310 research outputs found

    Artificial ferroic systems: novel functionality from structure, interactions and dynamics

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    Lithographic processing and film growth technologies are continuing to advance, so that it is now possible to create patterned ferroic materials consisting of arrays of sub-1 ÎŒm elements with high definition. Some of the most fascinating behaviour of these arrays can be realised by exploiting interactions between the individual elements to create new functionality. The properties of these artificial ferroic systems differ strikingly from those of their constituent components, with novel emergent behaviour arising from the collective dynamics of the interacting elements, which are arranged in specific designs and can be activated by applying magnetic or electric fields. We first focus on artificial spin systems consisting of arrays of dipolar-coupled nanomagnets and, in particular, review the field of artificial spin ice, which demonstrates a wide range of fascinating phenomena arising from the frustration inherent in particular arrangements of nanomagnets, including emergent magnetic monopoles, domains of ordered macrospins, and novel avalanche behaviour. We outline how demagnetisation protocols have been employed as an effective thermal anneal in an attempt to reach the ground state, comment on phenomena that arise in thermally activated systems and discuss strategies for selectively generating specific configurations using applied magnetic fields. We then move on from slow field and temperature driven dynamics to high frequency phenomena, discussing spinwave excitations in the context of magnonic crystals constructed from arrays of patterned magnetic elements. At high frequencies, these arrays are studied in terms of potential applications including magnetic logic, linear and non-linear microwave optics, and fast, efficient switching, and we consider the possibility to create tunable magnonic crystals with artificial spin ice. Finally, we discuss how functional ferroic composites can be incorporated to realise magnetoelectric effects. Specifically, we discuss artificial multiferroics (or multiferroic composites), which hold promise for new applications that involve electric field control of magnetism, or electric and magnetic field responsive devices for high frequency integrated circuit design in microwave and terahertz signal processing. We close with comments on how enhanced functionality can be realised through engineering of nanostructures with interacting ferroic components, creating opportunities for novel spin electronic devices that, for example, make use of the transport of magnetic charges, thermally activated elements, and reprogrammable nanomagnet systems

    Focus on artificial frustrated systems

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    Frustration in physics is the inability of a system to simultaneously satisfy all the competing pairwise interactions within it. The past decade has seen an explosion of activity involving engineering frustration in artificial systems built using nanotechnology. The most common are the artificial spin ices that comprise arrays of nanomagnets with competing magnetostatic interactions. As well as being physical embodiments of idealized statistical mechanical models in which properties can be tuned by design, artificial spin ices can be studied using magnetic microscopy, allowing all the details of the microstates of these systems to be interrogated, both in equilibrium and when perturbed away from it. This 'focus on' collection brings together reports on the latest results from leading groups around the globe in this fascinating and fast-moving field

    Domain-wall depinning assisted by pure spin currents

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    We study the depinning of domain walls by pure diffusive spin currents in a nonlocal spin valve structure based on two ferromagnetic permalloy elements with copper as the nonmagnetic spin conduit. The injected spin current is absorbed by the second permalloy structure with a domain wall and from the dependence of the wall depinning field on the spin current density we find an efficiency of 6*10^{-14}T/(A/m^2), which is more than an order of magnitude larger than for conventional current induced domain wall motion. Theoretically we reproduce this high efficiency, which arises from the surface torques exerted by the absorbed spin current that lead to efficient depinning.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Spin configurations in Co2FeAl0.4Si0.6 Heusler alloy thin film elements

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    We determine experimentally the spin structure of half-metallic Co2FeAl0.4Si0.6 Heusler alloy elements using magnetic microscopy. Following magnetic saturation, the dominant magnetic states consist of quasi-uniform configurations, where a strong influence from the magnetocrystalline anisotropy is visible. Heating experiments show the stability of the spin configuration of domain walls in confined geometries up to 800 K. The switching temperature for the transition from transverse to vortex walls in ring elements is found to increase with ring width, an effect attributed to structural changes and consequent changes in magnetic anisotropy, which start to occur in the narrower elements at lower temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Non-adiabatic spin torque investigated using thermally activated magnetic domain wall dynamics

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    Using transmission electron microscopy, we investigate the thermally activated motion of domain walls (DWs) between two positions in permalloy (Ni80Fe20) nanowires at room temperature. We show that this purely thermal motion is well described by an Arrhenius law, allowing for a description of the DW as a quasi-particle in a 1D potential landscape. By injecting small currents, the potential is modified, allowing for the determination of the non-adiabatic spin torque: the non-adiabatic coefficient is 0.010 +/- 0.004 for a transverse DW and 0.073 +/- 0.026 for a vortex DW. The larger value is attributed to the higher magnetization gradients present

    Strain-dependent magnetic configurations in manganite-titanate heterostructures probed with soft X-ray techniques

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    We present a detailed study on the strain-induced magnetic domain structure of a (La,Sr)MnO3 thin film epitaxially grown on a BaTiO3 substrate through the use of polarization-dependent X-ray photoemission electron microscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Angular-dependent measurements allow us to detect vector magnetization on a single-domain scale, and we relate the strain-induced changes in magnetic anisotropy of the ferromagnetic film to the ferroelectric domain structure of the underlying substrate using X-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroism spectro-microscopy. Comparisons to measurements on a nearly strain free film of (La,Sr)MnO3 grown on a (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O3 substrate illustrate that the BaTiO3 ferroelectric domain structure imprints specific domain sizes and wall orientations in the (La,Sr)MnO3/BaTiO3 artificial multiferroic heterostructure. Furthermore, a change of the BaTiO3 ferroelectric domain structure either with temperature or with applied electric field results in a corresponding change in the (La,Sr)MnO3 ferromagnetic domain structure, thus showing a possible route to obtain room-temperature electric field control of magnetic anisotropy at the nanoscal

    Nonsecretor Histo-blood Group Antigen Phenotype Is Associated With Reduced Risk of Clinical Rotavirus Vaccine Failure in Malawian Infants

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    Background Histo–blood group antigen (HBGA) Lewis/secretor phenotypes predict genotype-specific susceptibility to rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE). We tested the hypothesis that nonsecretor/Lewis-negative phenotype leads to reduced vaccine take and lower clinical protection following vaccination with G1P[8] rotavirus vaccine (RV1) in Malawian infants Methods A cohort study recruited infants receiving RV1 at age 6 and 10 weeks. HBGA phenotype was determined by salivary enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RV1 vaccine virus shedding was detected by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) in stool collected on alternate days for 10 days post-immunization. Plasma rotavirus–specific immunoglobulin A was determined by ELISA pre- and post-immunization. In a case-control study, HBGA phenotype distribution was compared between RV1-vaccinated infants with RVGE and 1:1 age-matched community controls. Rotavirus genotype was determined by RT-PCR. Results In 202 cohort participants, neither overall vaccine virus fecal shedding nor seroconversion differed by HBGA phenotype. In 238 case-control infants, nonsecretor phenotype was less common in infants with clinical vaccine failure (odds ratio [OR], 0.39; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.20–0.75). Nonsecretor phenotype was less common in infants with P[8] RVGE (OR, 0.12; 95% CI, 0.03–0.50) and P[4] RVGE (OR, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.04–0.75). Lewis-negative phenotype was more common in infants with P[6] RVGE (OR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.4–7.2). Conclusions Nonsecretor phenotype was associated with reduced risk of rotavirus vaccine failure. There was no significant association between HBGA phenotype and vaccine take. These data refute the hypothesis that high prevalence of nonsecretor/Lewis-negative phenotypes contributes to lower rotavirus vaccine effectiveness in Malawi
