29 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perkembangan Penerimaan Zakat Sebagai Instrumen Kebijakan Fiskal Terhadap Perkembangan Penerimaan Negara Indonesia

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    Quantitative research entitled “The Influence of the Development of Zakat Acceptance as an Instrument of Fiscal Policy on the Development of Indonesian State Revenue” is a quantitative research whose data is obtained from the official website of BAZNAS (National Amil Zakat Agency) which is a financial report published annually, besides that the author also took secondary data from BPS (Central Statistics Agency) Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia and analyzed using simple linear regression manually or with the help of Microsoft Excel. The results showed that the development of zakat receipts from 2010-2021 continued to increase even though in 2020 Indonesia was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, even the development of zakat receipts from year to year was never below 10%, while the development of state revenues experienced fluctuations, sometimes has increased, sometimes it has also decreased, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of manual data processing using a simple linear regression formula can be seen that the value of F Count < F Table because 0.00 < 4.965, it can be concluded that variable X (Development of Zakat Receipts) has no effect on variable Y (Development of Tax Receipts)

    Dinamika Maro Bathi Sistem Nggadoh Kambing Berdasarkan Hukum Adat sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Pengangguran di Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    This study has three objectives: (1) To analyze the dynamics of the maro bathi system nggadoh goats based on customary law in Banyuwangi,(2) To analyze the extent to which the suitability of customary law and Islamic law related to the dynamics of maro bathi system nggadoh in Banyuwangi, (3) To analyze the extent of the contribution system nggadoh in reducing unemployment and increasing the level of welfare of Banyuwangi. This research is classified as descriptive research with qualitative data from interviews, observation, documentation, and document analysis. The results of the analysis say that the share of results or maro bathi in thesystem nggadoh is a form of profit sharing cooperation called cooperation with the principle of mudharabah muqayyadah in this case the profit sharing agreed between the two parties that does not need to be recited when the initial agreement is allowed in Islam with based on the Qur'an, Surat an-Nisa (4) verse 29 explains that in seeking a rizki we are encouraged to look for the halal obtained from commerce or trade and mutual favor. While based on the Book of Al-Muhadzab Juz I, p. 392. If what is promised is to divide profits from sales (ribhi), then that includes qirod fasid, according to the scholar Tsalasah. If what is intended is to hire people, with the cost of dividing the yield, then it is called ijaroh fasidah, which has a goat must give the cost of the missile (general) to that person (amil)

    Pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis iSpring Suite 9 pada sub materi struktur dan fungsi sistem ekskresi

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini yaitu urgensi terhadap inovasi pendidikan di era revolusi 4.0 salah satunya yaitu untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mendeskripsikan tahapan pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis iSpring Suite 9, 2) Menganalisis validitas media berbasis iSpring Suite 9, 3) Menganalisis respon peserta didik terhadap media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis iSpring Suite 9. Metode yang digunakan yaitu R&D (Research & Development) dengan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Instrumen yang digunakan meliputi lembar wawancara guru biologi, lembar uji validasi media, lembar uji keterbacaan peserta didik, dan angket respon peserta didik. Hasil uji kelayakan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis iSpring Suite 9 sebesar 88,7% dengan kategori sangat layak. Uji keterbacaan media sebesar 84% dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil angket respon peserta didik terhadap media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis iSpring Suite 9 mendapatkan respon sangat baik dengan presentase sebesar 90%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis iSpring Suite 9 sangat layak dan sangat baik untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran interaktif pada sub materi struktur dan fungsi sistem ekskresi


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    Social inequality is still a problem in this country, plus the onslaught of the pandemic has made it increasingly difficult for UMKMs to survive or even develop. The rulers of the economy are now starting to shift, shops and malls are almost no longer needed, but virtual shops in e-commerce are becoming a consideration today. In this digital world, on the one hand, it opens up intense competition, that UMKMs have a great opportunity to jump-start their potential. This UMKM capital injection can be through sharia crowdfunding, which is safe and halal. This research tries to see the potential of shari'ah crowdfunding and how to maximize the existing potential so that MSMEs can get maximum results. The results of this study, that this syari'ah crowdfunding needs the support of many parties, including investors and also regulations from the government, so that the results can be felt better

    Analisis Perbandingan Time Value Of Money Dalam Obligasi Konvensional Dengan Economic Value Of Time Dalam Obligasi Syariah

