13 research outputs found

    Pulih Dari Autisme

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    Autisme adalah gangguan perkembangan pervasif pada anak yang umumnya muncul sebelum usia 3 tahun. Autisme bukan gangguan perilaku semata, tapi ada sebab-sebab fisik yang mendasarinya. Jadi pengobatannya selain untuk terapi mental, juga diperlukan intervensi biomedis untuk terapi fisik sesuai penyebab gejalanya. Dipaparkan kasus Alan yang didiagnosis sebagai ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) / ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder + Hiperactivity) dan Taylor yang didiagnosis sebagai Late onset infantile Autism, keduanya adalah putra Pamela Scott. Mereka berhasil pulih setelah melalui serangkaian intervensi seperti: Pemeriksaan urin, pemeriksaan alergi, Home Based Program 40 jam seminggu untuk terapi bicara, kerja, komunikasi dan perilaku. Serta Diet Anti Candida, pemberian Suplemen, Diet Gluten Free Casein Free, Pemberian Probiotik, dan injeksi EPD (Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization) untuk terapi fisiknya. Penemuan kasus dini sangat penting, karena Diagnosis dan intervensi dini sangat menentukan prognosis

    The Effective Dose and Pattern of Soybean Extract Administration to Regulate Body Weight of Laboratory Rats

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    Background: Protein in soybean, β conglycinin is responsible for anti-obesity effects by suppressing appetite via stimulation of Cholecystokinin. Cholecystokinin is a hormone released in the digestive tract in response to the intake of protein and suppress appetite for short-term. Detam 1 variety is a high-quality soybean according to the Minister of Agriculture of Indonesia. Soybean protein extract Detam 1 by Deak method contains high levels of β conglycinin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effective dose of protein extract Detam 1 soybean Deak Method (PEDSDM) in reducing food intake, regulate body weight, and plasma CCK level for 14 and 28 days at various dosage and pattern of treatment on male Wistar rats. Methods: There were eleven groups of treatment (n = 3), administrated with extracts at 5 mg/1x/day, 10 mg/1x/day, 20 mg/1x/day, 2.5 mg/2x/day, 5 mg/2x/day, 10 mg/2x/day and 1.7mg/3x/day, 3.4mg/3x/day, 6.7 mg/3x/day, negative control group (distilled water) and positive control group (Sibutramine). Food intake (g), weight loss (g) and measurement of plasma Cholecystokinin levels by ELISA (ng /ml) Results: The results showed that the highest percentage decrease in food intake is: group 3.4mg /3x/ day (p <0.05), inhibition weight gain for 14 days: group 10 mg /1x/ day, for 28 days: group 1.7 mg/3x/day (p <0.05), increased plasma Cholecystokinin levels: group 20 mg /1x/day (p <0.05). Conclusions: The effective dose and pattern administrating the rats for 14 days is extract of 10 mg once a day in the morning, for 28 days is 1.7 mg three times a day. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7:17-26

    The Analgetic Effect of Kayu Rapat Bark Infusion (Parameria Laevigata (Juss.) Moldenke) on Male Mice Treated with Thermal Induction

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    Introduction: Kayu rapat bark has been empirically used to treat many kinds of disease, and was assumed to have analgetic effect because it contains flavonoid and polyphenol in its bark.Objectives: The aim of this experiment is to discover the analgetic effect of kayu rapat (Parameria laevigata (Juss.) Moldenke) bark.Methods: The method used in this experiment was laboratoric experiment. The analgetic property was examined through heat-induced pain using a heating plate equiped with a thermostat of 550C. The experimental animal used were Swiss -Webster 25 male mice weighing ± 28 grams which were then divided into 5 treatment groups (n=5), each group was given a kayu rapat bark infusion (IKKR) of 0.975 g/kgBW, 1.95 g/kgBW , 3.9 g/kgBW, Aquadest (as control) and Sodium diclofenac 17.86 mg/kgBW (drug for comparison). The datas taken were the reaction times of the earliest visible response marked by lifting up or licking the front paws or even jumping of the mice. Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA, followed by mean difference test of Tukey HSD with α = 0.05.Results: The experimental results showed a significant difference for the IKKR of 0.975 g/kgBW (p<0.05). On the other hand, a highly significant difference was observed for th e IKKR of 1.95 g/kgBW and 3.9 g/kgBW (p<0.01). The experimental group that was given the IKKR of 3.9 g/kgBW showed a similar potency as Sodium diclofenac (p>0.05).Conclusion: It is therefore concluded that kayu rapat bark infusion had analgetic effect possesses an an algetic property

    Gambaran Beberapa Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Insidensi Diare Pada Balita Di RSU Saraswati Cikampek Periode Bulan Juli 2008

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    Diarrhea in Indonesia is potential to be epidemic; its morbidity is high and it may cause death and malnutrition in infants and toddlers. In 2006, 41 districts of 16 provinces in Indonesia reported the incidents of diarrhea epidemic in their area. At Cikampek Saraswati General Hospital, diarrhea was the fourth highest disease in 2007 and children of 1-4 years old were the highest risk group. The aim of this research is to describe the respondents’ education, economic level, knowledge, attitudes, behavior, toddler’s nutrition, personal hygiene, as well as the provision of clean water, environmental sanitation, and health facilities that have affected the incidents of diarrhea in Cikampek Saraswati General Hospital. This study uses descriptive methods, the cross-sectional research design and 46 questionnaire items as the research instruments. The participants of this research were mothers or guardian mothers with children aged between 1-5 years old suffering from diarrhea and being registered as patients in Cikampek Saraswati General Hospital in July 2008. The incidental samples were 104 people. The findings showed that the education, economic level, knowledge, behavior, toddler’s nutrition, personal hygiene, and environmental sanitation of the respondents were still poor, while the attitudes of the respondents, the provision of clean water, health facilities in the residence of respondents were already good

