210 research outputs found

    Verification of the versatility of the in vitro enzymatic reaction giving (+)-cis-12-Oxo-phytodienoic acid

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    Jasmonic acid (JA) is a plant hormone involved in the defense response against insects and fungi. JA is synthesized from alpha-linolenic acid (LA) by the octadecanoid pathway in plants. 12-oxo-Phytodienoic acid (OPDA) is one of the biosynthetic intermediates in this pathway. The reported stereo selective total synthesis of cis-(+)-OPDA is not very efficient due to the many steps involved in the reaction as well as the use of water sensitive reactions. Therefore, we developed an enzymatic method for the synthesis of OPDA using acetone powder of flax seed and allene oxide cyclase (PpAOC2) from Physcomitrella patens. From this method, natural cis-(+)-OPDA can be synthesized in the high yield of approximately 40%. In this study, we investigated the substrate specificity of the enzymatic synthesis of other OPDA analogs with successions to afford OPDA amino acid conjugates, dinor-OPDA (dn-OPDA), and OPDA monoglyceride, and it was suggested that the biosynthetic pathway of arabidopsides could occur via MGDG

    RNA-seq-based evaluation of bicolor tepal pigmentation in Asiatic hybrid lilies (Lilium spp.)

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    Background: Color patterns in angiosperm flowers are produced by spatially and temporally restricted deposition of pigments. Identifying the mechanisms responsible for restricted pigment deposition is a topic of broad interest. Some dicots species develop bicolor petals, which are often caused by the post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) of chalcone synthase (CHS) genes. An Asiatic hybrid lily (Lilium spp.) cultivar Lollypop develops bicolor tepals with pigmented tips and white bases. Here, we analyzed the global transcription of pigmented and non-pigmented tepal parts from Lollypop, to determine the main transcriptomic differences. Results: De novo assembly of RNA-seq data yielded 49,239 contigs (39,426 unigenes), which included a variety of novel transcripts, such as those involved in flavonoid-glycosylation and sequestration and in regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis. Additionally, 1258 of the unigenes exhibited significantly differential expression between the tepal parts (false discovery rates 2-fold higher in the pigmented parts. Thus, LhMYB12 should be involved in the transcriptional regulation of the biosynthesis genes in bicolor tepals. Other factors that potentially suppress or enhance the expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis genes, including a WD40 gene, were identified, and their involvement in bicolor development is discussed. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the bicolor trait of Lollypop tepals is caused by the transcriptional regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis genes and that the transcription profile of LhMYB12 provides a clue for elucidating the mechanisms of the trait. The tepal transcriptome constructed in this study will accelerate investigations of the genetic controls of anthocyanin color patterns, including the bicolor patterns, of Lilium spp

    AKARI/FIS Mapping of the ISM-Wind Bow Shock around Alpha Ori

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    We present 10' x 50' scan maps around an M supergiant Alpha Ori at 65, 90, 140 and 160 microns obtained with the AKARI Infrared Astronomy Satellite. Higher spatial resolution data with the exact analytic solution permit us to fit the de-projected shape of the stellar wind bow shock around Alpha Ori to have the stand-off distance of 4.8', position angle of 55 degrees and inclination angle of 56 degrees. The shape of the bow shock suggests that the peculiar velocity of Alpha Ori with respect to the local medium is v_* = 40 (n_H)^(-1/2), where n_H is the hydrogen nucleus density at Alpha Ori. We find that the local medium is of n_H = 1.5 to 1.9 cm^(-3) and the velocity of the local flow is at 11 km s^(-1) by using the most recent astrometric solutions for Alpha Ori under the assumption that the local medium is moving away from the Orion OB 1 association. AKARI images may also reveal a vortex ring due to instabilities on the surface of the bow shock as demonstrated by numerical models. This research exemplifies the potential of AKARI All-Sky data as well as follow-up observations with Herschel Space Telescope and Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy for this avenue of research in revealing the nature of interaction between the stellar wind and interstellar medium.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to be published in PASJ Vol. 60 Special Issue on Recent Results from AKAR

