320 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Manajemen Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa pada Universitas Muria Kudus Berbasis Web

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    Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (disingkat UKM) adalah wadah aktivitas kemahasiswaan untuk mengembangkan minat, bakat dan keahlian tertentu bagi para anggota-anggotanya. lembagaini merupakan bagian organisasi kemahasiswaan intra kampus lainnya seperti senat mahasiswa dan badan eksekutif mahasiswa, baik yang berada di tingkat program studi, jurusan, maupun universitas. Lembaga ini bersifat otonom, dan bukan merupakan sub-ordinat dari badan eksekutif maupun senat mahasiswa.Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada UKM di universitas muria kudus adalah kurangnya manajemen pada kegiatan-kegiatan yang mereka lakukan sehingga banyak data yang hilang serta laporan laporan yang tidak tertata rapi yang berakibat pada waktu laporan pertanggungjawaban, mereka kesusahan dalam mencari data kegiatan yang sudah terlaksana. Aplikasi manajemen unit keguatan mahasiswa ini berguna untuk mengolah data dan laporan kegiatan, pengurus, rapat, sponsor, proposal, surat, dokumentasi, inventaris dan keuangan pada unit kegiatan mahasiswa. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan Waterfall dimana Perancangan sistem ini berupa Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram. Implementasi dari aplikasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Mysql. Aplikasi Manajemen Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa ini memudahkan bagi anggota UKM untuk mengolah data mereka secara rapi

    Efektivitas Pemungutan Pajak melalui Penerbitan Surat Pajak terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor di Kota Malang (Studi Kasus Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur Uptd Malang Kota)

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    Delegation of authority by the central government to the regions, local governments are expected to optimize local revenues, especially local taxes. Optimization of local tax revenue come from the tax potential that can be explored in the area is no exception is the motor vehicle tax. The process of collection and billing through the issuance of tax directly hand over to the taxpayer an obligation for the Regional Revenue Office of East Java Province Malang city UPTD especially in optimizing the motor vehicle tax revenue. This study aims to determine the effectiveness and contribution of the motor vehicle tax collection through the issuance of tax. In this study researchers use a shameful kind of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data analysis Miles and Hubberman models use in this study. Researchers used two methods to obtain the necessary data that interview and documentation. The end result of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the issuance of show ineffective tax and contributions obtained from the disbursement of tax arrears to the motor vehicle tax revenue is low

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Numbered Head Together (Nht) Dan Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (Tapps) Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Pada Materi Operasi Aljabar Ditinjau Dari Adversity Quotient (Aq) Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri Di Surakarta

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    The objectives of research were to find out: 1) which one is better learning achievement, scientific NHT, scientific TAPPS, or scientific classical, 2) which one is better learning achievement, students with high, medium, or low AQ, 3) in each learning models, which one is better learning achievement, students with high, medium, or low AQ, 4) in each AQ level, which one is better learning achievement, scientific NHT, scientific TAPPS, or scientific classical. This research was the quasi experimental research with 3×3 factorial design. The population of research was all grade VIII students of Junior High School in Surakarta. The samples were chosen by using stratified cluster random sampling. The instruments that used were achievement test and Adversity Quotient (AQ) questionare. The proposed hypothesis of the research were tested by using the unbalanced two-way ANOVA. The results of this research were as follows. 1) Scientific NHT had better learning achievement than scientific TAPPS and scientific classical, while scientific TAPPS had better learning achievement than scientific classical. 2) The students with high AQ had better learning achievement than medium and low AQ, while the students with medium AQ had better learning achievement than low AQ. 3) In scientific NHT, the students with high, medium, and low AQ had the same learning achievement. In scientific TAPPS, the students with high AQ had better learning achievement than medium AQ, while the students with high and medium AQ had better learning achievement than low AQ. In scientific classical, the students with high AQ had better learning achievement than medium and low AQ, while the students with medium AQ had better learning achievement than low AQ. 4) At the students with high AQ, scientific NHT and scientific classical had the same learning achievement with scientific TAPPS, while scientific NHT had better learning achievement than scientific classical. At the students with medium AQ, scientific NHT had the same learning achievement with scientific TAPPS, while scientific NHT and scientific TAPPS had better learning achievement than scientific classical. At the student with low AQ, scientific NHT had better learning achievement than scientific TAPPS and scientific classical, while scientific TAPPS had the same learning achievement with scientific classical