    Pengaruh Kenaikan Kadar Glukosa Darah Terhadap Peningkatan Daya Ingat Jangka Pendek Pada Wanita Dewasa

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    In Indonesia most people starts their days with eating breakfast.  However, there are still many who do not realize the importance of starting a day with breakfast. Many research suggest that having breakfast can improve short term memory. After breakfast, blood glucose level will raise. It is assumed that glucose plays an important role in improving memory. The purpose of this research is to  find the effect of raised blood glucose level in improving short term memory. In this research Real Prospective Experimental Method and Random Complete Design were used. 30 FK UKM third year female student have been studied, their age range between 19-23 years old, and they were given porridge for breakfast. Blood glucose level was measured before breakfast and 30, 60, 90 minutes afterwards. Short term memory was tested with memory test before breakfast and three times after breakfast. Data was analyzed to analyze the correlation between blood glucose and memory. There are significant increase of blood glucose and memory after breakfast and there is a significant corelation between raised blood glucose and memory. The conclusion is breakfast may improve memory and the raised of blood glucose level matched with the improvement of memory. &nbsp

    Perbandingan Efek Seduhan Kopi Robusta (Coffea Canephora) Dan Kopi Arabica (Coffea Arabica) Terhadap Tekanan Darah Wanita Dewasa

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    Prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia sekitar 31,7%. Hipertensi dapat diakibatkan oleh konsumsi makanan/minuman dengan kafein berlebihan. Kafein meningkatkan tekanan darah sesuai dengan jumlah kafein yang dikonsumsi. Biji kopi mengandung kafein yang jumlahnya berbeda antar spesies. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai efek konsumsi seduhan kopi Robusta dan seduhan kopi Arabica terhadap tekanan darah wanita dewasa dan membandingkan persentase peningkatan tekanan darah keduanya. Desain penelitian adalah kuasi eksperimental dengan cross over design dan wash out 2 minggu. Data yang diukur berupa tekanan darah sistol dan diastol 30 wanita dewasa. Pengukuran menggunakan metode gabungan. Analisis data menggunakan uji t berpasangan dan uji t tidak berpasangan dengan =0,05. Tingkat kemaknaan berdasarkan nilai p<0,05. Hasil penelitian seduhan kopi Robusta meningkatkan tekanan darah sistol sebesar 14,13(6,39) mmHg atau 13,52(7,11)% dan diastol sebesar 9,53(4,54) mmHg atau 14,20(7,67)%,sedangkan seduhan kopi Arabica meningkatkan tekanan darah sistol sebesar 8,20(3,29) mmHg atau 7,78(3,28)% dan diastol sebesar 6,33(4,27) mmHg atau 9,45(7,58)% (p=0,00). Kopi Robusta lebih meningkatkan tekanan darah daripada kopi Arabika dengan rerata perbedaan peningkatan tekanan sistol sebesar 5,74% (p=0,00) dan tekanan diastol sebesar 4,75% (p=0,02). Konsumsi seduhan kopi Robusta dan seduhan kopi Arabica meningkatkan tekanan darah wanita dewasa, dengan persentase peningkatan tekanan darah setelah konsumsi seduhan kopi Robusta lebih tinggi daripada setelah konsumsi seduhan kopi Arabica

    Perbandingan Kandungan Makronutrisi dan Isoflavon dari Kedelai Detam 1 dan Wilis Serta Potensinya dalam Menurunkan Berat Badan

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    Biji kedelai merupakan sumber protein berkualitas tinggi, oligosakarida, serat makanan, mineral dan fitokimia terutama isoflavon. Isoflavon dan protein yang merupakan komponen utama dalam kedelai terbukti mempunyai beberapa efek yang menguntungkan. Isoflavon mempunyai efek menurunkan berat badan melalui peningkatan kadar hormon pencernaan Kolesistokinin (KSK). Kedelai varietas Detam 1 adalah kedelai unggulan berkualitas tinggi berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian November 2008, dan sebagai pembanding adalah kedelai lokal varietas Wilis yang banyak ditanam oleh petani di Indramayu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan membandingkan kandungan makronutrisi (air, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat) kedelai dan tempe, mengetahui jenis ekstrak yang mengandung kadar isoflavon yang tertinggi. Pengujian kadar air dengan metoda Thermogravimetri, protein dengan metoda Kjeldahl, lemak dengan metoda Soxhlet, dan karbohidrat dengan metoda Antron. Kadar Isoflavon yang terdapat dalam ekstrak metanol, fraksi n-heksana, fraksi etil asetat, fraksi n-butanol, fraksi air dan ekstrak protein dari kedelai dan tempe dari Detam 1 dan Wilis diperiksa menggunakan High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar protein yang paling tinggi terdapat dalam biji kedelai Detam 1 (41,82%). Proses fermentasi meningkatkan kadar air dari biji kedelai namun menurunkan kadar protein, lemak dan karbohidrat. Kadar isoflavon paling tinggi terdapat dalam fraksi etil asetat, kadar Daidzein tertinggi dalam fraksi etil asetat biji kedelai Detam 1 (Daidzein 0,669%). Ekstrak metanol tempe kedelai Wilis juga memiliki kadar isoflavon yang tinggi (Daidzein 0,580%, Genistein 0,576%). Ekstrak metanol tempe kedelai Wilis diharapkan mempunyai manfaat sebagai terapi untuk penurunan berat badan di masa mendatang