181 research outputs found

    c-trie++: A Dynamic Trie Tailored for Fast Prefix Searches

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    Given a dynamic set KK of kk strings of total length nn whose characters are drawn from an alphabet of size σ\sigma, a keyword dictionary is a data structure built on KK that provides locate, prefix search, and update operations on KK. Under the assumption that α=w/lgσ\alpha = w / \lg \sigma characters fit into a single machine word ww, we propose a keyword dictionary that represents KK in nlgσ+Θ(klgn)n \lg \sigma + \Theta(k \lg n) bits of space, supporting all operations in O(m/α+lgα)O(m / \alpha + \lg \alpha) expected time on an input string of length mm in the word RAM model. This data structure is underlined with an exhaustive practical evaluation, highlighting the practical usefulness of the proposed data structure, especially for prefix searches - one of the most elementary keyword dictionary operations

    An Improved Data Structure for Left-Right Maximal Generic Words Problem

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    For a set D of documents and a positive integer d, a string w is said to be d-left-right maximal, if (1) w occurs in at least d documents in D, and (2) any proper superstring of w occurs in less than d documents. The left-right-maximal generic words problem is, given a set D of documents, to preprocess D so that for any string p and for any positive integer d, all the superstrings of p that are d-left-right maximal can be answered quickly. In this paper, we present an O(n log m) space data structure (in words) which answers queries in O(|p| + o log log m) time, where n is the total length of documents in D, m is the number of documents in D and o is the number of outputs. Our solution improves the previous one by Nishimoto et al. (PSC 2015), which uses an O(n log n) space data structure answering queries in O(|p|+ r * log n + o * log^2 n) time, where r is the number of right-extensions q of p occurring in at least d documents such that any proper right extension of q occurs in less than d documents

    Faster Queries for Longest Substring Palindrome After Block Edit

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    Palindromes are important objects in strings which have been extensively studied from combinatorial, algorithmic, and bioinformatics points of views. Manacher [J. ACM 1975] proposed a seminal algorithm that computes the longest substring palindromes (LSPals) of a given string in O(n) time, where n is the length of the string. In this paper, we consider the problem of finding the LSPal after the string is edited. We present an algorithm that uses O(n) time and space for preprocessing, and answers the length of the LSPals in O(l + log log n) time, after a substring in T is replaced by a string of arbitrary length l. This outperforms the query algorithm proposed in our previous work [CPM 2018] that uses O(l + log n) time for each query