643 research outputs found

    Products Warranty Law in Florida -- A Realistic Overview

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    Historical Thinking At Historical Sites And Museums: An Action Research Study

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    This action research study examined the impact of the Historical Thinking Method (HTM) on how students interacted with actual and virtual historical sites and museums. From September 2017 to May 2018, students engaged in analysis and evaluation of online exhibits and actual sites in the Washington, DC, and Columbia, South Carolina, areas using the 32 prompt HTM guide. The HTM was designed to develop not only students’ analytical abilities but also consideration of social justice issues such as racism and sexism in the exhibition and memorialization of history. Using qualitative data from student HTM guides, papers, teacher observations, and written interviews, I will modify future cycles of this action research study to make both actual and virtual trips to historical sites and museums into lessons on historical thinking. I will also share my findings, the HTM, and list of resources with colleagues at my school and beyond so that others can help students develop their historical thinking skills even if socio-economic factors make off-campus trips unlikely


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    School districts across the nation are grappling with the issue of high principal turnover coupled with a decrease in number of experienced applicants to fill vacancies (Guterman, 2007; Hall, 2008; Johnson, 2005; United States Department of Education, 2010; Villani, 2008). In addition, college preparation programs are being called into question as to whether they are producing educational leadership graduates prepared for the multifaceted rigors of the principalship (Hudson, 2009). As a result, local districts are discovering that being licensed as a principal provides little surety that a new inductee will be able to perform optimally in his or her leadership role. Central District (a pseudonym for the school district that is the focus of this study) is not immune to the trend of increased numbers of novice principals assuming leadership positions within schools with more than half of its principals being identified as novice (defined in this study as having fewer than three years of experience in the principalship). The central purpose in this problem of practice study was to design a professional development program for the induction of novice principals that would suit best the needs of novice principals within Central District and contribute to breaking the cycle of principals becoming discouraged or failing within their first few years and leaving the principalship. The research process within this study involved both quantitative and qualitative phases in order to gather both numerical and perceptual data. Data was gathered from three primary sources; novice principals (those with less than three years of experience), principals categorized as experienced (greater than three years of experience), and district assigned mentors. Through analysis of numerical data from surveys and the development of grounded theory, I identified what existing supports are working well within the district and where gaps exist. These data-collection and analysis phases informed a synthesis of best practices distilled from a review of the professional development literature, and culminated in a professional development program design for induction tailored to the needs of Central District

    Book Reviews

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    THE FAMILY IN INTERNATIONAL LAW: SOME EMERGING PROBLEMS Edited by R. Lillich Charlottesville: Michie, 1981. Pp. xii, 164 Reviewed by Stephen C. Hicks ================ TREATIES OF THE PEOPLE\u27S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, 1949-1978: AN ANNOTATED COMPILATION By Grant F. Rhode and Reid E. Whitlock Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. ix, 207. $25.00. Reviewed by David A. Elder =============== STATE AND DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY By Charles Lewis London: Lloyd\u27s Press of London, Ltd., 1980. Pp. xv, 135. 16f. Reviewed by Edward A. Lain

    High-Rate Data-Capture for an Airborne Lidar System

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    A high-rate data system was required to capture the data for an airborne lidar system. A data system was developed that achieved up to 22 million (64-bit) events per second sustained data rate (1408 million bits per second), as well as short bursts (less than 4 s) at higher rates. All hardware used for the system was off the shelf, but carefully selected to achieve these rates. The system was used to capture laser fire, single-photon detection, and GPS data for the Slope Imaging Multi-polarization Photo-counting Lidar (SIMPL). However, the system has applications for other laser altimeter systems (waveform-recording), mass spectroscopy, xray radiometry imaging, high-background- rate ranging lidar, and other similar areas where very high-speed data capture is needed. The data capture software was used for the SIMPL instrument that employs a micropulse, single-photon ranging measurement approach and has 16 data channels. The detected single photons are from two sources those reflected from the target and solar background photons. The instrument is non-gated, so background photons are acquired for a range window of 13 km and can comprise many times the number of target photons. The highest background rate occurs when the atmosphere is clear, the Sun is high, and the target is a highly reflective surface such as snow. Under these conditions, the total data rate for the 16 channels combined is expected to be approximately 22 million events per second. For each photon detection event, the data capture software reads the relative time of receipt, with respect to a one-per-second absolute time pulse from a GPS receiver, from an event timer card with 0.1-ns precision, and records that information to a RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) storage device. The relative time of laser pulse firings must also be read and recorded with the same precision. Each of the four event timer cards handles the throughput from four of the channels. For each detection event, a flag is recorded that indicates the source channel. To accommodate the expected maximum count rate and also handle the other extreme of very low rates occurring during nighttime operations, the software requests a set amount of data from each of the event timer cards and buffers the data. The software notes if any of the cards did not return all the data requested and then accommodates that lower rate. The data is buffered to minimize the I/O overhead of writing the data to storage. Care was taken to optimize the reads from the cards, the speed of the I/O bus, and RAID configuration


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    Texas Agriculture by Congressional Districts: 1993-96 is an update of previous editions of this publication. Commodity sales by county are estimates made by county agents and, therefore, are not official. In all but 4 of 30 Texas congressional districts, production agriculture accounts for over 100millioninsales.In18ofthedistricts,farmprogramcommoditiesrepresentover100 million in sales. In 18 of the districts, farm program commodities represent over 50 million in sales.Production Economics,
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