286 research outputs found

    オーダー メード サイセイ イリョウ ノ ジツゲン ニ ムケタ コンピュータ サイエンス

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    The discovery of stem cells and the development of iPS cell technology to create, the development of regenerative medicine technology that aims to reproduce the organ has been promoted. The regenerative medicine is replaced with the tissues of the patient to make up the tissue in vitro. In this health care law, it is insufficient in the treatment and understanding of disease in biology and medicine. In regenerative medicine, it is build up by designing the required tissue is required, engineering techniques are required. Since the organization and the patient's disease is different from individual to individual, verification by simulation is essential to the design of regenerated tissue. In this paper, I will report the results of the latest research on the relationship of regenerative medicine research and the field of computer science

    Computational Analysis of Dancing Cells

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    Collective cell migration is observed during morphogenesis, angiogenesis, and wound healing, and this type of cell migration also contributes to efficient metastasis in some kinds of cancers. Because collectively migrating cells are much better organized than a random assemblage of individual cells, there seems to be a kind of order in migrating clusters. Extensive research has identified a large number of molecules involved in collective cell migration, and these factors have been analyzed using dramatic advances in imaging technology. To date, however, it remains unclear how myriad cells are integrated as a single unit. Recently, we observed unbalanced collective cell migrations that can be likened to either precision dancing or awa-odori, Japanese traditional dancing similar to the style at Rio Carnival, caused by the impairment of the conformational change of JRAB/MICAL-L2. This review begins with a brief history of image-based computational analyses on cell migration, explains why quantitative analysis of the stylization of collective cell behavior is difficult, and finally introduces our recent work on JRAB/MICAL-L2 as a successful example of the multidisciplinary approach combining cell biology, live imaging, and computational biology. In combination, these methods have enabled quantitative evaluations of the “dancing style” of collective cell migration

    気管支喘息患者の血清コーチゾール値について. 副腎皮質ホルモン投与および年齢との関連

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    Serum cortisol levels were examined in 94 patients with bronchial asthma in relation to dose of glucocorticoids and age. 1. The level of serum cortisol was significantly lower in group A patients, treated with glucocorticoids (prednisolone of 5mg/day or more) for more than 2 years, (2.4±1.2mcg/㎗) than in group B, treated with glucocorticoids (prednisolone of 5mg or less) for less than 2 years, (6.8±3.7mcg/㎗) (p<0.001) and in group C, treated without glucocorticoids, (12.6±3.9mcg/㎗) (p<0.001). The serum cortisol level was also significantly lower in group B than in group C (p<0.001). 2. The level of serum cortisol was significantly lower in patients over the age of 70 compared to that in those aged between 0 and 39 years (p<0.01) and those between 40 and 49 (p<0.05), and those between 50 and 59 (p<0.02). The level was also lower in patients between 60 and 69 compared to that in those between 0 and 39, however, this was not significant. These results demonstrate that the level of serum cortisol decreases by long-term glucocorticoid regimen and with aging.気管支喘息94例を対象に,副腎皮質ホルモン投与および年齢との関連のもとに,血清コーチゾール値の変動を観察した。まず副腎皮質ホルモンの投与量および投与期間により以下の3群に分けて検討した。グループA :副腎皮質ホルモン,プレドニソロンに換算して1日5mg以上を2年間以上にわたり使用している症例,グループB:プレドニソロン1日5mg以下で2年間以内の使用症例, グループC:副腎皮質ホルモンを全く使用していない症例。その結果,グループAの血清コーチゾ-ル値(2.4±1.2mcg/㎗)は,グループB (6.8±3.7mcg/㎗)(p 0.01)やC(12.6±3.9mcg/㎗)(p 0.001)に比べ有意に低い値であった。2、グループCでは,70才以上の症例の血清コーチゾ-ル値は,0-39才の症例(p 0.0l),40-49才の症例(p 0.05),そして,50-59才の症例(p 0.02)に比べ有意に低い値であった。これらの結果は,血清コーチゾール値は,副腎 皮質ホルモンの投与量や投与期間以外にも、加齢による影響を受ける可能性を示唆している

    Efficient parallel LOD-FDTD method for Debye-dispersive media

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    The locally one-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (LOD-FDTD) method is a promising implicit technique for solving Maxwell’s equations in numerical electromagnetics. Thispaper describes an efficient message passing interface (MPI)-parallel implementation of the LOD-FDTD method for Debye-dispersive media. Its computational efficiency is demonstrated to be superior to that of the parallel ADI-FDTD method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed parallel algorithm in the simulation of a bio-electromagnetic problem: the deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the human body.The work described in this paper and the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013, under grant agreement no 205294 (HIRF SE project), and from the Spanish National Projects TEC2010-20841-C04-04, CSD2008-00068, and the Junta de Andalucia Project P09-TIC-5327

    Color superconductivity on the lattice -- analytic predictions from QCD in a small box

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    We investigate color superconductivity on the lattice using the gap equation for the Cooper pair condensate. The weak coupling analysis is justified by choosing the physical size of the lattice to be smaller than the QCD scale, while keeping the aspect ratio of the lattice small enough to suppress thermal excitations. In the vicinity of the critical coupling constant that separates the superconducting phase and the normal phase, the gap equation can be linearized, and by solving the corresponding eigenvalue problem, we obtain the critical point and the Cooper pair condensate without assuming its explicit form. The momentum components of the condensate suggest spatially isotropic s-wave superconductivity with Cooper pairs formed by quarks near the Fermi surface. The chiral symmetry in the massless limit is spontaneously broken by the Cooper pair condensate, which turns out to be dominated by the scalar and the pseudo-scalar components. Our results provide useful predictions, in particular, for future lattice simulations based on methods to overcome the sign problem such as the complex Langevin method.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures, 1 table, v2: A.3 modified, Ref. [57] adde