7 research outputs found

    Analisis USAhatani dan Keragaan Marjin Pemasaran Jeruk di Kabupaten Karo

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    Marketing institute is one of the important factor in horticulture agribusiness andone of the including the pledge commodity of is orange. This article aim to wish toknow earnings of farmer and margin marketing of orange in Sub-Province of Karo .Result of analysis of farming show the existence of advantage in this commodityconducting, this matter isn't it from ratio of R/C to 2, 97. Acquirement of marketingmargin between institutes of marketing in concerned tend to vary and lame.Acquirement of the marketing margin at modern market, retailer, interislandmerchant, and merchant of mains market each of Rp 4.300 / kg, Rp 900 / kg, Rp 350/kg, and Rp 1.000 /kg. Whereas acquirement of marketing margin at merchant ofcompiler of and countryside of perkoper equal to Rp 150 / kg and of Rp 125 /kg.Mount share farmer of orange to institute of marketing of modern market, retailer,merchant of mains market and interisland merchant each of 10%, 17, 14%, 24,0%,and 28,57%. While to institute of marketing of merchant of compiler of andcountryside of perkoper equal to 80% and 72,73%. Economical, orange still profit.This advantage still improved potential corrected the production system of so that theproductivity of can be improved. To be expected by this production process canimprove quality and amount especially higher level super ordinate again so that haveopportunity to access to market the broaderness, especially export

    Sistem Perbenihan Padi Dan Karakteristik Produsen Benih Padi Di Jawa Timur

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    EnglishRice seed is a promising business. Partnership between rice seed producers and seed growers is profitable to both parties and enhances production scale. This study was conducted in November 2013 in Mojokerto and Banyuwangi Regencies, East Java Province. Results of the study showed that rice seed producers in East Java were able to supply more than the rice farmers' dema nd in the province. Some of the rice seed production was sold to other provinces. Partnership between producers and growers are intended to reduce risks. Furthermore, growers received soft loans fr om producer, attained higher yield, and better selling price. It is necessary to improve role of Food Crops and Horticulture Seed Control Agency (UPT PSBT PH) to oversee rice seed production and its distribution. Crops Seed Controller (PBT) enhancement will improve role of UPT PSBTPH. IndonesiaProduksi benih padi merupakan bisnis yang relatif menjanjikan. Kemitraan antara produsen dan penangkar benih padi menguntungkan kedua belah pihak dan dapat meningkatkan skala produksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2013 di Kabupaten Mojokerto dan Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produsen benih di Jawa Timur mampu menghasilkan benih padi untuk mencukupi kebutuhan petani di provinsi tersebut, bahkan sebagian dijual ke luar provinsi. Umumnya produsen benih bermitra dengan penangkar benih untuk mengurangi risiko kerugian. Penangkar benih diuntungkan karena mendapat bantuan pinjaman dari produsen sehingga dapat menghasilkan calon benih padi dengan produktivitas tinggi dan harga jual yang lebih baik dari gabah konsumsi. Peranan Balai Pengawasan dan Sertifikasi Benih (BPSB) atau Unit Pengelola Teknis Pengawasan dan Sertifikasi Benih Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura (UPT PSBTPH) perlu ditingkatkan dalam mengawasi produksi benih sejak di lapang, setelah panen hingga pengolahan benih dan peredaran di pasar. Penambahan Pengawas Benih Tanaman (PBT) dapat meningkatkan peran BPSB


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    Indonesia was currently fighting disinfodemic COVID-19. During this situation, several hoaxes related to COVID-19 were circulating. Of course, the hoax news makes people even more worried and afraid. One way to prove the facts in that news is through a fact-checking system. This system is intended to check facts and verify information so that the truth can be identified. Fact-checking needs to be known by the public to suppress the spread of hoax news, especially related to the circulation of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Based on this phenomenon, the purpose of this study is to determine the informants’ experience related to the fact-checking process. The study informant referred to Mafindo, an internationally licensed fact-checking agency. To answer the objective of the research, the researcher used an ethnographic study of public relations with a qualitative approach. The ethnographic study of public relations focuses on examining communication activity planning using analysis units of Insight, Strategic Program, Program Implementation, Action, and Reputation or the IPPAR Model. The results of this study indicate that the Mafindo fact checker interprets the fact-checking for COVID-19 news as important, to reduce public concerns. The lack of reference sources to be used as data and evidence of hoax news becomes a challenge when doing fact-checking. The fact-checking phases include data collection, sorting, analyzing, and checking the results before publishing them to the public. The discussion is an effort to maintain the credibility of the results, image, and reputation of the fact-checker institution