    Antibiotic-dependent instability of homeostatic plasticity for growth and environmental load

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    Reducing antibiotic usage in livestock animals has become an urgent issue worldwide to prevent antimicrobial resistance. Here, abuse of chlortetracycline (CTC), a versatile antibacterial agent, on the performance, blood components, fecal microbiota, and organic acid concentration in calves was investigated. Japanese Black calves were fed milk replacer containing CTC at 10 g/kg (CON) or 0 g/kg (EXP). Growth performance was not affected by CTC administration. However, CTC administration altered the correlation between fecal organic acids and bacterial genera. Machine learning methods such as association analysis, linear discriminant analysis, and energy landscape analysis revealed that CTC administration affected according to certain rules the population of various types of fecal bacteria. It is particularly interesting that the population of several methane-producing bacteria was high in the CON, and that of Lachnospiraceae, a butyrate-producing bacteria, was high in the EXP at 60 d of age. Furthermore, statistical causal inference based on machine learning data estimated that CTC treatment affects the entire intestinal environment, inhibiting butyrate production for growth and biological defense, which may be attributed to methanogens in feces. Thus, these observations highlight the multiple harmful impacts of antibiotics on intestinal health and the potential production of greenhouse gas in the calves

    The Nearby Evolved Stars Survey I. JCMT/SCUBA-2 Submillimeter Detection of the Detached Shell of U Antliae

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    We present the highest resolution single-dish submillimetre observations of the detached shell source U Antliae to date. The observations were obtained at 450 and 850m with SCUBA-2 instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope as part of the Nearby Evolved Stars Survey. The emission at 850m peaks at 40 arcsec with hints of a second peak seen at 20 arcsec. The emission can be traced out to a radius of 56 arcsec at a 3 level. The outer peak observed at 850m aligns well with the peak observed at Herschel/PACS wavelengths. With the help of spectral energy distribution fitting and radiative transfer calculations of multiple-shell models for the circumstellar envelope, we explore the various shell structures and the variation of grain sizes along the in the circumstellar envelope. We determine a total shell dust mass of (2.0 0.3) 105 M and established that the thermal pulse that gave rise to the detached shell occurred 3500 500 yr ago


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    This report describes a case of hyperplasia of the mandibular coronoid process treated by coronoidotomy. A 26-year-old man visited our clinic complaining of restricted mouth opening. Panoramic radiography revealed marked hyperplasia of the right mandibular coronoid process. Three-dimensional CT showed that the coronoid process touched the temporal surface of the zygomatic bone at the maximal mouth opening position. His maximum mouth opening range was 27mm. The coronoid process was amputated about 8mm in width, and mouth opening training was done for a year after the surgery. Although the coronoid process and mandibular ramus reunited, the maximum mouth opening range was maintained at 40mm 13 months after the surgery

    The Nearby Evolved Stars Survey: I. JCMT/SCUBA-2 Sub-millimetre detection of the detached shell of U Antliae

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    We present the highest resolution single-dish submillimetre observations of the detached shell source U Antliae to date. The observations were obtained at 450 μm 450 μm and 850 μm 850 μm with SCUBA-2 instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope as part of the Nearby Evolved Stars Survey. The emission at 850 μm 850 μm peaks at 40″ with hints of a second peak seen at ∼20″. The emission can be traced out to a radius of 56″ at a 3σ level. The outer peak observed at 850 μm 850 μm aligns well with the peak observed at Herschel/PACS wavelengths. With the help of spectral energy distribution fitting and radiative transfer calculations of multiple-shell models for the circumstellar envelope, we explore the various shell structures and the variation of grain sizes along the in the circumstellar envelope. We determine a total shell dust mass of (2.0 ± 0.3) × 10−5 M⊙ and established that the thermal pulse which gave rise to the detached shell occurred 3500 ± 500 years ago