31 research outputs found

    Anthropometry Factors and Physical Dominan Conditions in Futsal Playing Capabilities

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    This study aims to find out to determine the anthropometric factors and dominant physical conditions in the ability to play female futsal. The population of this research is 14 female futsal teams at IAIN Purwokerto. This type of research is quantitative, using a Confirmatory Factor Analysis design. The data collection technique used in this study was by test and measurement. Data from the test results and measurements are then processed and calculated using the KMO and Bartlett's Test program. The results of the study obtained anthropometric factors that were dominantly influential in determining the performance of futsal athletes, namely the ratio of leg length and height. Factors of physical condition that are dominantly influential in determining the performance of futsal athletes are agility

    Anthropometric and biomotor factors that determine the ability of field tennis service

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    This study aims to analyze the Anthropometric and Biomotor Factors that Determine the Ability of Field Tennis Service on Achievement Development Students of FKOR UNS Surakarta. The method used in this study is a quantitative research approach using a confirmatory factor analysis design. Data were processed and analyzed using SPSS software version 22 and factor analysis using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's Test. The population in this study were the 25 students of FKOR UNS tennis achievement coaching students. The sampling technique in this study used a total sampling technique. Data collection techniques using tests and measurements. Anthropometric factors that determine the ability to serve in tennis are weight with a value of 0.695, height with a value of 0.661 and arm length with a value of 0.628. The biomotor factors that determine the ability to serve in tennis are arm muscle power with a value of 0.863 and eye-hand coordination with a value of 0.653. Based on the results of the second analysis, it was found that the five variables had communalities values > 0.5. So it can be concluded that the greater the value of the communalities of these factors will provide benefits to students in coaching tennis achievements in serving tennis.Keywords: Anthropometry, Biomotor, Service Ability, Tenni

    Analysis of determinants service ability in tennis courts Viewed from anthropometry and biomotor aspects

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    Данное исследование направлено на анализ антропометрических и биомоторных факторов, определяющих способность Службы полевого тенниса к развитию достижений студентов ФКОР УНС Суракарта. Метод, используемый в этом исследовании, представляет собой количественный подход к исследованию с использованием метода подтверждающего факторного анализа. Данные обрабатывались и анализировались с использованием программного обеспечения SPSS версии 22 и факторного анализа с использованием теста Кайзера-Мейера-Олкина и Бартлетта. Популяцией в этом исследовании были 25 студентов FKOR UNS, обучающихся тренерской работе по достижениям в теннисе. Метод отбора проб в этом исследовании использовал метод полного отбора проб. Методы сбора данных с использованием тестов и измерений. Антропометрическими факторами, определяющими способность подавать в теннисе, являются вес со значением 0,695, рост со значением 0,661 и длина руки со значением 0,628. Биомоторными факторами, определяющими способность подавать в теннисе, являются сила мышц рук со значением 0,863 и координация глаз и рук со значением 0,653. Основываясь на результатах второго анализа, было установлено, что пять переменных имели значения общности р>0,5. Таким образом, можно сделать вывод, что чем больше значение общности этих факторов, тем больше преимуществ получат студенты в обучении теннисным достижениям в обслуживании тенниса

    Sports development of Pangkalpinang city viewed from sports development index

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    To measure the level of development of community sports can be done by measuring the development of sports through the SDI (Sport Development Index). This study aims to: 1) Describe the results of sports development. 2) Identify the availability of sports open spaces. 3) Identifying the quality and quantity of human resources. 4) Identify the level of community participation in exercise. 5) Measuring the level of physical fitness of the community. 6) Knowing the results of SDI in Pangkalpinang city. This study uses the mixed method method combining two forms of research, namely qualitative and quantitative research. The study sample amounted to 270 people. The sampling technique uses a multistage random sampling method. The results of this study are: 1) Development of sports in the city of Pangkalpinang included in the low category. 2) Index of open space shows a number of 0.363 included in the low category. 3) Index of Human Resources shows a figure of 0.0007 included in the low category. 4) The index of community participation shows that the number of 0.348 is included in the low category. 5) Community Fitness Level shows a number of 0.361 included in the low category. 6) SDI in Pangkalpinang city shows a number of 0.268 included in the low category


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    Purpose of the study: The aim of this study to shape Indonesian people who are moral, form Indonesian people who are intelligent and rational, form innovative people who like to work hard, are optimistic and trustworthy, and have a patriot spirit. Methodology: This research was conducted using a survey method in elementary school teachers, both public and private schools, throughout the Wonogiri district. There were 25 teachers involved in this research. The instrument used was a character education questionnaire, which was adopted from 18 values in the nation's character education. The questions used consisted of four indicators, including teaching materials, the use of multimedia, character education in learning, and the integration of character education in multimedia learning. Main Findings: The results showed that multimedia learning used by teachers had not integrated the values of Pancasila. While the results of character education analysis, to show that some character values have been applied in learning. Applications of this study: The implication of the research results can be utilized for further research, in the context of strengthening character education is an educational policy whose main purpose is to implement the Nawacita of President JokoWidodo - JusufKalla in the national education system. Novelty/Originality of this study: The study of the Value of Character Education in thematic learning is one of the innovations that is being developed theoretically so that multimedia will be created that will strengthen the value of character education. Character values that have not been maximally implemented are creative values, national spirit, discipline, and an attitude of respect for achievement

    Antropometry and physical conditions of dominant determination on basketball athlete

