, wenn es sich gar nicht vermeiden lies. Nur wenige – nämlich die besonders Überprivilegierten und die besonders Unterprivilegierten -, also die, die es sich leisten konnten oder die, die dazu gezwungen wurden, waren unterwegs. Alle anderen blieben ein Leben lang zuhause, an dem Ort, an dem sie ihren festen Lebensmittelpunkt hatten. Soweit unser intuitives Vorwissen darüber, wie es früher, also auch schon im Mittelalter, gewesen sein muss. Dieses mehr ‚gefühlte’ als wissenschaftlich erwiesene Vorwissen haben wir im Rahmen eines Hauptseminars zur Geschichte des Mittelalters im Herbst 2017 gründlich hinterfragt. Ausgangspunkt war die Ausstellung „Richard Löwenherz“, die im September am Historischen Museum der Pfalz in Speyer eröffnet wurde. Ein Seminar zum Thema führte uns auf die Spuren der im Museum gezeigten Objekte, von dort auf die Spuren der Menschen im Umfeld des berühmten Königs von England