655 research outputs found

    Gaining perceptions of intelligence in order to understand how knowledge exists in the post-16 sport curriculum

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    This study focused on discovering how intelligence was conceptualised by Further Education (FE) sport and access students in order to offer suggestions of what this means for how knowledge is perceived in the post-16 sports curriculum. A small scale qualitative methodology was used where a questionnaire was created to collect data and answer the two research questions devised. Non-probability quota sampling was used to represent characteristics (strata) of the greater population. Results indicated that the professions based on highly academic and theoretical aspects were viewed as more intelligent with the greatest differential of perceived intellect evident in the profession of a doctor and football player. The study offers a concerned outlook as where that leaves the post-16 sports curriculum when intelligence is not perceived in the same way in that environment. Consequentially questions arise for the role of post-16 sport as a subject in its own right especially following recent policy changes that only heighten the importance of subjects such as English and maths in the sector. Future research should look at what intelligence is in these practical environments and focus on assessing the current curriculum to make sure that sport is viewed as more than ‘good for teamwork, good for health’, as although this is true it just highlights that the learning of knowledge is secondary in this subject and highlights the misconceptions of perceived practical performance subjects

    Structural Design Concepts for a Multi-Megawatt Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) Spacecraft

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    As a part of the Space Exploratory Initiative (SEI), NASA-Lewis is studying Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) spacecraft to be used as a cargo transport vehicle to Mars. Two preliminary structural design concepts are offered for SEP spacecraft: a split blanket array configuration, and a ring structure. The split blanket configuration is an expansion of the photovoltaic solar array design proposed for Space Station Freedom and consists of eight independent solar blankets stretched and supported from a central mast. The ring structural concept is a circular design with the solar blanket stretched inside a ring. This concept uses a central mast with guy wires to provide additional support to the ring. The two design concepts are presented, then compared by performing stability, normal modes, and forced response analyses for varying levels of blanket and guy wire preloads. The ring structure configuration is shown to be advantageous because it is much stiffer, more stable, and deflects less under loading than the split blanket concept

    Unleashing the Power of the Millennials: Adapting Forensic Extemporaneous Speaking to Make Positive Use of Communication Technology in a Digital Age

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    Like all forensics events, Extemporaneous Speaking has evolved over the last 40 years to reflect changes in the larger societal culture as well as in the culture of the forensics community. The last 15 years or so, especially, have seen changes at an accelerated pace as natives to the digital age have risen from undergraduate competitors to become graduate assistant coaches and program directors. This changing of the guard has resulted in significant changes that have altered the event in ways that reflect the culture of this so called millennial generation. However, some of these changes have done little to advance any positive learning objectives; to the contrary, they have skewed the focus of the event away from defensible pedagogical goals in favor of practices that seem to serve solely to make the event more competitively challenging. At the same time, other adaptations that would provide this digital generation of students with more transferable skills have been thwarted by rule or by custom. This paper seeks to set forth recommendations that put us on a better path as we adapt to changing times while maintaining some critical pedagogical traditions

    Transfer Orbit Plasma Interaction Experiment (TROPIX)

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    Viewgraphs on the Transfer Orbit Plasma Interaction Experiment (TROPIX) are presented. Objectives of this research are (1) to map the charged particles in Earth's magnetosphere from LEO to GEO at high inclinations; (2) to measure plasma current collection and resulting shifts in vehicle electrical potential from LEO to GEO across range of orbital inclinations; (3) to study spacecraft interaction with plasma environment using solar electric propulsion (SEP) thrusters as plasma contactors; (4) to measure array degradation over mission duration; (5) to evaluate the potential of various microelectronics, spacecraft components, and instruments for future space missions; and (6) to demonstrate SEP technology applied to a flight vehicle. An overview of TROPIX is presented

    Beyond learning by doing: an exploration of critical incidents in outdoor leadership education

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning on 3rd August 2015 (online), available online: DOI:10.1080/14729679.2015.1051564This paper argues that outdoor leader education and training is generally characterized by the development of procedural skills at the expense of equally crucial but usually ignored, ‘soft skills’ (for example, contextualized decision making and reflection). Consequently, this risks producing practitioners with a potentially unsophisticated and limited awareness of the holistic outdoor environments and situations and an over-reliance on ‘how to’ skills which may, in turn, impede the development of links between theory and practice. This paper analyses a research project that undertook the application of critical incident theory to a study of undergraduates in a United Kingdom outdoor leadership degree programme in an attempt to promote and examine the processes of developing ‘softer’ reflective skills in the students. In addition, the paper’s argument and data, while not directly dealing with wider audiences (clients and national qualification bodies), provide inferences and allusions to potential consequent enhanced development and benefits of heightened reflective understanding and practice to these groups. Methodologically, the study examines a range of critical incidents in a purposive homogenous sample of 20 students from a vocational undergraduate outdoor studies course. Students were asked to identify and reflect on critical incidents in practice settings of their own choice. These settings spanned a range of contexts from outdoor centre work in the United Kingdom to assistant leadership positions on educational expeditions in remote locations overseas. Qualitative data analysis was carried out through the use of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The findings supported the conceptual premise and indicated that outdoor leadership programmes need to develop a broader and holistic skills base rather than persist with the extant predilection towards primarily physical and technical skills. Allusion is made to the suggestion that this could ultimately potentially enhance effectiveness with clients and employability prospects. In summary, a focus on critical incident method early in education and training processes has the potential to equip practitioners with the holistic and complex set of skills required in the contemporary outdoor workplace

    Coarsening Experiment Prepared for Flight

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    The Coarsening in Solid-Liquid Mixtures-2 (CSLM-2) experiment is a materials science spaceflight experiment whose purpose is to investigate the kinetics of competitive particle growth within a liquid matrix. During coarsening, small particles shrink by losing atoms to larger particles, causing the larger particles to grow. In this experiment, solid particles of tin will grow (coarsen) within a liquid lead-tin eutectic matrix. The following figures show the coarsening of tin particles in a lead-tin (Pb-Sn) eutectic as a function of time. By conducting this experiment in a microgravity environment, we can study a greater range of solid volume fractions, and the effects of sedimentation present in terrestrial experiments will be negligible. The CSLM-2 experiment flew November 2002 on space shuttle flight STS-113 for operation on the International Space Station, but it could not be run because of problems with the Microgravity Science Glovebox in the U.S. Laboratory module. Additional samples will be sent to ISS on subsequent shuttle flights

    Design considerations for lunar base photovoltaic power systems

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    A survey was made of factors that may affect the design of photovoltaic arrays for a lunar base. These factors, which include the lunar environment and system design criteria, are examined. A photovoltaic power system design with a triangular array geometry is discussed and compared to a nuclear reactor power systems and a power system utilizing both nuclear and solar power sources
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