25 research outputs found

    The Concept of Muḥammad Shaḥrūr on Gender Parity in Inheritance Legislation

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    The distribution of inheritance by Islamic law is carried out equitably, namely by allocating shares to both males and females. Nevertheless, the current discussion surrounding the allocation of inheritance is facing challenges, particularly about the inequitable division of inheritance, where two males receive twice as much as one female. This disparity is perceived as unjust by certain individuals. Various experts have extensively analyzed both male and female issues. This analysis provides a thorough examination of Muḥammad Shaḥrūr's ideology, focusing on its normative legal aspects, particularly about gender and legal concepts. As per Muḥammad Shaḥrūr, Allah assigns at least fifty percent of a man's share to a woman. This minimum level applies in cases where the mother does not provide any financial support for the family's maintenance. Nevertheless, if women actively participate in creating revenue and contribute to the family's financial support, their share of contribution becomes comparable to that of males. Muḥammad Shaḥrūr contends that both men and women can obtain equal portions of inheritance within the framework of gender and legal principles. However, this equality is dependent on certain conditions and must not violate the specified limits set by Islamic law

    Dynamics of family fiqh: the multiple roles of women in realizing family resilience

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    This research seeks to reveal the multiple roles of working women in realizing family resilience. This research argues that family resilience will determine the resilience of a nation. The research was conducted through interviews and observations on 15 civil servants (PNS) at the State Islamic University (UIN) of Salatiga. They consisted of 6 lecturers, 6 educational staff, and 3 postgraduate students. The results of the study show that women had a central role in realizing family resilience. The multiple roles that women played as a wife, mother, community member, and worker indicate their strong personality. They were women who were able to pursue their family resilience in their own way, depending on the conditions and situations that they faced. They were not only concerned with domestic affairs, but also other affairs in society and at work. They were able to negotiate their multiple roles to maintain their existence without abandoning their role in the family as a wife and mother. Some of the important practices that these women implemented include building communication and openness, implementing the principle of mutuality in carrying out tasks at home, acting smart to seize opportunities and not being monotonous, setting priorities between several tasks or jobs, and increasing spirituality/religiosity and minimizing negative effects of using social media on children


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    ABSTRACT The community service activity aims to assist UMKM in overcoming problems with recording financial statements. As for the form of activities in the implementation of community service with the theme of financial accounting. The results of the PKM implementation were to add to their knowledge in the field of accounting and financial statement. South Tangerang UMKM participants were very enthusiastic about the material they got from Pamulang University accounting lecturers. Participants could immediately practice bookkeeping through the SI-APIK application. The response of the participants was very good and happy because it was greatly helped in learning about financial recording. The importance of managing the financial aspects of the business makes UMKM aware that income must be rotated so that the business continues. PKM activities should be encouraged and made as attractive as possible in order to attract more UMKM participants in South Tangerang, to expand the coverage of the material area so that participants can gain more insight. Keywords: Financial Statement, SI-APIK, UMKM. ABSTRAK Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah membantu UMKM dalam mengatasi persoalan-persoalan pencatatan laporan keuangan. Adapun bentuk kegiatan dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tema akuntansi keuangan. Hasil pelaksanaan PKM adalah menambah ilmu mereka di bidang akuntansi, pencatatan keuangan.Para peserta UMKM Tangerang Selatan yang sangat antusias dengan materi yang mereka dapatkan dari dosen-dosen akuntansi Universitas Pamulang, Para peserta dapat langsung mempraktekan pembukuan melaui aplikasi SI-APIK. Respon para peserta sangat baik dan senang karena sangat terbantu dalam pembelajaran tentang pencatatan keuangan. Pentingnya pengelolaan aspek keuangan usaha membuat para UMKM sadar bahwa pendapatan harus di putar agar usaha terus maju. Kegiatan PKM kedepannya agar digalakan dan dibuat semenarik mungkin agar dapat menjaring lebih banyak lagi peserta UMKM di Tangerang Selatan, perluasan jangkauan cakupan wilayah materi bisa lebih diperluas sehingga peserta dapat memperoleh wawasan lebih banyak. Kata Kunci: Laporan Keuangan, SI-APIK, UMKM

