619 research outputs found

    Redistricting does little to change which party people vote for, which can make partisan gerrymanders more effective.

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    Every decade US state legislators redistrict the congressional districts in their state based on new census information. Over the decades redistricting has become another means by which a political party can gain electoral advantage. In new research using Pennsylvania’s redistricting as a case study, William D. Hicks and Seth C. McKee find that voters in redrawn districts did not change their voting preferences, and that changes in their incumbent candidate or an electoral tide towards the Democratic Party had little or no effect on these choices

    Is there a Subjective Element in the Refugee Convention\u27s Requirement of \u27Well-Founded Fear\u27?

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    Linguistic ambiguity in the refugee definition\u27s requirement of well-founded fear of being persecuted has given rise to a wide range of interpretations. There is general agreement that a fear is well-founded only if the refugee claimant faces an actual, forward-looking risk of being persecuted in her country of origin (the objective element ). But it is less clear whether the well-founded fear standard also requires a showing that the applicant is not only genuinely at risk, but also stands in trepidation of being persecuted. Beyond vague references to the subjective quality of fear, few courts or commentators have undertaken the task of explaining what justifies recognition of a subjective element in the first place. What, in the end, does subjective fear or trepidation have to do with the goals of refugee law? Reasoned explanations are in short supply. This shortfall in critical thinking has greatly complicated efforts to formulate a coherent understanding of the subjective element, and clearly to articulate its role in the analysis of well-founded fear

    Is there a Subjective Element in the Refugee Convention\u27s Requirement of \u27Well-Founded Fear\u27?

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    Linguistic ambiguity in the refugee definition\u27s requirement of well-founded fear of being persecuted has given rise to a wide range of interpretations. There is general agreement that a fear is well-founded only if the refugee claimant faces an actual, forward-looking risk of being persecuted in her country of origin (the objective element ). But it is less clear whether the well-founded fear standard also requires a showing that the applicant is not only genuinely at risk, but also stands in trepidation of being persecuted. Beyond vague references to the subjective quality of fear, few courts or commentators have undertaken the task of explaining what justifies recognition of a subjective element in the first place. What, in the end, does subjective fear or trepidation have to do with the goals of refugee law? Reasoned explanations are in short supply. This shortfall in critical thinking has greatly complicated efforts to formulate a coherent understanding of the subjective element, and clearly to articulate its role in the analysis of well-founded fear

    Strategic Substitutes or Complements? The Game of Where to Fish

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    The ‘‘global game with strategic substitutes and complements’’ of Karp et al. (2007) is used to model the decision of where to fish. A complete information game is assumed, but the model is generalized to S \u3e 1 sites. In this game, a fisherman’s payoff depends on fish density in each site and the actions of other fishermen which can lead to congestion or agglomeration effects. Stable and unstable equilibria are characterized, as well as notions of equilibrium dominance. The model is applied to the Alaskan flatfish fishery by specifying a strategic interaction function (response to congestion) that is a non-linear function of the degree of congestion present in a given site. Results suggest that the interaction function may be non-monotonic in congestion

    Siviculture and Management Strategies Applicable to Southern Hardwoods

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    Southern hardwood forests stretch from the Virginias to Florida and from the mid-Atlantic to Missouri. They can generally be grouped into upland forests and bottomland forests. The upland hardwood forests of the southern region are usually associated with the mountainous topography of the Appalachians and Ozarks. Bottomland hardwoods are found along the floodplains of larger rivers in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, including the Mississippi River floodplain. Southern hardwood forests are owned by a variety of governmental and private owners, but the vast majority of owners are nonindustrial private individuals. These owners seldom engage in intensive forest management, often exploiting the resource. The silvicultural systems applicable to the management of hardwoods are the same as those recommended for pines, but in hardwood management, reliance on natural regeneration is more common than use of plantation silviculture. Oak species are very important in the southern hardwood forests, and lack of oak regeneration in present-day forests is a major concern. Lack of fire and the resurgence of white-tailed deer throughout the southern region are proposed as reasons for poor oak regeneration. Many stands, either due to their stage of development or neglect, are in need of intermediate management operations such as thinning and improvement cutting. Crop-tree management is a method that is particularly useful in southern hardwoods. It was concluded that although hardwoods make up a significant part of the southern forest resource, they are generally managed with less intensity than pines, and hardwood management is an opportunity area for the South in the future

    Party competition is the primary driver of the recent increase in restrictive voter id laws in the American states

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    The lead up to the recent midterm elections was marked by contentious debates over the effects on turnout of voter ID laws passed in several American states. In new research William D. Hicks, Seth C. McKee, Mitchell D. Sellers and Daniel A. Smith find that there has been a large increase in the number of states that have adopted voter ID laws since 2001, and in these states the level of partisan polarization in voting on these laws is very high. They find that not only is the introduction and passage of stricter voter ID legislation influenced by the number of Republican lawmakers in a state legislature, but how electorally competitive the environment that those legislators find themselves in is important as well

    Limits on Superconductivity-Related Magnetization in Sr2_2RuO4_4 and PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} from Scanning SQUID Microscopy

