1,072 research outputs found

    Virtual Pitch and Pitch Shifts in Church Bells

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    It is well established that musical sounds comprising multiple partials with frequencies approximately in the ratio of small integers give rise to a strong sensation of pitch even if the lowest or fundamental partial is missing—the so-called virtual pitch effect. Experiments on thirty test subjects demonstrate that this virtual pitch is shifted significantly by changes in the spacing of the constituent partials. The experiments measured pitch by comparison of sounds of similar timbre and were automated so that they could be performed remotely across the Internet. Analysis of the test sounds used shows that the pitch shifts are not predicted by Terhardt’s classic model of virtual pitch. The test sounds used were modelled on the sounds of church bells, but a further experiment on seventeen test subjects showed that changes in partial amplitude only had a minor effect on the pitch shifts observed, and that a pitch shift was still observed when two of the lowest frequency partials were removed, so that the effects reported are of general interest

    Partial frequencies and Chladni’s law in church bells

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    The rim partials of a church bell (those with an antinode at the soundbow) generate the strike pitch or perceived note of the bell. The spacing in frequency of the higher rim partials has an important effect on the tonal quality of the bell. Investigations into the partial frequencies of 2752 bells, both bronze and steel, of a wide variety of dates, founders and sizes, show a simple and unexpected relationship between the frequencies of the rim partials. This relationship explains why attempts to tune the higher rim partials independently have failed. A modified version of Chladni’s law provides insight into the musical relationship of the partials, and predicts the partials of individual bells well, but fails to give a simple model of the spacing between the partials seen in bells with different profiles

    Photoionization of Co+^{+} and electron-impact excitation of Co2+^{2+} using the Dirac R-matrix method

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    Modelling of massive stars and supernovae (SNe) plays a crucial role in understanding galaxies. From this modelling we can derive fundamental constraints on stellar evolution, mass-loss processes, mixing, and the products of nucleosynthesis. Proper account must be taken of all important processes that populate and depopulate the levels (collisional excitation, de-excitation, ionization, recombination, photoionization, bound-bound processes). For the analysis of Type Ia SNe and core collapse SNe (Types Ib, Ic and II) Fe group elements are particularly important. Unfortunately little data is currently available and most noticeably absent are the photoionization cross-sections for the Fe-peaks which have high abundances in SNe. Important interactions for both photoionization and electron-impact excitation are calculated using the relativistic Dirac Atomic RR-matrix Codes (DARC) for low ionization stages of cobalt. All results are calculated up to photon energies of 45 eV and electron energies up to 20 eV. The wavefunction representation of Co III has been generated using GRASP0 by including the dominant 3d7^7, 3d6^6[4s, 4p], 3p4^43d9^9 and 3p6^63d9^9 configurations, resulting in 292 fine structure levels. Electron-impact collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths across a wide range of astrophysically relevant temperatures are computed for Co III. In addition, statistically weighted level-resolved ground and metastable photoionization cross-sections are presented for Co II and compared directly with existing work.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures and 4 table

    An evaluation of edge effects in nutritional accessibility and availability measures: a simulation study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This paper addresses the statistical use of accessibility and availability indices and the effect of study boundaries on these measures. The measures are evaluated via an extensive simulation based on cluster models for local outlet density. We define outlet to mean either food retail store (convenience store, supermarket, gas station) or restaurant (limited service or full service restaurants). We designed a simulation whereby a cluster outlet model is assumed in a large study window and an internal subset of that window is constructed. We performed simulations on various criteria including one scenario representing an urban area with 2000 outlets as well as a non-urban area simulated with only 300 outlets. A comparison is made between estimates obtained with the full study area and estimates using only the subset area. This allows the study of the effect of edge censoring on accessibility measures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results suggest that considerable bias is found at the edges of study regions in particular for accessibility measures. Edge effects are smaller for availability measures (when not smoothed) and also for short range accessibility</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It is recommended that any study utilizing these measures should correct for edge effects. The use of edge correction via guard areas is recommended and the avoidance of large range distance-based accessibility measures is also proposed.</p

    Low dose effects of ethanol on suckling rats: Enzymes activity, histological alterations and growth parameters.

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    زمینه و هدف: غلظت های پایین اتانول می توانند از طریق جفت به جنین و از طریق شیر مادر به نوزاد تازه متولد شده منتقل شوند. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی اثرات دوزهای مختلف اتانول در طول دوره شیردهی بر تغییرات آنزیمی، بافتی و شاخص های رشد نوزادان شیرخوار در موش صحرایی انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه تجربی، 21 سر موش صحرایی ماده بالغ نژاد ویستار به سه گروه شامل دو گروه تیمار و یک گروه شاهد تقسیم شدند. به گروه های تیمار از روز یک زایمان تا روز 24 شیردهی آب آشامیدنی به همراه اتانول با غلظت حجمی 2 و 4 درصد تجویز شد و گروه شاهد تنها به آب آشامیدنی دسترسی داشتند. از هر گروه، 9 سر نوزاد موش صحرایی 25 روزه انتخاب و فعالیت سرمی آنزیم های آلانین آمینوترانسفراز، گاماگلوتامیک ترانسفراز، آسپارتات آمینوترانسفراز، آلکالین فسفاتاز، لاکتات دهیدروژناز، کراتین فسفوکیناز، نیتروژن اوره خون و کراتینین اندازه گیری شدند. همچنین مطالعات آسیب شناسی بر روی بافت های مغز، کبد و کلیه انجام شد. داده ها به کمک آزمون های آماری آنالیزواریانس و تست دانت در نرم افزار SPSS تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. یافته ها: در گروه های تجربی میزان فعالیت سرمی آنزیم های آلانین آمینوترانسفراز، آسپارتات آمینوترانسفراز، نیتروژن اوره خون، کراتین فسفوکیناز و آلکالین فسفاتاز اختلاف معنی داری را نسبت به گروه شاهد نشان ندادند (05/0P). مطالعات هیستوپاتولوژیک آسیب های مختلفی را در بافت مغز، کبد و کلیه نوزادان در معرض اتانول 4 حجمی را نشان داد. نتیجه گیری: بر اساس نتایج این مطالعه، مصرف نوشیدنی های الکلی در دوران شیردهی می تواند ضایعات جبران ناپذیری بر روی نوزاد داشته باشد