    Pengaruh perendaman benih pada berbagai jenis larutan urin terhadap daya tumbuh kecambah kaliandra (calliandra calothyrsus)

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil pengaruh perendaman benih pada berbagai jenis larutan urin terhadap daya tumbuh kecambah kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus). Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah benih kaliandra sebanyak 100 gr, urin sapi, kambing dan domba sebanyak @1 liter. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimental lapang berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan penelitian terdiri dari P0 (perlakuan kontrol/tanpa perendaman), P1 (perendaman pada air) dan perlakuan eksperimental dengan perendaman pada berbagai jenis urin dengan konsentrasi 10%, yakni, P2 (larutan urin sapi), P3(larutan urin kambing) dan P4 (larutan urin domba). Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini yaitu daya tumbuh kecambah kaliandra yang meliputi persentase perkecambahan, tinggi bibit, persentase benih mati, dan persentase kecambah normal. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis sidik ragam anova tunggal dengan bantuan aplikasi SPSS for Windows,apabila terdapat pengaruh maka dilanjutkan dengan uji. Perendaman pada urin sapi memberikan nilai terbaik pada persentase kecambah (88,33%), tinggi bibit (5,67±0,57)cm, persentase benih mati terendah (11,67±3,51%), dan persentase kecambah normal (91,67±1,52%). Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian yaitu perendaman benih pada urin sapi memberikan pengaruh terbaik terhadap daya tumbuh kecambah kaliandara (Calliandra calothyrsus).   Abstract                 This study aims to determine the effect of seed immersion on various types of urine solution on the growth of Calliandra calothyrsus. The material used in this study was 100 grams of calliandra seed, cow urine, goat urine and sheep urine. The method used in this study was a field experiment based on a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment consisted of P0 (control / no soaking treatment), P1 (immersion in water) and experimental treatment with soaking in various types of urine with a concentration of 10%, namely, P2 (cow urine solution), P3 (goat urine solution) and P4 (sheep urine solution). The variables observed in this study were the growth of kaliandra sprouts which included germination percentage, seed height, percentage of dead seeds, and the percentage of normal sprouts. The data obtained were analyzed using a single ANOVA variance analysis with the help of the SPSS for Windows application, if there was an influence then proceed with the test. Immersion in cow urine gave the best value in the percentage of sprouts (88.33%), seedling height (5.67 ± 0.57) cm, the lowest percentage of dead seeds (11.67 ± 3.51%), and the percentage of normal sprouts ( 91.67 ± 1.52%). The conclusion of the research results is that the immersion of seeds in cow urine gives the best effect on the power of kaliandara sprouts (Calliandra calothyrsus)

    Pengaruh frekuensi penyiraman benih terhadap produktivitas fodder jagung ( zea mays) dengan sistem hidroponik

