7 research outputs found

    Muslim Youth Under Sharia Regime in Aceh: From Accommodation to Resistance

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    In the context of shari’a implementation in Aceh, there has been resistance among young people wanting freedom and openness in public space with its modernity values. This study aims at investigating the responses of Aceh’s young people to the implementation of Sharia in Aceh and how it implies for the Sharia law enforcement in the region. This is a socio-legal research relying on interviews and focused-group discussions as data collection methods. Respondents consist of young people aged 20-25. This research finds out that there has been a normalization of sharia in the Acehnese society with young people tending to accept sharia in Islamic tenets, propagation, attires, economic system, and penal system. Those who were born after or a while before sharia was implemented for the first time tend to get used to the sharia and consider it a part of their normal life. Their responses vary, from accommodation, adaptation, compromise to resistance. The resistance leads to the agency and creating a counterspace as their comfort zone to express creativity. In turn, this religiosity model contributes to sharia's moderatization in Aceh. Therefore, there is a need for the Aceh local government to maintain and develop spaces for young people to express creativity while maintaining sharia as a part of their lives.  &nbsp

    Determination of zinc, copper, selenium, and manganese in human milk using acid digestion by ICP-MS and its application in biological trace element monitoring.

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    Introduction: Human milk contains essential trace elements which support healthy development of infants. Previous studies have reported various analytical methods using different instruments to measure trace elements in human milk. This study aimed to determine the trace element concentration in human milk using a validated acid digestion method and its application in biomonitoring. Methods: Human milk samples were collected from three postpartum mothers and prepared using acid digestion method. All samples were analysed using ICP-MS and all validation parameters were measured. Results: Four trace elements which were zinc, copper, manganese and selenium were found to have good linearity (r² > 0.99), limit of detection in µg/L (0.06, 0.0001, 0.005, 0.00003, respectively) and limit of quantification in µg/L (0.18,0.0003, 0.02, 0.0001, respectively). The accuracy (83.4 – 112.7%), inter-day, and intra-day repeatability were within the acceptable limit. The method application on one case study showed the median levels of zinc, copper and selenium in human milk gradually decreased during the early six months, whereas manganese remained stable. Positive significant correlations were observed for most of the elements (r > 0.40, p < 0.001) except for copper-manganese. Conclusion: Acid digestion method is sensitive, accurate and precise to analyse and quantify zinc, copper, manganese and selenium concentrations in human milk simultaneously by ICP-MS. It can be applied in future studies to monitor trace elements concentration in human milk in future studies with larger sample size

    Kajian Alat Bantu Bertutur Untuk Kanak-Kanak 6 Tahun Ke Bawah.

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    Kelewatan bertutur merupakan antara suatu masalah yang dihadapi oleh kanak-kanak pada masa ini. Kelewatan bertutur ini jika tidak dibendung dan dicegah ianya akan menyukarkan ibu bapa serta penjaga dan juga kanak-kanak itu sendiri untuk bercakap pada umur yang sepatutnya lebih-lebih lagi apabila berhadapan dengan rakan-rakan yang normal yang petah bertutur. Jadi untuk membantu ibu bapa mahupun penjaga di luar sana supaya dapat mengelakkan anak daripada berlaku kelewatan bertutur, ibu bapa serta penjaga perlu berperanan dalam hal ini dengan mengetahui punca-punca berlakunya kelewatan bertutur oleh kanak-kanak terutamanya untuk kanak-kanak yang berumur 6 tahun ke bawah. Begitu juga dengan ciri-ciri kelewatan bertutur yang perlu diketahui bagi mengesan dan mengambil tindakan serta langkah yang awal bagi membendung kelewatan bertutur yang ada pada anak-anak. Kajian mendapati ramai kanak-kanak yang mengalami kelewatan bertutur sehingga hari ini terutamanya kanak-kanak lelaki dan hal ini disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor yang tertentu sebagai contoh banyak terdedah dengan penggunaan gadjet dan kurang komunikasi di rumah. Justeru, alat bantu bertutur perlu dihasilkan oleh mereka dengan pelbagai jenis dan reka bentuk. Hal ini adalah bertujuan untuk menggalakkan meraka yang mengalami kelewatan bertutur ini dapat meningkatkan aktiviti percakapan dan boleh berkomunikasi dengan baik sama ada di rumah dan di luar bersama rakan-rakan yang lain