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan analisis data menggunakan statistic deskriptif dan inferensial. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah data skunder berupa data statistic dan laporan keuangan bulanan obligasi syariah (sukuk) yang diperoleh dari situs resmi Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yaitu www.ojk.go.id/en/data- statistik-syariah-sukuk_en dari tahun 2013-2015 pada bulan Agustus dan laporan data keuangan obligasi konvensional yang diperoleh dari situs Indonesian Stock Exchange yaitu www.idx.co.id/id-id/beranda/publikasi/statistik.aspx juga dimulai dari laporan keuangan pada tahun 2013-2015 pada bulan Agustus, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumuss Time Value of Money dan Economic Value of Time, setelah itu diolah dengan menggunakan software SPSS. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dari perbandingan pendapatan yang diterima pada obligasi konvensional dengan pendapatan yang diterima obligasi konvensional karena p value < 0.05. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan pendapatan obligasi konvensional relative bersifat tetap dari tahun ketahun, karena keuntungan yang diterima oleh investor ditentukan oleh besarnya suku bunga yang telah ditentukan oleh BI rate yaitu berkisar 7.5% sampai 7.75%. Sedangkan untuk obligasi syariah prinsip yang digunakan adalah profit and loss sharing antara investor dengan pengelola dana berkisar 15 : 85%, 15.5 : 84.5%, 16 : 84% dan juga fee


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    This study aims to Knowing the Effect of Margin (X1) and Islamic Service Quality (X2) on Member Satisfaction (Y) on Murabahah Financing at BMT Muamalat Kalibaru. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of explanatory research. The sample in this study was a member of BMT murabaha financing that had been a member of 1 year using probability sampling techniques obtained by the number of respondents 40 members. The analysis tool uses multiple linear regression with the help of SPPS 23. The results of the study 1) Margin (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Member Satisfaction (Y) on murabaha financing; 2) Islamic Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on Member Satisfaction (Y) on murabaha financing; 3) While from the simultaneous F test it is known that Margin (X1) and Islamic Service Quality (X2) have positive and significant effect on Member Satisfaction (Y) on murabaha financing at Muamalat Kalibaru BMT


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    This study aims 1) To know and analyze the influence of sharia marketing variables on customer trust in savings, 2) To determine and analyze the effect of service excellent variables on customer trust, 3) To determine and analyze the effect of sharia marketing and service excellence variables on trust. The results of this study indicate that the variable partially sharia marketing on customer trust obtained a significant value with the t test with the value of Thitung> T tabel (2.658> 2.048) is the result of the t test shows that there is a positive influence between the sharia marketing variable (X1) on customer trust (Y ), partially the service excellent variable t test with a Thitung of (5.949> 2.048) the t test results show a positive influence between the service excellent variable (X2) on customer trust (Y), and the F test result is Fhitung = 68.815 with probability level 0.000b. So that (0.000b) is much smaller than 0.05 which means it is significant and based on the F test it is known that all the variables studied have a significant effect on variable Y


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    The purpose of this study is: to partially and simultaneously influence the influence of Islamic Entrepreneurship Motivation and Attitudes simultaneously on Entrepreneurial Interest in Members of HIPMI PT IAIDA Blokagung Banyuwangi. This type of research is explanatory research and uses quantitative methods. The data analysis technique used multiple regression data analysis techniques. The results of this study are that there is an influence between Islamic Motivation and Entrepreneurial Attitudes partially on Entrepreneurial Interest in Members of HIPMI PT IAIDA Blokagung Banyuwangi with a tcount of 2,376 and 3,934 greater than the ttable value of 2,034. And there is an influence between Islamic Motivation and Entrepreneurial Attitudes simultaneously or jointly on Entrepreneurial Interest in Members of HIPMI PT IAIDA Blokagung Banyuwangi with a Fcount value of 19.464 greater than Ftable of 3.30. it can be concluded that there is an influence between Motivation and Islamic Entrepreneurial Attitudes partially and simultaneously on the Entrepreneurial Interest in Members of HIPMI PT IAIDA Blokagung Banyuwangi


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    This community service program aims to increase understanding and knowledge of Arabic vocabulary through singing and provide innovation to teachers in the application of Arabic learning media at TPA ar-rohmah in Karanganyar village, Paiton district, Probolinggo district. Activities are carried out using several methods such as singing while playing and singing using movement and singing using learning media. The benefits of this activity are; (1) Through singing delivered using the playing method, namely singing with movement, preschool age children can easily recognize Arabic vocabularies, (2) Preschool age children have a high interest in knowing Arabic. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of the children when singing Arabic songs that are taught, and (3) The contents of the short songs and the language used are easy so that students can easily digest and pronounce Arabic vocabulary