83 research outputs found

    The MEGAPIE-TEST Project

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    The goals of the MEGAPIE initiative are to design, build and operate a 1MW heavy liquid metal target. The first step towards the realization of the MEGAPIE target was the feasibility studies, which outlined the entire project. Contextually to the feasibility studies the conceptual design phase started with the establishment of R&D working groups assisting the design and validation of both the target and its ancillary systems. In this framework the EU project MEGAPIE-TEST has been structured in three work packages with tasks concerning the finalization of the engineering design, the components and subsystem testing, the integral test and the first irradiation period. The MEGAPIE-TEST consortium is composed by the 14 partners: FZK, PSI, CEA, ENEA, SCK-CEN, CNRS /IDFE, IN2P3, LMPGM, EMN, ISMRA, UNIV-NANTES, U-PSUDXI, USTL. Currently the engineering design of the target has been finalized, its manufacturing has been launched and the design activities on the ancillary systems were almost completed. R&D activities in the fields of materials, thermal – hydraulics, structural mechanics, neutronic and nuclear assessment and liquid metal technologies were performed in order to assist specific design issues. Some Subsystem and component tests were also performed and the preparation of the integral test is an ongoing activity

    Progress Report on Target Development

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    The present document is the D08 deliverable report of work package 1 (Target Development) from the MEGAPIE TEST project of the 5th European Framework Program. Deliverable D08 is the progress report on the activities performed within WP 1. The due date of this deliverable was the 5th month after the start of the EU project. This coincided with a technical status meeting of the MEGAPIE Initiative, that was held in March 2002 in Bologna (Italy). The content of the present document reflects the status of the MEGAPIE target development at that stage. It gives an overview of the Target Design, the related Design Support activities and the progress of the work done for the safety assessment and licensing of the target

    Current and prospective pharmacological targets in relation to antimigraine action

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    Migraine is a recurrent incapacitating neurovascular disorder characterized by unilateral and throbbing headaches associated with photophobia, phonophobia, nausea, and vomiting. Current specific drugs used in the acute treatment of migraine interact with vascular receptors, a fact that has raised concerns about their cardiovascular safety. In the past, α-adrenoceptor agonists (ergotamine, dihydroergotamine, isometheptene) were used. The last two decades have witnessed the advent of 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonists (sumatriptan and second-generation triptans), which have a well-established efficacy in the acute treatment of migraine. Moreover, current prophylactic treatments of migraine include 5-HT2 receptor antagonists, Ca2+ channel blockers, and β-adrenoceptor antagonists. Despite the progress in migraine research and in view of its complex etiology, this disease still remains underdiagnosed, and available therapies are underused. In this review, we have discussed pharmacological targets in migraine, with special emphasis on compounds acting on 5-HT (5-HT1-7), adrenergic (α1, α2, and β), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP 1 and CGRP2), adenosine (A1, A2, and A3), glutamate (NMDA, AMPA, kainate, and metabotropic), dopamine, endothelin, and female hormone (estrogen and progesterone) receptors. In addition, we have considered some other targets, including gamma-aminobutyric acid, angiotensin, bradykinin, histamine, and ionotropic receptors, in relation to antimigraine therapy. Finally, the cardiovascular safety of current and prospective antimigraine therapies is touched upon

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