166 research outputs found

    Impacto econômico das pleurites/pericarditis em um abatedouro de suínos.

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    Nitrogen dynamics in soils cultivated with maize and fertilized with pig slurry.

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    The proper disposal of pig manure is of great importance because, when mishandled, it can contaminate water resources. This study aimed to evaluate the nitrogen dynamics in a Cerrado Oxisol and its absorption, over time, by a maize crop managed with pig slurry associated with mineral fertilization (N P K). The study was conducted at a private farm, in the region of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The maize crop was able to recover 62% of the mineral nitrogen that entered the soil-plant system, while 9% leached as nitrate and, to a lesser amount, as ammonium. The maximum average content of nitrate and ammonium of 92 kg ha-1 and 43 kg ha-1, respectively, was observed in the 0 to 0.3 m soil layer during the early crop development stage. A minimum content of 5.8 kg ha-1 of nitrate and 9.0 kg ha-1 of ammonium, respectively, was measured at the end of the cycle. In addition, the nitrate content at that soil layer, at the end of the maize cycle, remained below the values measured at the native Cerrado, indicating that the agricultural use of the land poses no additional risk to the nitrate accumulation and leaching into the soil profile. Resumo: A destinação adequada dos dejetos suínos é de grande relevância, pois quando mal manejada, pode provocar contaminação de recursos hídricos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a dinâmica do nitrogênio no perfil de um Latossolo sob Cerrado e a sua absorção, ao longo do tempo, pela cultura do milho, manejada com uso de dejetos líquidos de suínos, associado à adubação mineral (N P K). O estudo foi realizado em uma propriedade particular da região de Sete Lagoas, MG, Brasil. A cultura recuperou 62% do nitrogênio mineral que entrou no sistema solo-planta, enquanto 9% lixiviou na forma de nitrato e, em menor quantidade, na forma de amônio. Teores médios máximos de nitrato e amônio de 92 kg ha-1 e de 43 kg ha-1, respectivamente, foram observados na camada 0-0,3 m no início do desenvolvimento da cultura. Conteúdos mínimos de 5,8 kg ha-1 de nitrato e de 9,0 kg ha-1 de amônio, foram medidos no final do ciclo. Além do mais, os teores de nitrato naquela camada, ao final do ciclo da cultura do milho, mantiveram-se abaixo dos valores observados do Cerrado nativo, indicando que o uso agronômico da terra não ofereceu risco adicional de acúmulo e lixiviação de nitrato no perfil do solo

    Modelagem do crescimento de culturas: aplicações à cultura do milho.

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    Características gerais dos modelos de culturas; Principais modelos de culturas; Possibilidades de aplicação dos modelos de cultura; Aplicação no manejo da cultura; Aplicação na análise da resposta de culturas à irrigação e no planejamento do uso de recursos hídricos; Aplicação no manejo de nitrogênio; Aplicação na avalização de risco climático e no prognóstico de safras; Aplicação na análise da sustentabilidade de sistemas de sucessão de culturas; Aplicação em estudos de variabilidade espacial e em manejo sítio-específico; Aplicação no planejamento de uso da terra e dos recursos naturais; Aplicação na genética e melhoramento e na análise da interação genótipo x ambiente; Aplicação na simulação do efeito de pragas, doenças e plantas daninhas; Aplicação nos estudos de mudanças climáticas; Aplicação como ferramenta de educação e transferência de tecnologia; Limitações dos modelos de crescimento de culturas; Potencialidades de aplicação de modelos de simulação de culturas no Brasil.bitstream/CNPMS-2010/22537/1/Doc-91.pd

    Encoding and maintaining reference in oral discourse.

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    International audienceThis study deals with information management and reference encoding modes in oral discourse production. Three potentially influential factors were the distance between the first occurrence of an item and its later occurrences, a topic change that takes the focus off that item, and the span of the conceptual information available for verbalization. French-speaking adult subjects were asked to tell stories from comic strips to a listener who was unfamiliar with them. The frames in each strip were presented simultaneously or in succession. Four versions were generated for each comic strip: a given version was either short (three frames) or long (eight frames), and either did or did not have a topic change. The results showed that the target character was usually marked as a given, regardless of the version. This was more often true, however, when the topic did not change. When the character was treated as a given, referent accessibility marking was dependent on (1) topic change alone when the frames were presented simultaneously, and (2) topic change and comic strip length when the frames were presented in succession. The discussion analyzes the results in terms of the allocation of cognitive resources to maintaining coreference and to assisting addressees in their processing

    Sound archaeology: terminology, Palaeolithic cave art and the soundscape

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    This article is focused on the ways that terminology describing the study of music and sound within archaeology has changed over time, and how this reflects developing methodologies, exploring the expectations and issues raised by the use of differing kinds of language to define and describe such work. It begins with a discussion of music archaeology, addressing the problems of using the term ‘music’ in an archaeological context. It continues with an examination of archaeoacoustics and acoustics, and an emphasis on sound rather than music. This leads on to a study of sound archaeology and soundscapes, pointing out that it is important to consider the complete acoustic ecology of an archaeological site, in order to identify its affordances, those possibilities offered by invariant acoustic properties. Using a case study from northern Spain, the paper suggests that all of these methodological approaches have merit, and that a project benefits from their integration

    Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment: What are the big questions?

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    Background: Over the past 10-15 years, a substantial amount of work has been done by the scientific, regulatory, and business communities to elucidate the effects and risks of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the environment. Objective: This review was undertaken to identify key outstanding issues regarding the effects of PPCPs on human and ecological health in order to ensure that future resources will be focused on the most important areas. Data sources: To better understand and manage the risks of PPCPs in the environment, we used the "key question" approach to identify the principle issues that need to be addressed. Initially, questions were solicited from academic, government, and business communities around the world. A list of 101 questions was then discussed at an international expert workshop, and a top-20 list was developed. Following the workshop, workshop attendees ranked the 20 questions by importance. Data synthesis: The top 20 priority questions fell into seven categories: a) prioritization of substances for assessment, b) pathways of exposure, c) bioavailability and uptake, d) effects characterization, e) risk and relative risk, f) antibiotic resistance, and g) risk management. Conclusions: A large body of information is now available on PPCPs in the environment. This exercise prioritized the most critical questions to aid in development of future research programs on the topic.Centro de Investigaciones del Medioambient