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    Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui frekuensi penyiraman benih terhadap produktivitas jagung fooder (Zea mays) dengan sistem hidroponik. Metode dari penelitian ini adalah jagung dan air. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental lapang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAK) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah P1 (1 kali penyiraman / hari), P2 (2 kali penyiraman / hari) dan P3 (3 kali penyiraman / hari). Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah Persentase Perkecambahan, Persentase Kecambahan Normal, Produksi Hijauan Segar, Produksi Bahan Kering, Produksi Bahan Organik, Produksi Protein Kasar dan Produksi Serat Mentah. Analisis data ini dikerjakan dengan menggunakan alat bantu yaitu program  SPSS for Windows 16.0. Apabila setiap perlakuan terdapat pengaruh makan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas pakan jagung dengan berbagai perlakuan penyiraman memberikan efek yang sangat nyata (P <0,01) pada persentase perkecambahan, perkecambahan normal, produksi hijauan segar, produksi bahan kering, produksi bahan organik, produksi protein kasar dan produksi serat kasar. Persentase perkecambahan tertinggi pada perlakuan P3 (95,80%), persentase kecambah normal tertinggi pada P2 (94,63%), produksi hijauan segar tanaman tertinggi pada P3 (420,80 gram), produksi bahan kering tertinggi pada P3 (364,82 gram), produksi bahan organik tertinggi pada P3 (357,68 gram), produksi protein kasar pada P3 (66,51 gram) dan produksi serat kasar pada P3 (82,74 gram). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah benih penyiraman sebanyak 3 kali / hari memberikan produktivitas pakan jagung tertinggi (Zea mays) dengan sistem hidropinik.     Abstract The aim of this research were to know of seed watering frequeney to productivity of corn fooder (Zea mies) by hidropinic system. The material of this research were corn and water. The method used was experimental field using Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with 3 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment used is P1 (1 time watering / day), P2 (2 times watering / day) and P3 (3 times watering / day). The variables observed in this study were. Percentage of germination, percentage of  normal germination, flant production, dry material production, organic matter  production, crude protein production and gude fiber production. Based on the results of the research shown that the productivity of corn feed with various watering treatments gives a very real effect (P <0.01) on the percentage of germination, normal germination, plant production, DM production, OM production, CD production and CF production. The highest percentage of germination on treatment P3 (95.80%), highest percentage of  normal germination on P2 (94.63%), highest plant fresh production on P3 (420.80 gram), highest dry matler production on  P3 (364.82 gram), highest OM production on P3 (357.68 gram), CD production  on P3 (66,51 gram) and CF production on P3 (82,74 gram). The conduded of this research were seed watering frequeney 3 times/day gave highest productivity of corn fodder (Zea mies) by hidropinic system


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    ABTRACT This study aimed to determine the effect of kepayang seed and celery on the characteristics of microbiological, chemical, physical and beef fillet with a variety of shelf life. The material used in this study, namely beef, kepayang seed and celery. Method of research done at the Experimental experiment using completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 4 treatments, Po: 0 hours, P1: 24 hours, P2: 36 hours, P3: 72 hours. With each treatment was repeated three times. he research variables including the Total Plate Count (TPC), protein testing, organoleptic. Analysis of data using a single anava if there is a difference then continued with Duncan test. Organoleptic analysis using the Kruskal Wallis test. The results showed that the preservation of the beef with the addition of celery seeds and with variation kepayang shelf life provides very significant influence (PË‚0,01) against TPC and protein testing, with a low TPC values at 24 hours storage time is equal to 246.7 cfu / g and the value of the highest protein levels at 72 hours of storage that is equal to 16.83%. In the organoleptic tests give very significant influence (P 0.01). The results of research carried out can be concluded that in the long storage time of 24 hours of application kepayang and celery seed blend provides the best quality beef quality associated total microbial contamination. While the storage time of 72 hours gives the highest preference level panelist on the flavor of beef. Suggested for further research to test the fat content, pH, water and using other types of meat. Keywords : seed kepayang, celery, total plate count, organoleptic, protei

    Pengaruh pemberian tepung biji durian sebagai bahan pengisi bakso daging itik petelur afkir terhadap daya susut masak dan uji organoleptik

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    ABSTRACT   The purpose of this research is to know the effect of giving of durian seed meal as filling material of laying duck meatballs with organoleptic test and cooking shrinkage on elasticity, aroma, taste, color and texture. This method uses a complete Randomized design with four repetitions. Grain levels of durian 0% (P0), 5% (P1), 10% (P2), 15% (P3), and 20% (P4) durian grains. Using single variance analysis data. The results of organoleptic test and cooking shrink showed that in P0 and P1 treatment with 0-5% durian flour level there was a very real effect (P<0.01). While on P2, P3 and P4 does not influence good elasticity, aroma, taste, color, and texture. This is why more and more level of durian seed meal will decrease. Suggested in the process of making duck meatballs using 95% tapioca flour with 5% durian seed mea


