713 research outputs found

    Conformal Bootstrap Analysis for Yang-Lee Edge Singularity

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    The Yang-Lee edge singularity is investigated by the determinant method of the conformal field theory. The critical dimension Dc, for which the scale dimension of scalar Delta_phi is vanishing, is discussed by this determinant method. The result is incorporated in the Pade analysis of epsilon expansion, which leads to an estimation of the value Delta_phi between three and six dimensions. The structure of the minors is viewed from the fixed points.Comment: 15 page, 8 figure

    Conformal Bootstrap Analysis for Single and Branched Polymers

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    The determinant method in the conformal bootstrap is applied for the critical phenomena of a single polymer in arbitrary DD dimensions. The scale dimensions (critical exponents) of the polymer (2<D42< D \le 4) and the branched polymer (3<D83 < D \le 8) are obtained from the small determinants. It is known that the dimensional reduction of the branched polymer in DD dimensions to Yang-Lee edge singularity in DD-22 dimensions holds exactly. We examine this equivalence by the small determinant method.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Diagrammatic analysis of the two-state quantum Hall system with chiral invariance

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    The quantum Hall system in the lowest Landau level with Zeeman term is studied by a two-state model, which has a chiral invariance. Using a diagrammatic analysis, we examine this two-state model with random impurity scattering, and find the exact value of the conductivity at the Zeeman energy E=ΔE = \Delta. We further study the conductivity at the another extended state E=E1E = E_1 (E1>Δ E_1 > \Delta). We find that the values of the conductivities at E=0E = 0 and E=E1E = E_1 do not depend upon the value of the Zeeman energy Δ\Delta. We discuss also the case where the Zeeman energy Δ\Delta becomes a random field.Comment: 14P, Late

    Random super matrices with an external source

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    In the past we have considered Gaussian random matrix ensembles in the presence of an external matrix source. The reason was that it allowed, through an appropriate tuning of the eigenvalues of the source, to obtain results on non-trivial dual models, such as Kontsevich's Airy matrix models and generalizations. The techniques relied on explicit computations of the k-point functions for arbitrary N (the size of the matrices) and on an N-k duality. Numerous results on the intersection numbers of the moduli space of curves were obtained by this technique. In order to generalize these results to include surfaces with boundaries, we have extended these techniques to supermatrices. Again we have obtained quite remarkable explicit expressions for the k-point functions, as well as a duality. Although supermatrix models a priori lead to the same matrix models of 2d-gravity, the external source extensions considered in this article lead to new geometric results.Comment: 12 page

    Characteristic polynomials of real symmetric random matrices

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    It is shown that the correlation functions of the random variables det(λX)\det(\lambda - X), in which XX is a real symmetric N×N N\times N random matrix, exhibit universal local statistics in the large NN limit. The derivation relies on an exact dual representation of the problem: the kk-point functions are expressed in terms of finite integrals over (quaternionic) k×kk\times k matrices. However the control of the Dyson limit, in which the distance of the various parameters \la's is of the order of the mean spacing, requires an integration over the symplectic group. It is shown that a generalization of the Itzykson-Zuber method holds for this problem, but contrary to the unitary case, the semi-classical result requires a {\it finite} number of corrections to be exact. We have also considered the problem of an external matrix source coupled to the random matrix, and obtain explicit integral formulae, which are useful for the analysis of the large NN limit.Comment: 24 pages, late

    Characteristic polynomials of random matrices

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    Number theorists have studied extensively the connections between the distribution of zeros of the Riemann ζ\zeta-function, and of some generalizations, with the statistics of the eigenvalues of large random matrices. It is interesting to compare the average moments of these functions in an interval to their counterpart in random matrices, which are the expectation values of the characteristic polynomials of the matrix. It turns out that these expectation values are quite interesting. For instance, the moments of order 2K scale, for unitary invariant ensembles, as the density of eigenvalues raised to the power K2K^2 ; the prefactor turns out to be a universal number, i.e. it is independent of the specific probability distribution. An equivalent behaviour and prefactor had been found, as a conjecture, within number theory. The moments of the characteristic determinants of random matrices are computed here as limits, at coinciding points, of multi-point correlators of determinants. These correlators are in fact universal in Dyson's scaling limit in which the difference between the points goes to zero, the size of the matrix goes to infinity, and their product remains finite.Comment: 30 pages,late

    An extension of the HarishChandra-Itzykson-Zuber integral

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    The HarishChandra-Itzykson-Zuber integral over the unitary group U(k) (beta=2) is present in numerous problems involving Hermitian random matrices. It is well known that the result is semi-classically exact. This simple result does not extend to other symmetry groups, such as the symplectic or orthogonal groups. In this article the analysis of this integral is extended first to the symplectic group Sp(k) (beta=4). There the semi-classical approximation has to be corrected by a WKB expansion. It turns out that this expansion stops after a finite number of terms ; in other words the WKB approximation is corrected by a polynomial in the appropriate variables. The analysis is based upon new solutions to the heat kernel differential equation. We have also investigated arbitrary values of the parameter beta, which characterizes the symmetry group. Closed formulae are derived for arbitrary beta and k=3, and also for large beta and arbitrary k.Comment: 18 page

    The intersection numbers of the p-spin curves from random matrix theory

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    The intersection numbers of p-spin curves are computed through correlation functions of Gaussian ensembles of random matrices in an external matrix source. The p-dependence of intersection numbers is determined as polynomial in p; the large p behavior is also considered. The analytic continuation of intersection numbers to negative values of p is discussed in relation to SL(2,R)/U(1) black hole sigma model.Comment: 19 page