7 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Masked Obesity Associated with Lifestyle-Related Habits, Dietary Habits, and Energy Metabolism in Japanese Young Women

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    We investigated the prevalence of Masked Obesity (MO) and the correlations between MO and lifestylerelated habits (e.g., exercise habits, dieting habits), dietary habits, energy metabolism, and seasons. The subjects were 131 young Japanese college students. Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance method and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) was measured by an indirect calorimeter. Subjects with a BMI in the normal range (n=110) were divided into the MO (percentage of body fat to Body Weight [BF]≥30%) and control (C) (BF<30%) groups. Dietary energy and nutrient intakes were calculated from weighed dietary records. A questionnaire on lifestyle habits was obtained individually from the subjects. The percentage of MO was 32% of subjects within normal BMI. The prevalence of MO was the highest in winter, probably due to accumulation of body fat as an adaptation to cold. The MO group had low Fat-Free Mass (FFM) and high BF. RMR of the MO group was significantly lower than that of the C group. The MO group tended to have poor exercise habits, more dieting (restricting calorie intake) experiences and consumed a diet with less vegetables and beans. We concluded that the prevalence of MO was 32%; it was the highest in winter for subjects who had high fat and low FFM. This fact may be due to poor exercise, more dieting experiences and insufficient intake of vegetables and beans. Furthermore, this accumulation of body fat may be partly due to low RMR


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     兵庫県中東部高地の丹波地域,東南部の平地にある尼崎市,および中南部の加古川流域に位置する加古川地域における現在の豆類といも類の利用状況を調査した。調査時期は平成13年7月~10月,調査世帯数は丹波13, 尼崎12, 加古川12である。 3地域で,料理の種類が多く挙げられていた豆類とその加工品は,豆腐,揚げ類,大豆,小豆,さやいんげんであり,いも類ではじゃがいも,さつまいも,やまのいも,里芋, こんにゃくであった。行事食には小豆料理が最も多く,赤飯,ぜんざい,小豆粥,おはぎ,餅が祝事,正月,祭,小正月,彼岸等に用いられていた