2,430 research outputs found

    Surface Chemical Reactions at the Atomic Scale: Gas Reactions with Semiconductors Studied with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

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    The vacuum tunneling microscope has been extensively utilized in the study of the surface atomic configuration of conducting materials. Analysis of features in both the tunneling images and in the tunnel junction I-V characteristic yields insight into a wide variety of processes occurring at surfaces. In the last few years, elementary chemical reactions occurring at surfaces have been examined in this manner, principally adsorption of simple gas species such as H2, O2, and NH3 on semiconductors and metals. Adsorption sites have been deduced from changes brought about in surface configuration subsequent to gas exposure. The relationship of these sites with one another and their evolution as a function of exposure has been utilized to constrain mechanisms for the adsorption process. More recently, work has been performed where the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) takes on an active role. Hydrogen terminated silicon surfaces have been prepared and imaged with the STM. The tunneling images and infrared absorption spectra showed that configurations of both the terraces and steps are radically changed due to hydrogen capping. Moreover, the low-energy high-current density electron source, which is formed by the STM tip, has been used to selectively desorb this species from the surface. This process results in configuration changes which are derived from both the desorption kinetics and the long-range configuration of the initial surface

    Molybdenum sputtering film characterization for high gradient accelerating structures

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    Technological advancements are strongly required to fulfill the demands of new accelerator devices with the highest accelerating gradients and operation reliability for the future colliders. To this purpose an extensive R&D regarding molybdenum coatings on copper is in progress. In this contribution we describe chemical composition, deposition quality and resistivity properties of different molybdenum coatings obtained via sputtering. The deposited films are thick metallic disorder layers with different resistivity values above and below the molibdenum dioxide reference value. Chemical and electrical properties of these sputtered coatings have been characterized by Rutherford backscattering, XANES and photoemission spectroscopy. We will also present a three cells standing wave section coated by a molybdenum layer ∼\sim 500 nm thick designed to improve the performance of X-Band accelerating systems.Comment: manuscript has been submitted and accepted by Chinese Physics C (2012

    Hemodynamic and biochemical changes during normothermic and hypothermic sanguinous perfusion of the porcine hepatic graft

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    Using an ex vivo liver sanguinous perfusion system, hemodynamic and biochemical changes of the porcine livers were studied, which were preserved cold (4°C) for 24 hr in University of Wisconsin solution and reperfused with normothermic (37°C) (n=8) or hypothermic (32°C) (n=8) blood for 3 hr. Six more livers were reperfused with normothermic blood (37°C) immediately after procurement as controls. The total hepatic blood flow was adjusted to 1 ml/min/g liver weight, in which hepatic artery and portal vein flows were administered at a 1:2 ratio. In livers stored cold for 24 hr in UW solution and perfused normothermically, a statistically higher hepatic artery resistance was exhibited at 30 an 60 min after reperfusion (P<0.05), and there was lower bile output (P<0.05) at 90 and 120 min as compared to the controls. In livers stored cold for 24 hr in UW solution and perfused hypothermically, as compared to ones perfused normothermically, statistically higher hepatic- artery and portal-vein resistances (P<0.05) were observed throughout the perfusion period and 60 min= after reperfusion, respectively. In addition, bile output and oxygen consumption of these livers were statistically lower than those of ones perfused normothermically (P<O.05). In contrast, chemistries of the perfusat of livers perfused hypothermically were comparable to ones perfused normothermically. Histologic examination of the liver perfused hypothermically demonstrated hepatic arterial and/or portal venous congestion and mild-to-moderate hemorrhage in the portal triads. This study suggests that livers preserved for a prolonged period of time demonstrate a high hepatic arterial resistance shortly after revascularization, and that recipient hypothermia after revascularization may be a risk factor for the development of hepatic arterial thrombosis following liver transplantation. © 1990 by Williams & Wilkins

    Molecular motion in cell membranes: analytic study of fence-hindered random walks

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    A theoretical calculation is presented to describe the confined motion of transmembrane molecules in cell membranes. The study is analytic, based on Master equations for the probability of the molecules moving as random walkers, and leads to explicit usable solutions including expressions for the molecular mean square displacement and effective diffusion constants. One outcome is a detailed understanding of the dependence of the time variation of the mean square displacement on the initial placement of the molecule within the confined region. How to use the calculations is illustrated by extracting (confinement) compartment sizes from experimentally reported published observations from single particle tracking experiments on the diffusion of gold-tagged G-protein coupled mu-opioid receptors in the normal rat kidney cell membrane, and by further comparing the analytical results to observations on the diffusion of phospholipids, also in normal rat kidney cells.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Electronic properties and Fermi surface of Ag(111) films deposited onto H-passivated Si(111)-(1x1) surfaces

