32 research outputs found

    Possible cross-feeding pathway of facultative methylotroph Methyloceanibacter caenitepidi Gela4 on methanotroph Methylocaldum marinum S8

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    Non-methanotrophic bacteria such as methylotrophs often coexist with methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs) by cross-feeding on methane-derived carbon. Methanol has long been considered a major compound that mediates cross-feeding of methane-derived carbon. Despite the potential importance of cross-feeding in the global carbon cycle, only a few studies have actually explored metabolic responses of a bacteria when cross-feeding on a methanotroph. Recently, we isolated a novel facultative methylotroph, Methyloceanibacter caenitepidi Gela4, which grows syntrophically with the methanotroph, Methylocaldum marinum S8. To assess the potential metabolic pathways in M. caenitepidi Gela4 co-cultured with M. marinum S8, we conducted genomic analyses of the two strains, as well as RNA-Seq and chemical analyses of M. caenitepidi Gela4, both in pure culture with methanol and in co-culture with methanotrophs. Genes involved in the serine pathway were downregulated in M. caenitepidi Gela4 under co-culture conditions, and methanol was below the detection limit (< 310 nM) in both pure culture of M. marinum S8 and co-culture. In contrast, genes involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, as well as acetyl-CoA synthetase, were upregulated in M. caenitepidi Gela4 under co-culture conditions. Notably, a pure culture of M. marinum S8 produced acetate (< 16 μM) during growth. These results suggested that an organic compound other than methanol, possibly acetate, might be the major carbon source for M. caenitepidi Gela4 cross-fed by M. marinum S8. Co-culture of M. caenitepidi Gela4 and M. marinum S8 may represent a model system to further study methanol-independent cross-feeding from methanotrophs to non-methanotrophic bacteria

    Cultivation and biogeochemical analyses reveal insights into methanogenesis in deep subseafloor sediment at a biogenic gas hydrate site

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    Gas hydrates deposited in subseafloor sediments are considered to primarily consist of biogenic methane. However, little evidence for the occurrence of living methanogens in subseafloor sediments has been provided. This study investigated viable methanogen diversity, population, physiology and potential activity in hydrate-bearing sediments (1–307 m below the seafloor) from the eastern Nankai Trough. Radiotracer experiments, the quantification of coenzyme F430 and molecular sequencing analysis indicated the occurrence of potential methanogenic activity and living methanogens in the sediments and the predominance of hydrogenotrophic methanogens followed by methylotrophic methanogens. Ten isolates and nine representative culture clones of hydrogenotrophic, methylotrophic and acetoclastic methanogens were obtained from the batch incubation of sediments and accounted for 0.5–76% of the total methanogenic sequences directly recovered from each sediment. The hydrogenotrophic methanogen isolates of Methanocalculus and Methanoculleus that dominated the sediment methanogen communities produced methane at temperatures from 4 to 55 °C, with an abrupt decline in the methane production rate at temperatures above 40 °C, which is consistent with the depth profiles of potential methanogenic activity in the Nankai Trough sediments in this and previous studies. Our results reveal the previously overlooked phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of living methanogens, including methylotrophic methanogenesis

    The delivery of mRNA to colon inflammatory lesions by lipid-nano-particles containing environmentally-sensitive lipid-like materials with oleic acid scaffolds

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    An mRNA gene therapy represents a potentially promising therapeutic for curing inflammatory diseases. The transient nature of the gene expression of mRNA would be expected to be beneficial for avoiding undesired side effects. Since the mRNA is a vulnerable molecule, a development of a carrier that can deliver the mRNA to the cytoplasm has a high priority. We report herein on the development of a system for delivering mRNA to the inflammatory lesion in a dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis model. We modulated molecular structures of an ionizable lipid, an SS-cleavable and pH-activated lipid-like material (ssPalm). Among the fatty acids investigated, oleic acid scaffolds (ssPalmO) appeared to be more biocompatible than either myristic acid or linoleic acid scaffolds with the colitis model. The structural modification of the hydrophilic head groups from linear tertiary amines to piperazine rings (ssPalmO-Paz4-C2) resulted in a more than 10-fold higher increasing in the transgene activity in inflammatory colon. The most notable observation is that the transgene activity in the inflammatory colon is significantly higher than that in liver, the major clearance organ of lipid nanoparticles. Collectively, the ssPalmO-Paz4-C2 represents a promising material for the delivery of an mRNA to inflammatory lesions

    Production of Crown-Rot Resistant Strawberry by Concentration of Indigenously Existing Resistant Cells through Tissue Culture

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    [Synopsis] Tissue culture was used for selecting and enhancing the resistant variant cells which indigenously exist in leaf tissues of the susceptible cultivar in order to establish an efficient system for producing crown-rot resistant lines of strawberry. Leaves of the resistant and susceptible cultivars were inoculated with the crown-rot pathogen by needle-prick inoculation method. Two types of lesions (small necrotic spots and extensively expanding lesions) were formed on leaves of both the resistant and susceptible cultivar. The resistant cultivar was characterized by higher percentage of the small necrotic spots. The cells forming the resistant-type lesion were amplified by inducing callus tissues from leaf explants of the susceptible cultivar, and regenerants showing the higher frequencies of the resistant-type lesion were selected. The amplification of these cells to the level of the resistant cultivar was achieved by repeating callus induction and plant regeneration from the selected repenerants. The regenerants finally obtained in the present system showed the resistance in the field inoculation test