    IMAPS Observations of Interstellar Neutral Argon and the Implications for Partially Ionized Gas

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    We use the absorption features from neutral argon at 1048 and 1066 A to determine interstellar abundances or their lower limits toward nine early-type stars. These features were observed with the Interstellar Medium Absorption Profile Spectrograph (IMAPS) along sight lines with low reddening and low fractional abundances of molecular hydrogen. We find that the interstellar Ar I is below its solar and B-star abundance with respect to hydrogen toward zeta Pup, gamma2 Vel and beta Cen A with (logarithmic) reduction factors -0.37+/-0.09, -0.18+/-0.10, and -0.61+/-0.12 dex, respectively. While Ar can condense onto the surfaces of dust grains in the interiors of dense clouds, it is unlikely that argon atoms are depleted by this process in the low-density lines of sight considered in this study. Instead, we propose that the relatively large photoionization cross section of Ar makes it much easier to hide in its ionized form than H. In regions that are about half ionized, this effect can lower Ar I/H I by -0.11 to -0.96 dex, depending on the energy of the photoionizing radiation and its intensity divided by the local electron density. We apply this interpretation for the condition of the gas in front of beta Cen A, which shows the largest deficiency of Ar. Also, we determine the expected magnitudes of the differential ionizations for He, N, O, Ne and Ar in the partly ionized, warm gas in the local cloud around our solar system. For the local cloud and others that can be probed by UV studies, the observed Ar I to H I ratio may be a good discriminant between two possible alternatives, collisional ionization or photoionization, for explaining the existence of partly ionized regions.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure

    UV Absorption Lines from High-Velocity Gas in the Vela Supernova Remnant: New insights from STIS Echelle Observations of HD72089

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    The star HD72089 is located behind the Vela supernova remnant and shows a complex array of high and low velocity interstellar absorption features arising from shocked clouds. A spectrum of this star was recorded over the wavelength range 1196.4 to 1397.2 Angstroms at a resolving power lambda/Delta lambda = 110,000 and signal-to-noise ratio of 32 by STIS on the Hubble Space Telescope. We have identified 7 narrow components of C I and have measured their relative populations in excited fine-structure levels. Broader features at heliocentric velocities ranging from -70 to +130 km/s are seen in C II, N I, O I, Si II, S II and Ni II. In the high-velocity components, the unusually low abundances of N I and O I, relative to S II and Si II, suggest that these elements may be preferentially ionized to higher stages by radiation from hot gas immediately behind the shock fronts.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Latex. Submitted for the special HST ERO issue of the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Pre-Procedural Atorvastatin Mobilizes Endothelial Progenitor Cells: Clues to the Salutary Effects of Statins on Healing of Stented Human Arteries

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    OBJECTIVES: Recent clinical trials suggest an LDL-independent superiority of intensive statin therapy in reducing target vessel revascularization and peri-procedural myocardial infarctions in patients who undergo percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI). While animal studies demonstrate that statins mobilize endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) which can enhance arterial repair and attenuate neointimal formation, the precise explanation for the clinical PCI benefits of high dose statin therapy remain elusive. Thus we serially assessed patients undergoing PCI to test the hypothesis that high dose Atorvastatin therapy initiated prior to PCI mobilizes EPCs that may be capable of enhancing arterial repair. METHODS AND RESULTS: Statin naïve male patients undergoing angiography for stent placement were randomized to standard therapy without Atorvastatin (n = 10) or treatment with Atorvastatin 80 mg (n = 10) beginning three days prior to stent implantation. EPCs were defined by flow cytometry (e.g., surface marker profile of CD45dim/34+/133+/117+). As well, we also enumerated cultured angiogenic cells (CACs) by standard in vitro culture assay. While EPC levels did not fluctuate over time for the patients free of Atorvastatin, there was a 3.5-fold increase in EPC levels with high dose Atorvastatin beginning within 3 days of the first dose (and immediately pre-PCI) which persisted at 4 and 24 hours post-PCI (p<0.05). There was a similar rise in CAC levels as assessed by in vitro culture. CACs cultured in the presence of Atorvastatin failed to show augmented survival or VEGF secretion but displayed a 2-fold increase in adhesion to stent struts (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: High dose Atorvastatin therapy pre-PCI improves EPC number and CAC number and function in humans which may in part explain the benefit in clinical outcomes seen in patients undergoing coronary interventions

    Young people today: news media, policy and youth justice

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    The new sociology of childhood sees children as competent social agents with important contributions to make. And yet the phase of childhood is fraught with tensions and contradictions. Public policies are required, not only to protect children, but also to control them and regulate their behaviour. For children and young people in the UK, youth justice has become increasingly punitive. At the same time, social policies have focused more on children's inclusion and participation. In this interplay of conflict and contradictions, the role the media play is critical in contributing to the moral panic about childhood and youth. In this article, we consider media representations of “antisocial” children and young people and how this belies a moral response to the nature of contemporary childhood. We conclude by considering how a rights-based approach might help redress the moralised politics of childhood representations in the media