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    Silver films were deposited at room temperature onto H-passivated Si(111) surfaces. Their electronic properties have been analyzed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Submonolayer films were semiconducting and the onset of metallization was found at a Ag coverage of ∼\sim0.6 monolayers. Two surface states were observed at Γˉ\bar{\Gamma}-point in the metallic films, with binding energies of 0.1 and 0.35 eV. By measurements of photoelectron angular distribution at the Fermi level in these films, a cross-sectional cut of the Fermi surface was obtained. The Fermi vector determined along different symmetry directions and the photoelectron lifetime of states at the Fermi level are quite close to those expected for Ag single crystal. In spite of this concordance, the Fermi surface reflects a sixfold symmetry rather than the threefold symmetry of Ag single crystal. This behavior was attributed to the fact that these Ag films are composed by two domains rotated 60o^o.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Vacinas pertussis acelular e pertussis "low": eventos adversos e o papel das mutações

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    Objective: to discuss the current PAHO recommendation that does not support the substitution of traditional cellular DTP vaccine by acellular DTP, and the role of mutations, in humans, as the main cause of rare adverse events, such as epileptic-like convulsions, triggered by pertussis vaccine. Data review: the main components related to toxic effects of cellular pertussis vaccines are the lipopolysaccharide of bacterial cell wall and pertussis toxin. The removal of part of lipopolysaccharide layer has allowed the creation of a safer cellular pertussis vaccine, with costs comparable to the traditional cellular vaccine, and which may be a substitute for the acellular vaccine. Conclusion: The new methodology introduced by Instituto Butantan allows for the development of a new safer pertussis vaccine with low LPS content (Plow), and the use of the lipopolysaccharide obtained in the process in the production of monophosphoryl lipid A. This component has shown potent adjuvant effect when administered together with influenza inactivated vaccine, making possible to reduce the antigen dose, enhancing the production capacity and lowering costs.Objetivo: Discutir as recomendações da WHO-OPAS que não consideram indicada a substituição da vacina DTP celular clássica pela DTP acelular e o papel de mutações, em humanos, como principal causa dos raros eventos de convulsões epileptiformes desencadeadas pela vacina pertussis. Revisão dos dados: Os principais componentes relacionados aos efeitos tóxicos da vacina pertussis celular são o lipopolissacarídio da parede celular da bactéria e a toxina pertussis. A remoção de parte da camada lipopolissacarídica permitiu a criação de uma vacina pertussis celular, mais segura e de custo comparável ao da vacina celular tradicional, podendo substituir a vacina pertussis acelular. Conclusão: A nova vacina pertussis, com baixo teor de LPS (Plow) desenvolvida pelo Instituto Butantan, além de oferecer uma vacina mais segura, permite o aproveitamento do lipopolissacarídeo para a produção de monofosforil lipídeo A. Esse componente mostrou-se potente como adjuvante e altamente eficiente quando administrado com a vacina de influenza, levando à possibilidade de se reduzir a dose de antígeno, aumentando a capacidade de produção e redução dos custos

    Quantum-well states in ultrathin Ag(111) films deposited onto H-passivated Si(111)-(1x1) surfaces

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    Ag(111) films were deposited at room temperature onto H-passivated Si(111)-(1x1) substrates, and subsequently annealed at 300 C. An abrupt non-reactive Ag/Si interface is formed, and very uniform non-strained Ag(111) films of 6-12 monolayers have been grown. Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy has been used to study the valence band electronic properties of these films. Well-defined Ag sp quantum-well states (QWS) have been observed at discrete energies between 0.5-2eV below the Fermi level, and their dispersions have been measured along the GammaK, GammaMM'and GammaL symmetry directions. QWS show a parabolic bidimensional dispersion, with in-plane effective mass of 0.38-0.50mo, along the GammaK and GammaMM' directions, whereas no dispersion has been found along the GammaL direction, indicating the low-dimensional electronic character of these states. The binding energy dependence of the QWS as a function of Ag film thickness has been analyzed in the framework of the phase accumulation model. According to this model, a reflectivity of 70% has been estimated for the Ag-sp states at the Ag/H/Si(111)-(1x1) interface.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Interplay between Heavy Fermions and Crystal Field Excitation in Kondo Lattices. Low-Temperature Thermodynamics and Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectra of CeNiSn

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    The microscopic theory of interaction between the heavy fermions and the crystal field excitations in Kondo lattices is presented. It is shown that the heavy-fermion spectrum scaled by the Kondo temperature TKT_K can be modified by the crystal field excitations with the energy ΔCF\Delta_{CF} provided the inequality ΔCF<TK\Delta_{CF}<T_K is realized. On the base of general description of excitation spectrum the detailed qualitative and quantitative explanation of anisotropic inelastic neutron scattering spectra and low-temperature specific heat of orthorhombic CeNiSn is given. The theory resolves the apparent contradiction between the metallic conductivity and the gap-wise behavior of thermodynamic properties and spin response of CeNiSn at low temperatures.Comment: 24 pages (LaTeX), 12 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.
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