39 research outputs found

    Modeling of wave-induced irradiance variability in the upper ocean mixed layer

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    A Monte Carlo based radiative transfer model has been developed for calculating the availability of solar radiation within the top 100 m of the ocean. The model is optimized for simulations of spatial high resolution downwelling irradiance Ed fluctuations that arise from the lensing effect of waves at the water surface. In a first step the accuracy of simulation results have been verified by measurements of the oceanic underwater light field and through intercomparison with an established radiative transfer model. Secondly the potential depth-impact of nonlinear shaped single waves, from capillary to swell waves, is assessed by considering the most favorable conditions for light focusing, i.e. monochromatic light at 490 nm, very clear oceanic water with a low chlorophyll a content of 0.1 mg m−3 and high sun elevation. Finally light fields below irregular wave profiles accounting for realistic sea states were simulated. Our simulations suggest that under open ocean conditions light flashes with 50 % irradiance enhancements can appear down to 35 m depth, and light variability in the range of ±10 % compared to the mean Ed is still possible in 100 m depth

    Free Will Without Consciousness?

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    Findings demonstrating decision-related neural activity preceding volitional actions have dominated the discussion about how science can inform the free will debate. These discussions have largely ignored studies suggesting that decisions might be influenced or biased by various unconscious processes. If these effects are indeed real, do they render subjects’ decisions less free or even unfree? Here, we argue that, while unconscious influences on decision-making do not threaten the existence of free will in general, they provide important information about limitations on freedom in specific circumstances. We demonstrate that aspects of this long-lasting controversy are empirically testable and provide insight into their bearing on degrees of freedom, laying the groundwork for future scientific-philosophical approaches

    Pan-Atlantic connectivity of marine biogeochemical and ecological processes and the impact of anthropogenic pressures, SO287, 11.12.2021 - 11.01.2022, Las Palmas (Spain) - Guayaquil (Ecuador)

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    The transit of RV SONNE from Las Palmas (departure: 11.12.2021) to Guayaquil, Ecuador (arrival: 11.01.2022) is directly related to the international collaborative project SO287-CONNECT of GEOMAR in cooperation with Hereon and the University of Bremen, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) between October 15 2021 and January 15 2024. The research expedition was conducted to decipher the coupling of biogeochemical and ecological processes and their influence on atmospheric chemistry along the transport pathway of water from the upwelling zones off Africa into the Sargasso Sea and further to the Caribbean and the equatorial Pacific. Nutrient-rich water rises from the deep and promotes the growth of plant and animal microorganisms, and fish at the ocean surface off West Africa. The North Equatorial Current water carries the water from the upwelling, which contains large amounts of organic material across the Atlantic to the Caribbean, supporting bacterial activity along the way. But how the nutritious remnants of algae and other substances are processed on their long journey, biochemically transformed, decomposed into nutrients and respired to carbon dioxide, has so far only been partially investigated. Air, seawater and particles were sampled in order to provide new details about the large cycles of carbon and nitrogen, but also of many other elements such as oxygen, iodine, bromine and sulfur. Inorganic and organic bromine and iodine compounds are generally emitted naturally from the ocean into the atmosphere, promote cloud formation and affect climate, and some even reach the stratosphere where they contribute to ozone depletion. We measured how much of these compounds are released from the ocean, and at what locations and how they are transformed in the ocean and in the atmosphere. Sargassum algae, which have become a nuisance on beaches in the western and eastern Atlantic, support life and contribute to carbon cycling in the middle of the Atlantic, the Sargasso Sea and in the Caribbean, while their contribution to halogen cycling and marine bromine and iodine emissions was previously unknown. We investigated the influence of various natural parameters such as temperature and solar radiation on the biogeochemical transformation processes in order to understand the influence of climate change on these processes in incubation experiments with seawater and algae. We investigated how anthropogenic signals such as shipping traffic influence the nitrogen and sulphur cycle in the ocean, as well as the impact of nitrogen oxides from ship exhaust and sulphurous, acidic and dirty water from purification systems on organisms and biochemical processes. Plastic debris was sampled from the surface waters to investigate its contribution to global biogeochemical transformation processes. The working hypotheses of the research program were: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon in surface waters decreases along the productivity gradient and transport pathway from the Eastern to the Western Tropical North Atlantic. Nutrient gradients from East to West constrain the microbial utilization of organic matter- contributing to an accumulation of C-rich organic matter due to a) limited mineralization and b) enhanced exudation- also leading to gel-like particles accumulation in the western tropical North Atlantic and Sargasso Sea. Tropospheric and stratospheric ozone are strongly impacted by biogeochemical and ecological processes occurring around and in the NA gyre system related to marine iodine and bromine cycles. The long-range transport of natural and anthropogenic organic matter in water and of gases and aerosols in the air impact carbon-export, biogeochemical cycles in the water column, and the release of gases and particles from the ocean significantly. 4 SONNE -Berichte, SO287, Las Palmas - Guayaquil, 11.12.2021 - 11.01.202 The data and samples obtained specifically target carbon, nutrient and halogen cycling, the composition of phytoplankton, bacteria, the transport and sequestration of macro algae and the air-sea exchange processes of climate relevant gases and aerosols. The influence of ecological and transport processes, as well as anthropogenic impacts on the North Atlantic gyre system, specifically in the Sargasso Sea and the influence of ship emissions throughout the Atlantic towards the west and into the Pacific will be investigated with the data

    Migration, Ethnicity and Economic Integration

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