122 research outputs found
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The lived experiences of access to healthcare for people seeking and refused asylum
This research aims to explore the lived experiences of accessing healthcare among people currently seeking asylum and those who have had their claim for asylum refused, as well as the experiences of health service providers working with these communities.
It examines the extent to which people are able to exercise their rights to access healthcare. It looks at the differences between those currently in the asylum system and those who have had their claim refused in England, Scotland and Wales.
This report, and the partner report providing a review of evidence (https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/publication-download/access-healthcare-people-seeking-and-refused-asylum-great-britain-review), will be of interest to people who play an important role in delivering healthcare and related support services to people seeking or refused asylum.
We have also made recommendations for what changes are needed (https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/publication-download/making-sure-people-seeking-and-refused-asylum-can-access-healthcare-what-needs) to make sure that people seeking and refused asylum have full enjoyment of their right to health.
This report was produced in collaboration with Imperial College London and Doctors of the World UK
The association between bone mineral density gene variants and osteocalcin at baseline, and in response to exercise: the gene SMART study
Methylome and proteome integration in human skeletal muscle uncover group and individual responses to high-intensity interval training.
Exercise is a major beneficial contributor to muscle metabolism, and health benefits acquired by exercise are a result of molecular shifts occurring across multiple molecular layers (i.e., epigenome, transcriptome, and proteome). Identifying robust, across-molecular level targets associated with exercise response, at both group and individual levels, is paramount to develop health guidelines and targeted health interventions. Sixteen, apparently healthy, moderately trained (VO2 max = 51.0 ± 10.6 mL min-1 kg-1 ) males (age range = 18-45 years) from the Gene SMART (Skeletal Muscle Adaptive Responses to Training) study completed a longitudinal study composed of 12-week high-intensity interval training (HIIT) intervention. Vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were collected at baseline and after 4, 8, and 12 weeks of HIIT. DNA methylation (~850 CpG sites) and proteomic (~3000 proteins) analyses were conducted at all time points. Mixed models were applied to estimate group and individual changes, and methylome and proteome integration was conducted using a holistic multilevel approach with the mixOmics package. A total of 461 proteins significantly changed over time (at 4, 8, and 12 weeks), whilst methylome overall shifted with training only one differentially methylated position (DMP) was significant (adj.p-value 0.5, among them are two novel exercise-related proteins, LYRM7 and EPN1. Integration analysis showed bidirectional relationships between the methylome and proteome. We showed a significant influence of HIIT on the epigenome and more so on the proteome in human muscle, and uncovered groups of proteins clustering according to similar patterns across the exercise intervention. Individual responses to exercise were observed in the proteome with novel mitochondrial and metabolic proteins consistently changed across individuals. Future work is required to elucidate the role of these proteins in response to exercise
Epigenetic reprogramming of immune cells in women with PCOS impact genes controlling reproductive function
Who still dies young in a rich city? Revisiting the case of Oxford
There are substantial inequalities in mortality and life expectancy in England, strongly linked to levels of deprivation. Mortality rates among those who are homeless are particularly high. Using the city of Oxford (UK) as a case study, we investigate ward-level premature standardised mortality ratios for several three-year and five-year periods between 2002 and 2016, and explore the extent to which the mortality of people who become homeless contributed to any rise or fall in geographical inequalities during this period. Age–sex standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) for people aged under 65 years old, with and without deaths among the homeless population, were calculated using Office for National Statistics Death Registration data for England and Wales 2002−2016. Individuals who were homeless or vulnerably housed were identified using records supplied by a local Oxford homeless charity. We found that in an increasingly wealthy, and healthy, city there were persistent ward-level inequalities in mortality, which the city-wide decrease in premature mortality over the period masked. Premature deaths among homeless people in Oxford became an increasingly important contributor to the overall geographical inequalities in health in this city. In the ward with the highest SMR, deaths among the homeless population accounted for 73% of all premature deaths of residents over the whole period; in 2014–2016 this proportion rose to 88%. Homelessness among men (the vast majority of the known homeless population) in this gentrifying English city rose to become the key explanation of geographical mortality patterns in deaths before age 65 across the entire city, particularly after 2011. Oxford reflects a broader pattern now found in many places across England of increasing homeless deaths, widening geographical inequalities in life expectancy, and sharp increases in all-age SMRs. The answer to the question, “Who dies young in a rich, and in fact an even richer, place?” is – increasingly – the homeless
Microencapsulated herbal components in the diet of Lacaune ewes: impacts on physiology and milk production and quality
Abstract This study aimed to determine whether the addition of a microencapsulated herbal blend (MHB) based on thymol, carvacrol, and cinnamaldehyde in dairy sheep feed would improve production efficiency, milk quality, and animal health. Thirty lactating Lacaune ewes were divided into three groups: Control (T0), 150 mg blend/kg of feed (T150), and 250 mg blend/kg of feed (T250). Milk was measured before the beginning of the experiment (d 0), at the end of the adaptation period (d 15), and during the experiment (d 20). In milk samples, was measured the composition, somatic cell count (SCC), reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipoperoxidation (LPO), and total antioxidant capacity. The MHB improved the milk production (only T150 vs. T0 sheep on d 20), productive efficiency and feed efficiency, and reduced the milk SCC (only T250 vs. T0 sheep, on d 20), ROS and tended to reduce the milk levels of LPO (only T250 vs. T0 sheep on d 20). Also, MHB reduced the blood levels of neutrophils and ROS (only T250 vs. T0 sheep on d 20) and increased total protein and globulin levels. Thus, a microencapsulated blend of thymol, carvacrol, and cinnamaldehyde improved the productive performance and milk quality of sheep
