34 research outputs found

    Comparative marketing performance between the Peruvian Cooperatives and the Intermediaries: Acopagro cooperative vs. Intermediaries- a Case Study

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    In the Peruvian jungle, there are two main cocoa marketing channels: the intermediaries and the cooperative. For example, the Acopagro Cooperative, a Peruvian organization, has contributed to the shift from illegal crops like coca to an alternative crop like cocoa which gives small scale farmers a sustainable welfare. Despite the fact that the Acopagro cooperative benefits their members by paying a fair price, supplying technical assistance and credit, many farmers still prefer commercializing their cocoa via the intermediaries. A further analysis of cocoa prices was carried out through personal interviews and a survey made between December 2009 and January 2010, of 243 farmers in Juanjui, San Martin, Peru's main cocoa production area. The outcomes demonstrate that there is not so much difference between the cocoa price that the farmers receive from the Cooperative versus through the intermediaries. The main difference is that Acopagro cooperative divides its surplus income among its members at the end of each fiscal year. These results are consistent with previous analysis1 that proved participant farmers are better paid for their product than non-participants. Moreover, there are significant differences in the agri-marketing functions performed by each marketing channel. Farmers who prefer to commercialize via the intermediaries do not choose this marketing channel mainly due to their desire to be independent in the market or their low cocoa production. Because high economies of scale are required for large volumes of produce, the cooperative should attract small scale farmers who distribute cocoa through intermediaries to become Acopagro members in order to satisfy international market demands.Acopagro cooperative, Peruvian jungle, intermediaries, cocoa, price, agri-marketing channel, marketing channel., Agribusiness,

    Características de los consumidores de productos orgánicos y expansión de su oferta en Lima

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    Healthy food trends have contributed to an increase in the number of organic and natural food stores in Lima. This study: (a) examines the characteristics of consumers of organic and natural products; and (b) analyzes the increase in organic and natural products stores in Lima as a consequence of eleven years of economic growth in the capital. Results show that organic stores in metropolitan Lima are more successful in those areas of the city inhabited by residents with middle and high incomes as well as higher than average levels of education. This indicates that it should be possible to establish such stores in other regions of Peru where consumers with similar characteristics can be found.La tendencia saludable en Lima ha contribuido al incremento de tiendas dealimentos orgánicos y naturales. En relación a ello, el presente estudio: (a)destaca las características de los consumidores de productos orgánicos ynaturales; y (b) grafica el aumento de tiendas orgánicas y naturales en Limacomo resultado del crecimiento económico en los últimos once años en lacapital. Se puede afirmar que estas tiendas son mejor acogidas en zonasde ingresos medios y altos y también de educación superior, característicassocioeconómicas que influyen en que esta tendencia de expansión se puedatrasladar a regiones de mayor poder adquisitivo

    Organic purchasing factors and consumer classification through their preferences in the metropolitan area of Lima, Peru

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    The analysis of organic-product consumer behavior deals primarily with preferences. There is a need to better understand the predictors that determine consumer choices when purchasing organic products. Metropolitan Lima was chosen as the study location. The structured questionnaire involved interviews with 547 organic consumers of the metropolitan area of Lima, Peru. A principal component analysis and a cluster analysis were used to assess the underlying opinions of consumers of organic products. The results revealed that decisions to purchase organic products in the future were mainly influenced by factors such as health and quality perceptions. Moreover, profiling the clusters as naturalites, drifters (midlevel) and LOHAS (core level) confirmed the results. The link between health and environment, among other benefits, should be strengthened through communication strategies to increase interest from consumers

    Valoración del consumidor limeño de los productos hidrobiológicos congelados en supermercados - caso de estudio Perú Pacífico