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    We present scanning SQUID microscopy data on the superconductors Sr2RuO4 (Tc = 1.5 K) and PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} (Tc = 1.8 K). In both of these materials, superconductivity-related time-reversal symmetry-breaking fields have been observed by muon spin rotation; our aim was to visualize the structure of these fields. However in neither Sr2_2RuO4_4 nor PrOs4_4Sb12_{12} do we observe spontaneous superconductivity-related magnetization. In Sr2_2RuO4_4, many experimental results have been interpreted on the basis of a px±ipypx \pm ipy superconducting order parameter. This order parameter is expected to give spontaneous magnetic induction at sample edges and order parameter domain walls. Supposing large domains, our data restrict domain wall and edge fields to no more than ~0.1% and ~0.2% of the expected magnitude, respectively. Alternatively, if the magnetization is of the expected order, the typical domain size is limited to ~30 nm for random domains, or ~500 nm for periodic domains.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Relationship between personality change and the onset and course of alcohol dependence in young adulthood

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    Aims  To examine the reciprocal effects between the onset and course of alcohol use disorder (AUD) and normative changes in personality traits of behavioral disinhibition and negative emotionality during the transition between adolescence and young adulthood. Design  Longitudinal–epidemiological study assessing AUD and personality at ages 17 and 24 years. Setting  Participants were recruited from the community and took part in a day‐long, in‐person assessment. Participants  Male ( n  = 1161) and female ( n  = 1022) twins participating in the Minnesota Twin Family Study. Measurements  The effects of onset (adolescent versus young adult) and course (persistent versus desistent) of AUD on change in personality traits of behavioral disinhibition and negative emotionality from ages 17 to 24 years. Findings  Onset and course of AUD moderated personality change from ages 17 to 24 years. Adolescent onset AUD was associated with greater decreases in behavioral disinhibition. Those with an adolescent onset and persistent course failed to exhibit normative declines in negative emotionality. Desistence was associated with a ‘recovery’ towards psychological maturity in young adulthood, while persistence was associated with continued personality dysfunction. Personality traits at age 11 predicted onset and course of AUD, indicating personality differences were not due to active substance abuse. Conclusions  Personality differences present prior to initiation of alcohol use increase risk for alcohol use disorder, but the course of alcohol use disorder affects the rate of personality change during emerging adulthood. Examining the reciprocal effects of personality and alcohol use disorder within a developmental context is necessary to improve understanding for theory and intervention.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90257/1/j.1360-0443.2011.03617.x.pd

    Neodymium Oxide Doped Melt Textured YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ Single Crystals

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    Processing, microstructure and property relationships in neodymium oxide doped high temperature superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x (Y123) were investigated. It has been observed that a small amount (~ 0.25 - 1 mol%) of Nd2O3 results in the formation of nanosized secondary phases which may have a significant effect on the superconducting properties of melt textured Y123 single crystals. It was further observed that addition of Nd2O3 greater than 1 mol% leads to multiple nucleation during solidification of Y123 and results in polycrystalline samples. Melt textured single crystals of Y123 with \u3c 1 mol% were successfully grown and characterized with respect to microstructural development and superconducting properties

    Endovascular thrombectomy in patients with large core ischemic stroke: a cost-effectiveness analysis from the SELECT study

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    Background It is unknown whether endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) is cost effective in large ischemic core infarcts. Methods In the prospective, multicenter, cohort study of imaging selection study (SELECT), large core was defined as computed tomography (CT) ASPECTS(CTP) ischemic core volume (rCBF Results From 361 patients enrolled in SELECT, 105 had large core on CT or CTP (EVT 62, MM 43). 19 (31%) EVT vs 6 (14%) MM patients achieved modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score 0–2 (OR 3.27, 95% CI 1.11 to 9.62, P=0.03) with a shift towards better mRS (cOR 2.12, 95% CI 1.05 to 4.31, P=0.04). Over the projected lifetime of patients presenting with large core, EVT led to incremental costs of 33094andagainof1.34QALYsperpatient,resultinginICERof33 094 and a gain of 1.34 QALYs per patient, resulting in ICER of 24 665 per QALY. EVT has a higher NMB compared with MM at lower (EVT -42747,MM42 747, MM -76 740) and upper (EVT 155041,MM155 041, MM 57 134) WTP thresholds. PSA confirmed the results and CEAC showed 77% and 92% acceptability of EVT at the WTP of 50000and50 000 and 100 000, respectively. EVT was associated with an increment of 29225insocietalcosts.ThepivotalEVTtrials(HERMES,DAWN,DEFUSE3)weredominantinasensitivityanalysisatthesameinputs,withsocietalcostsavingsof29 225 in societal costs. The pivotal EVT trials (HERMES, DAWN, DEFUSE 3) were dominant in a sensitivity analysis at the same inputs, with societal cost-savings of 37 901, 86164and86 164 and 22 501 and a gain of 1.62, 2.36 and 2.21 QALYs, respectively. Conclusions In a non-randomized prospective cohort study, EVT resulted in better outcomes in large core patients with higher QALYs, NMB and high cost-effectiveness acceptability rates at current WTP thresholds. Randomized trials are needed to confirm these results. Clinical trial registration NCT0244658