The effectiveness of high intensity intermittent training on metabolic, reproductive and mental health in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: study protocol for the iHIT- randomised controlled trial
Abstract Background Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a reproductive-metabolic condition. Insulin resistance is a hallmark of PCOS and is related to increased hyperandrogenism that drives inherent metabolic, reproductive and psychological features of the syndrome. Insulin resistance in women with PCOS is managed by weight loss, lifestyle interventions (i.e. exercise, diet) and insulin-sensitising medications. This manuscript describes the protocol of our study evaluating the effectiveness of high intensity intermittent training (HIIT) or moderate intensity exercise on cardiometabolic, reproductive and mental health in overweight women with PCOS. Methods/design We will employ a three arm, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial recruiting 60 women diagnosed with PCOS, aged between 18 and 45 years and with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 25 kg/m2. Following screening and baseline testing, women will be randomised by simple randomisation procedure using computer generated sequence allocation to undergo one of two 12-week supervised interventions: either HIIT or moderate intensity exercise (standard supervised exercise), or to standard care [Con] (unsupervised lifestyle advice) at a 1:1:1 allocation ratio. The primary outcome for this trial is to measure the improvements in metabolic health; specifically changes in insulin sensitivity in response to different exercise intensities. Baseline and post-intervention testing include anthropometric measurements, cardiorespiratory fitness testing, reproductive hormone profiles (anti-müllerian hormone and steroid profiles), metabolic health, health-related quality of life and mental health questionnaires and objective and subjective lifestyle monitoring. Reporting of the study will follow the CONSORT statement. Discussion This trial aims to demonstrate the comparative efficacy and maintenance of different exercise intensities to advance the understanding of PCOS management and provide insight into the optimal exercise intensity for improved cardiometabolic outcomes. Secondary outcomes will include the impact of different exercise protocols on reproductive hormone profiles, mental health and health-related quality of life. Trial registration Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, ACTRN12615000242527. Registered on 17 March 2015
Mitochondria Regulate Proliferation in Adult Cardiac Myocytes
Newborn mammalian cardiomyocytes quickly transition from a fetal to an adult phenotype that utilizes mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation but loses mitotic capacity. We tested whether forced reversal of adult cardiomyocytes back to a fetal glycolytic phenotype would restore proliferative capacity. We deleted Uqcrfs1 (mitochondrial Rieske iron-sulfur protein, RISP) in hearts of adult mice. As RISP protein decreased, heart mitochondrial function declined, and glucose utilization increased. Simultaneously, the hearts underwent hyperplastic remodeling during which cardiomyocyte number doubled without cellular hypertrophy. Cellular energy supply was preserved, AMPK activation was absent, and mTOR activation was evident. In ischemic hearts with RISP deletion, new cardiomyocytes migrated into the infarcted region, suggesting the potential for therapeutic cardiac regeneration. RNA sequencing revealed upregulation of genes associated with cardiac development and proliferation. Metabolomic analysis revealed a decrease in α-ketoglutarate (required for TET-mediated demethylation) and an increase in S-adenosylmethionine (required for methyltransferase activity). Analysis revealed an increase in methylated CpGs near gene transcriptional start sites. Genes that were both differentially expressed and differentially methylated were linked to upregulated cardiac developmental pathways. We conclude that decreased mitochondrial function and increased glucose utilization can restore mitotic capacity in adult cardiomyocytes, resulting in the generation of new heart cells, potentially through the modification of substrates that regulate epigenetic modification of genes required for proliferation
Sources of HIV incidence among stable couples in sub-Saharan Africa.
INTRODUCTION: The recent availability of efficacious prevention interventions among stable couples offers new opportunities for reducing HIV incidence in sub-Saharan Africa. Understanding the dynamics of HIV incidence among stable couples is critical to inform HIV prevention strategy across sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: We quantified the sources of HIV incidence arising among stable couples in sub-Saharan Africa using a cohort-type mathematical model parameterized by nationally representative data. Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses were incorporated. RESULTS: HIV incidence arising among stable concordant HIV-negative couples contribute each year, on average, 29.4% of total HIV incidence; of those, 22.5% (range: 11.1%-39.8%) are infections acquired by one of the partners from sources external to the couple, less than 1% are infections acquired by both partners from external sources within a year and 6.8% (range: 3.6%-11.6%) are transmissions to the uninfected partner in the couple in less than a year after the other partner acquired the infection from an external source. The mean contribution of stable HIV sero-discordant couples to total HIV incidence is 30.4%, with most of those, 29.7% (range: 9.1%-47.9%), being due to HIV transmissions from the infected to the uninfected partner within the couple. The remaining incidence, 40.2% (range: 23.7%-64.6%), occurs among persons not in stable couples. CONCLUSIONS: Close to two-thirds of total HIV incidence in sub-Saharan Africa occur among stable couples; however, only half of this incidence is attributed to HIV transmissions from the infected to the uninfected partner in the couple. The remaining incidence is acquired through extra-partner sex. Substantial reductions in HIV incidence can be achieved only through a prevention approach that targets all modes of HIV exposure among stable couples and among individuals not in stable couples
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