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Gestión EmpresarialLa presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar la valoración que tienen los consumidores de los productos hidrobiológicos congelados comprado en supermercados. Esto permitirá identificar aspectos relevantes para la formulación de estrategias de mercadeo apropiadas para promover el consumo de estos productos de la marca Pacific Star en el mercado de Lima metropolitana. Para lograr este objetivo se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo y explicativo, encuestando a una muestra de 196 consumidores limeños, conformada por profesionales y amas de casa, seleccionados en condiciones relativamente favorables para la investigación, conservando al máximo el nivel de objetividad. Los resultados del estudio, señalan que la valoración de los consumidores limeños respecto a los productos hidrobiológicos congelados que compran en los supermercados es relativamente baja. Sin embargo, la formulación y aplicación de nuevas estrategias de mercadeo para los productos de la marca Pacific Star, puede lograr un incremento significativo de las ventas en el mercado de Lima metropolitana. La ejecución del plan de mercadeo propuesto es viable pues la inversión a realizarse en su implementación tiene la Tasa Interna de Retorno del 97%, el Valor Actual Neto de S/. 471,310.09 y la Razón costo-beneficio de 2.76.This research had as main objective determine the valuation that consumers have towards frozen hydrobiological products at supermarkets in the metropolitan area of Lima. This valuation allowed to identify relevant aspects for the appropriate marketing strategies formulation to promote the consumption of the brand “Pacific Star” products produced by the Peruvian company “Perú Pacífico”. In order to reach this objective a descriptive and explanatory study was conducted by means of a survey of 196 consumers, made up by housewives and professionals. The outcomes of this research showed that the valuation of consumers towards frozen hydrobiological products at supermarkets was relatively low compared to fresh products. However, through the formulation and the application of new marketing strategies for the Pacific Star products, profits could increase significantly for the company. The execution of the proposed marketing plan in this study was viable because the investment before the implementation bore an Internal Return Rate is 97%, a Net Present Value of S/. 471,310.09 nuevos soles and a Cost-Benefit ratio of 2.76.Tesi

    Farmer satisfaction and cocoa cooperative performance: evidence from Tocache, Peru

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    Cocoa marketing cooperatives are essential in the current model of governance of cocoa production and distribution in Peru and other developing countries. Because farmer satisfaction is particularly important for the success and development of cooperatives, this article focuses on an analysis of the factors related to farmer satisfaction as well as the identification of demographic and socio-economic elements that can explain the different levels of satisfaction among different cooperative members. Data obtained through a survey of 150 cocoa farmers were analyzed through three main statistical methods: (1) an exploratory factor analysis with a principal component analysis method; (2) cluster analysis; and (3) an independent samples t-test. The results confirm that farmer satisfaction is explained by a complex set of cognitive and psycho-social elements and pro-social emotions. Finally, the results indicate that some socio-economic features such as farm size or household size are associated with the varying existing levels of farmer satisfaction.Universidad del Pacífico (Lima, Perú) Prodatu II-DEVID

    From coca to cocoa: Conflicts, violence and hegemonic compromises in the turbulent Peruvian Amazonia settlement process: The case of Tocache

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    This article analyses the role of conventions, compromises and even violence in the intricate bio-social construction process of cocoa cultivation in the province of Tocache in the Peruvian Amazonia. This article discusses the different phases of the settlement process and its social, institutional and environmental bases. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the dramatic abandonment of coca cultivation and its replacement by alternative crops such as cocoa. Emphasis is placed on the centrality of agents’ normative coherence and coordination. For over 50 years, the civic–market compromise has framed agents’ discourses and actions, although it has sometimes been ostensibly distorted. This framing effect has also occurred in circumstances with considerable recourse to violence and armed conflict. Thus, this article focuses not only on justification processes but also on what happens ‘after justification’ and on how violent situations can coexist with discursive constructions with a relevant normative element

    Relación basada en evidencia entre la asistencia técnica y la productividad en el cacao de Tocache, Peru