    Social Capital, Entrepreneurship and Rural Development

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    Arjowilangun Village is one of the most significant areas of origination in the Malang Regency for Indonesian migrant workers aiming to work overseas. The remittance sent by Indonesian migrant workers can be utilised to support the Designative program, by establishing and developing entrepreneurship. The growth and development of entrepreneurship can be formed from theparticipation of the village community. Community participation in developing independent entrepreneurship can in turn boost village development. In line with Indonesian culture, rural communities still put forward kinship, trust, mutual cooperation, networking and high social norms (social capital component). This research aims to identify the social capital of retiredIndonesian migrant workers and their decision to start business entrepreneurship. The results of the Social Network Analysis (SNA) as identified through three approaches: rate of participation, density and centrality showed that 14 respondents had the potential to be key figures in spreading information to increase community participation in village development. While the results of the correlation analysis indicate that the decision to start a business were influenced by the high value of their social capital, higher social capital can encourage the community to become entrepreneurs, enabling them to have a positive influence on village development

    Fluktuasi Kadar Tsh dan Free T4 Selama Suplementasi Spirulina sebagai Sumber Iodium Alami pada Wanita Usia Subur di Daerah Endemik Gaki

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    Spirulina is seawater microalgae that have potential as natural source of iodine and contain of 94.5 ppm iodine. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of spirulina consumption on TSH and fT4 level at women of childbearing age in IDD (Iodine Deficiency Disorder) endemicarea, who at risk of hypothyroidism. This is a Randomized Control Trial (RCT), double-blind research. Subjects were women of childbearing age (18-40 years), with TSH levels 3 to 6.2 μIU /L, divided into 2 groups. The control group was given placebo and the treatment group were given spirulina, 1 g/day, for 3 months. Spirulina and placebo were capsulated in similar capsul. TSH and FT4 levels were analyzed by ELISA method from blood serum samples. Two cc of blood were taken from subjects arm vein. The results showed that spirulina supplementation did not affect TSH levels (P > 0.05), but increasing thyroid hormone levels (fT4) higher than the control group (P 0,05), namun dapat meningkatkan kadar hormon tiroid fT4 lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (P < 0,05). Spirulina bisa menjadi alternatif sumber iodium selain garam untuk meningkatkan fungsitiroid.Kata kunci : iodium, fT4, spirulina, TS

    Profil Genetik Iodotironin Deiodenase Dan Status Tiroid Pada Wanita Usia Subur Penderita Hipotiroid Dan Hipotiroid Subklinik