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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic activity of the extracts and fractions of Eriocaulon cinereum against HeLa and Vero cell lines,which represent cervical cancer and normal cells, respectively. In addition, a phytochemical screening was carried out to determine the chemicalconstituents in the extracts and the active fractions.Materials and Methods: The extracts of E. cinereum were obtained by ultrasound-assisted extraction method using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, andmethanol, successively. The active extract was fractionated using vacuum liquid chromatography with dichloromethane followed by ethyl acetate. Thecytotoxic activity was evaluated by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay method and was measured using microplatereader at the wavelength 595 nm. The data were analyzed with PROBIT from SPSS 16 for Windows®. In addition, phytochemical screening wasperformed using standard procedures.Results: The cytotoxic evaluation of the extracts of E. cinereum showed that the ethyl acetate extract was the most active extract against HeLa cell linewith the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value of 580.07 μg/ml. The dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions from the active extractof E. cinereum exhibited cytotoxic activity against HeLa cell with the IC50 values of 466.61 μg/ml and 267.34 μg/ml, respectively. In addition, the ethylacetate fraction showed a low cytotoxic effect against Vero cell line. The phytochemical screening of the ethyl acetate fraction indicated the presenceof terpenoids and alkaloids.Conclusion: This finding revealed the anticancer potential of E. cinereum and warranted further investigation for the discovery of new anticanceragents from natural resources for cervical cancer

    Pengaruh penggunaan tepung emping melinjo ( Gnetum gnemon ) dalam pakan terhadap kadar glukosa darah dan energi metabolis ayam kampung

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    ABSTRAK                 Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan Tepung Emping Melinjo (TEM) sebagai bahan pakan alternatif dalam ransum terhadap penampilan produksi ayam kampung.Materi yang digunakan adalah 80 ekor DOC ayam kampung. DOC ayam kampung dikelompokkan berdasarkan perlakukan penelitian yaitu penggunaan TEM dalam ransum sebanyak 0% (P0), 5% (P1), 10% (P2),dan 15% (P3). Penelitian dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap terdiri atas empat perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Masing-masing unit percobaan terdiri atas lima ekor ayam. Bahan pakan penyusun pakan basal terdiri atas jagung pipilan, dedak, dan konsentrat ayam kampung. Parameter yang diamati adalah: Kadar glukosa darah (mg/dl), dan Energi Metabolis ( kkal/kg ). Ternak dipelihara dalam kandang percobaan selama enam minggu.Data hasil pengamatan ditabulasi dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam, jika antar perlakuan ditemukan perbedaan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan TEM dalam ransum tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap Energi Metabolis (P>0.05) namun berpengaruh nyata (P<0.05) terhadap Kadar glukosa darah.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan TEM sebesar 15% dalam pakan memberikan pengaruh terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah ayam kampung.Disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian lanjutan tentang peningkatan persentase penggunaan TEM sebagai sumber energi alternatif pakan unggas.   ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) Flake Meal as an alternative feed ingredient in rations on the local chicken performance. The material used is 80 DOC local chicken. DOC of local chicken is grouped based on research treatment that is the use of melinjo flake meal in ration as much as 0% (P0), 5% (P1), 10% (P2), and 15% (P3). The study was designed using a complete randomized design consisting of four treatments and four replications. Each experimental unit consists of five chickens. The feed ingredients of the basal feed composition consist of yellow corn, bran, and local chicken concentrate. The parameters observed were: blood glucose level (mg/dl) and Energy Metabolism ( kcal/kg ). Birds were kept in a trial cage for six weeks. The observational data were tabulated and analyzed using the variance analysis, if the treatment was found to be different, followed by the Duncan test. The results showed that the use of melinjo flake meal in ration did not give effect to energy metabolism (P> 0.05) but had a significant effect (P <0.05) blood glucose. Based on the results of research can be concluded that the use of 15% melinjo flake meal in the feed gives the best influence on the blood glucose of chicken production. It is recommended to conduct further research on increasing the percentage of melinjo flake meal as an alternative source of poultry feed