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    The growth of small-scale Peruvian farmers is highly dependent on cocoa factor productivity. Agricultural extension programs can help to improve farm productivity using available resources. Thus, the objective of this study is to estimate the productivity of Peruvian cocoa farming and identify if frequent technical assistance impacts on farmers’ technical efficiency. The data came from a survey of 379 cocoa farmers in Tocache, San Martin (177 producers who sell through intermediaries and 202 who are cooperative members), conducted between January and June 2015. This article is supported by the interaction of two associated techniques: the production function and the technical efficiency technique based on stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). The key findings were that the estimated coefficients for labor, capital, land and fertilizer were positive to cocoa production. Our outcomes also show there is a (marginally) significant relationship between technical assistance and technical efficiency (p-valueEl crecimiento de los pequeños agricultores depende en gran medida de la productividad del cacao. Los programas de extensión agrícola pueden ayudar a mejorar dicha productividad utilizando los recursos disponibles. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio es estimar la productividad del cacao peruano e identificar si la frecuencia de asistencia técnica afecta la eficiencia técnica de los agricultores. Los datos provienen de una encuesta a 379 productores de cacao en Tocache, San Martín, realizada entre enero y junio de 2015. Este artículo se sustenta en la interacción de dos técnicas: la función de producción y la eficiencia técnica basada en el análisis de frontera estocástica. Los hallazgos clave fueron que los coeficientes estimados de trabajo, capital, tierras y fertilizantes fueron positivos para la producción. Asimismo, se muestra la existencia de una relación entre la frecuencia de asistencia técnica y la eficiencia técnica (p-valo

    Co-Evolution and Bio-Social Construction: The Kichwa Agroforestry Systems (Chakras) in the Ecuadorian Amazonia

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    Polycultured agrarian systems in Ecuadorian Amazonia (also called chakras or swollen gardens) are characterised by a market-oriented crop for the generation of monetary income, for example, cocoa, other agricultural products (e.g., banana and cassava), and livestock for family farm consumption. Moreover, a chakra is an outstanding example of agroforestry production, in which ecological, social and economic elements co-evolve from a set of close and strong connections. In this context, the conservation and transformation of their biological subsystems can be understood as the result of complex interactions between anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic factors. In turn, such interactions are essential to provide food and monetary income to the indigenous community. Relevant agency capabilities exist that could cause an agroforestry system to take a different path of co-evolution, that is, towards greater or lesser sustainability associated with different levels of complexity. In conclusion, chakras have key ecological features that can mitigate the impact of human population growth in Amazonia. Additionally, chakras have their own processes of social self-regulation which enhance the possibilities of adaptation of Kichwa communities to changing environmental conditions, being essential elements in local food sovereignty, equitable gender relations and the respect of ancestral wisdom

    Impact of a Marketing Cooperative on Cocoa Producers and Intermediaries: The Case of the Acopagro Cooperative in Peru

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    Membership in an agricultural cooperative can improve the efficiency of production. Cooperatives often transfer agricultural technology to their members by employing specialized extension agents. This study analyzes the effect of cooperative membership on cocoa production and identifies factors that influence the willingness of non-member farmers to join a cooperative in the future. A survey of 243 farmers was carried out between December 2009 and January 2010 in Juanjui, San Martin, which is the main cocoa production area in Peru and the home of the Acopagro cooperative. Econometric results show that non-member farmers usually harvest larger volumes of cocoa beans, but the quality of the beans is lower compared with the Acopagro cooperative members. Analysis of a subsample of Acopagro cooperative members confirms that the length of cooperative membership has a positive effect on cocoa production volume. Moreover, unassociated farmers who wish to continue selling independently in the market have different socio-economic characteristics compared with farmers who are willing to join the cooperative in the future. The cooperative should engage in adequate training of the cooperative extension agents, thus motivating them to provide knowledge to the farmers and improve the farmers’ competitive posture in the market

    Characteristics of consumers of organic products and the increase in the supply of these products in Metropolitan Lima, Peru

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    La tendencia saludable en Lima ha contribuido al incremento de tiendas de alimentos orgánicos y naturales. En relación a ello, el presente estudio: (a)destaca las características de los consumidores de productos orgánicos y naturales; y (b) grafica el aumento de tiendas orgánicas y naturales en Lima como resultado del crecimiento económico en los últimos once años en la capital. Se puede afirmar que estas tiendas son mejor acogidas en zonas de ingresos medios y altos y también de educación superior, características socioeconómicas que influyen en que esta tendencia de expansión se pueda trasladar a regiones de mayor poder adquisitivo.Healthy food trends have contributed to an increase in the number of organic and natural food stores in Lima. This study: (a) examines the characteristics of consumers of organic and natural products; and (b) analyzes the increase in organic and natural products stores in Lima as a consequence of eleven years of economic growth in the capital. Results show that organic stores in metropolitan Lima are more successful in those areas of the city inhabited by residents with middle and high incomes as well as higher than average