    Determination of zinc, copper, selenium, and manganese in human milk using acid digestion by ICP-MS and its application in biological trace element monitoring

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    Introduction: Human milk contains essential trace elements which support healthy development of infants. Previous studies have reported various analytical methods using different instruments to measure trace elements in human milk. This study aimed to determine trace element concentration in human milk using a validated acid digestion method and its application in biomonitoring among postpartum mothers. Method: Human milk samples were collected from three postpartum mothers and prepared using acid digestion method. All samples were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and all validation parameters were measured. Results: Four trace elements which were zinc, copper, manganese and selenium were found to have good linearity (r² > 0.99), limit of detection in μg/L (0.06, 0.0001, 0.005, 0.00003, respectively) and limit of quantification in μg/L (0.18,0.0003, 0.02, 0.0001, respectively). Good accuracy (83.4 – 112.7%), inter-day, and intra-day repeatability were obtained. Method application on trace element monitoring over postpartum period of three participants showed the median concentration of zinc, copper and selenium in human milk gradually decreased with slight variation, whereas manganese remained stable. Positive significant correlations were observed for most of the elements (r > 0.40, p < 0.001) except for copper-manganese. Conclusion: Acid digestion method is sensitive, accurate and precise to analyse and quantify zinc, copper, manganese and selenium concentrations in human milk simultaneously by ICP-MS. It can be applied to monitor trace elements concentration in human milk in clinical and public health settings

    Variation of bromine concentration as an essential trace element in human milk over lactation stages

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    Introduction: Bromine has been newly discovered in human milk but its importance in the growth and development of infants is unclear. Only a few studies have reported the concentration of bromine in human milk and considered it as an essential element, whereas others highlighted its toxicity of bromism in humans. This study aimed to determine the concentration of bromine as an essential trace element in human milk using a validated acid digestion method and discuss its variation over lactation stages. Method: Human milk samples were collected from three postpartum mothers and analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentration of bromine was determined over a certain postpartum period, analysed using Microsoft Excel 2016,and reported descriptively. Results: Method validation parameters for bromine showed good linearity (R² > 0.999), limit of detection (0.003 μg/L), limit of quantification (0.01 μg/L), accuracy (96%), inter-day (3.76%RSD) and intra-day (3.35%RSD) repeatability. The median concentration of bromine in human milk decreased over six months of lactation, in μg/L: 1210, 674, 722, 671, 511 and 538. At later lactation months which were 12th, 13th, 14th, 15thand 21st, the median bromine concentration was in μg/L: 780, 815, 645, 846, 910, respectively. Conclusion: The acid digestion method by ICP-MS was robust and accurate in determining bromine concentration in human milk. The consistent variation of bromine in human milk over lactation stages may indicate its importance in supporting infant development in the first two years of age. Future research should explore the role of bromine in infants’ development, its chronobiological importance, and the risk of deficiency or toxicity

    Internalisasi nilai moral dalam mengantisipasi bahaya kenakalan remaja menggunakan video animasi digital

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    Perkembangan teknologi ke arah serba digital membuat manusia secara umum memiliki gaya hidup baru yang tidak dapat dilepaskan dari perangkat yang serba elektronik. Teknologi disinyalir digunakan manusia untuk mempermudah melakukan apapun tugas dan pekerjaan. Peran penting teknologi inilah yang membawa peradaban manusia memasuki era digital. Akibatnya dampak negatif dari perkembangan teknologi tersebut mengakibatkan degradasi moral berbentuk kenakalan remaja. Pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman bagi siswa-siswi tentang jenis-jenis, akibat dan konsekuensi bahaya kenakalan remaja serta pentingnya mempelajari nilai moral dalam mengantisipasi kenakalan remaja. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di MTs Ar-Rosyidin tepatnya di Dsn. Ponen, Ds, Pulogedang, Kec. Tembelang, Kab. Jombang. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan pada hari sabtu, 15 Okober 2022 dengan menggunakan metode sosialisasi dan workshop. Peserta kegiatan sebanyak 40 siswa yang terdiri dari kelas VIII dan IX. Luaran yang dicapai berupa video animasi digital yang di upload di youtube. Hasil pengabdian ini untuk membekali para siswa siswi MTs Ar- Rosyidin dengan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang jenis-jenis kenakalan remaja, sebab akibat serta konsekuensi yang timbul akibat kenakalan remaja dan pentingnya nilai moral dalam mengantisipasi bahaya kenakalan remaja melalui video animasi digital