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    The purpose of this study was to determine anthropometry and dominant physical conditions to determine the achievement of 12-16 year old basketball athletes. This study used a population of basketball players aged 12-16 years in basketball clubs in Solo Raya, which numbered 60 players. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique. The technique of collecting data uses tests and measurements. Factor analysis in this study was carried out using the SPSS version 20.0 program with KMO and Bartlett's Test. The results showed that after analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis with KMO and Bartlett's Test, the dominant anthropometric factors had an effect on basketball games, namely arm range, height, length of leg, leg length, foot length, weight, and width of the foot. While the dominant physical condition factors influence basketball games, namely arm power, leg power, speed and agility. There are two factors in physical conditions which are included in the category of weak or less dominant after the athlete 12-16 years are flexibility in the box, and hand eye coordination

    The Evaluation of Physical Health and Sport Education Program at SMA Negeri 2 Ngawi using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) Evaluation Model

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical health and sport education program at SMA N 2 Ngawi using a context, input, process, product (CIPP) evaluation model approach. The research method used in this research is program evaluation research. The approach taken in this program evaluation research uses the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model. Sources of data in this study are principals, teachers, and students. Data collection techniques in this study used interview instruments, document observations and assessment questionnaires/value scale questionnaires. The data obtained were then analysed using quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the evaluation of the context of SMA Negeri 2 Ngawi has the advantage of having a clear and complete background. Evaluation of input, HR (PJOK teachers) at SMA Negeri 2 Ngawi have competence in the field being taught and have appropriate academic qualifications. Process Evaluation, SMA Negeri 2 Ngawi has a learning plan, which is implemented and evaluated according to predetermined indicators. The last aspect is product evaluation, the average value of physical education in sports and health in the knowledge category is 84, while the skill category is 88

    Adaptive Children'S Management Of Special Education In Special Research School Inclusive Education (Case Study of Management of Adaptive Physical Education at Organizing Middle School Inclusive Education in Boyolali Regency)

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    The purpose of this study was to find out: (1) Planning, (2) Organizing, (3) Implementation, and (4) Monitoring of Adaptive Physical Education in Middle School Providers of Inclusive Education in Boyolali District. This research was conducted in junior high school inclusive education providers in Boyolali Regency. This study uses qualitative research using a case study approach. Sampling and data sources using purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis in this study is data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of research on inclusive education in Boyolali Regency show that the management system of inclusive education in junior high schools in Boyolali Regency still has many weaknesses, especially in terms of process implementation. There are only a few schools that have planned management in implementing adaptive physical education. In organizing there is only an organizational structure and there is also a school team tasked with planning, drafting, developing and adjusting inclusive programs involving principals, class teachers, subject teachers, and parents of students. Exposure does not work properly because of the absence of special accompanying teachers and a lack of government attention, so schools cannot yet carry out education that is in accordance with the principle of inclusion in fulfilling children's educational rights. In the implementation of adaptive physical education learning has not been right on target and optimally related to services to children with special needs, in terms of the provision of material has not been adapted while in the use of infrastructure facilities there are still not many modifications in accordance with the needs of children with special needs taught. Supervision carried out only monitors the state of the school and does not see the management system. Adaptive physical education supporting resources are inadequate and still must be considered in terms of procurement and modification of facilities and infrastructure

    Evaluation of Boccia Sports Achievement Coaching Program using Cipp Model at the Boccia NPC Indonesia National Training Center

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    The present research focus on determining the achievement of the Boccia sports achievement coaching program using the CIPP evaluation model at the Boccia NPC Indonesia National Training Center in 2019/2020. The type of research used is program evaluation research. The evaluation model used is the evaluation model context, input, process, product (CIPP). Sources of data obtained from three objects namely paper, place and person. Data collection techniques in this research used observation, questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The research instruments are observation guidelines, interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive data analysis, namely qualitative descriptive data analysis and quantitative descriptive data analysis. The result of the percentage value of context evaluation is 87.5% in good category, the result of the percentage value of input evaluation is 86.5% in good category, the result of the percentage value of process evaluation is 88.67% in good category, and the result of the percentage value of product evaluation is 89, 8% with good category. Based on the results of the evaluation of the questionnaire assessment and has been analyzed using quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques, it can be concluded that the evaluation of the Boccia sports achievement coaching program is categorized as good

    The Availability of Open Spaces in Surakarta (A Survey of the Utilization of Open Spaces in Surakarta as a Sport Facility)

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    The main purposes of the research are: 1) identify open space as a sport facility in Surakarta, 2) tell about some types of sports that utilize open space intensively, 3) tell about community groups that utilize open space to do exercise. This research was conducted at open spaces in Surakarta. The method of the research was descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques used in this research were interview and observation. The object of the research was the people who utilized open spaces in Surakarta. There were 30 people as the samples of the research that were taken randomly using Proportional Purposive Random Sampling. The data sources in this research were obtained from the people who utilized open spaces as a sport facility. The data analysis techniques used in this research were data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification and conclusion. The results of the research show that: 1) first, based on the SDI ratio analysis or the comparison of the open spaces in Surakarta to the population of 7 years and above, the availability of open spaces in Surakarta that is only 366,144.44 m² does not meet the ideal level. Second, the open spaces that are most visited and utilized by the people as a sport facility are Gelora Manahan and Car Free Day (CFD) on Slamet Riyadi street. 2) Gelora Manahan and Car Free Day are dominated by both individual sports and group sports from low to high intensity of sports. 3) There are three categories of groups of people who utilize the open spaces. The groups are categorized based on gender, age, and background of activities