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    PROFIL GENETIK IODOTIRONIN DEIODENASE DAN STATUS TIROID PADA WANITA USIA SUBUR PENDERITA HIPOTIROID DAN HIPOTIROID SUBKLINIK Genetic Profile of Iodothyronine Deiodenase and Thyroid Status in Childbearing Age Women Case on Hypothyroid and Subclinical Hypothyroid Cases ABSTRACT Background.Genetic variation has an important contribution to overall variation in the thyroid function test, with estimates varying from 30 to 65 %. There are three deiodenases with different physiological role. Deiodenases play a role in thyroid hormone homeostatis, development, growth and metabolic control by affecting the intracellular levels of T3 and thus gene expression on a cell specific basis. Type 1 deiodinase plays a role in hormone T3 cycle from T4 form and inactivation T3 into rT3. Polymorphism of D1 associate with fT3, fT4 and rT3 level. Type 2 deiodinase (D2) initiates thyroid hormone signaling by activating the pro hormone thyroxine (T4) to the biologically active T3 molecules. The 3 deiodenase (D3) terminates thyroid hormones action by catalyzing the inactivation of both T4 and T3 molecules. Objective. The aims of this study were to find polymorphism profile in iodothyronin deiodenase gene and describe its association in thyroid hormones level at hypothyroid and subclinical hipothyroid woman of childbearing age in IDD (Iodine Deficiency Disorder) endemic area. Method. Subject were four hypothyroid and suspect hypothyroid women. Thyroid hormones were analyzed using ELISA, while iodothyronin deiodenase polymorphism was analyzed using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR-RFLP) method. Result.The results showed polymorphism of D1-C/T were found at one subject that diagnozed with hypothyroid and two subjects with subclinical hypothyroid. But there was no polymorphism at D1 A/G and D3. Two type of polymorphisms were found in D2. Ratio of fT3/fT4 in hypothyroid subject was higher than others. Conclusion. Polymorphism was found in iodothyronine deiodenase gene. Polymorphism at iodotyronine deiodenase will increase fT3/fT4 ratio in hypothyroid subject

    Peranan Rumen Dengan Penambahan Aktivator Em 4 Dan Pupuk Urea Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Pak Choy (Brassica Chinensis L.)

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    Tanaman pak-choy (Brassica chinensis L.) ialah sayuran yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis dan kandungan gizi tinggi. Produktivitas tanaman pakcoy tidak terlepas dari peran pupuk. Pemanfaatan rumen menjadi pupuk ialah solusi alternatif yang dapat dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan limbah rumah potong hewan agar dapat bersinergi dengan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari peran pupuk organik rumen dengan penambahan aktivator EM 4 yang dapat mengurangi peran pupuk Urea pada tanaman pak-choy. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 3 ulangan dan 9 Perlakuanterdiri dari P1 : Urea 176 kg ha-1, P2 : Urea 132 kg ha-1+Rumen 2,3 ton ha1, P3 : Urea 88 kg ha-1+Rumen 4,6 ton ha-1, P4 : Urea 44 kg ha-1+Rumen 6,9 ton ha-1, P5 : Rumen 9,2 ton ha-1, P6 : Urea 132 kg ha-1+Rumen (EM 4) 2,2 ton ha-1, P7 : Urea 88 kg ha-1+Rumen (EM 4) 4,4 ton ha-1, P8 : Urea 44 kg ha-1+Rumen (EM 4) 6,6 ton ha-1, P9 : Rumen (EM 4) 8,8 ton ha-1. Pemupukan 81 kg N ha-1 berupa pupuk Urea, rumen dan rumen yang ditambahkan aktivator EM 4 pada komposisi yang berbeda-beda memberikan perbedaan pada tinggi tanaman pada umur 20 dan 30 hst dan jumlah daun pada umur 20 hst. Namun pemberian pupuk tidak memberikan hasil yang berbeda nyata pada tanaman pak-choy

    Utilization of solar and wind energy to improve the quality of life for rural communities in Blora Regency – Indonesia: from triple helix to quadruple helix

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    5th International Conference Planning in the Era of Uncertainty (5th ICPEU 2021) 19th July 2021, Malang, IndonesiaStudies of triple helix field indicated that involvement of academician, business, government (ABG) were leading players in bringing up invention to be innovation. In the current decade, society actor served as the new actor added in the ABG-S frame concerning to the sustainability issue of innovation. This study aimed to present the role of the concerned actors in proposing an innovative product of a combined solar and wind energy generator installed in rural areas of Blora Regency. Blora was one of the regions in the Central Java Province that utilized electrical energy sourced from non-fossil. A Qualitative research method was utilized in this study to disclose the involvement of each actor in Blora's case. The study reported that ABG-S actors' involvement in implementing a combined solar and wind energy generator to the villages