91 research outputs found

    Spatial Convergence in China: 1952-99

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    China, income distribution, spatial effects, spatial econometrics

    Channels of Synthesis Forty Years On: Integrated Analysis of Spatial Economic Systems

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    Isard’s vision of integrated modeling that was laid out in the 1960s book Methods of Regional Science provided a road map for the development of more sophisticated analysis of spatial economic systems. Some forty years later, we look back at this vision and trace developments in a sample of three areas – demographic-econometric integrated modeling, spatial interaction modeling, and environmental-economic modeling. Attention will be focused on methodological advances and their motivation by new developments in theory as well as innovations in the applications of these models to address new policy challenges. Underlying the discussion will be an evaluation of the way in which spatial issues have been addressed, ranging from concerns with regionalization to issues of spillovers and spatial correlation.Spatial economic system, Integrated analysis,

    Enhancing Our Understanding of a Regional Economy: The Complementarity of CGE and EIO Models

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    Economic impact models are powerful tools for the assessment of policy changes in regional economies. Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models have grown in popularity, becoming the dominant choice of practitioners and academics in this field. This popularity has been at the expense of an older class of model, the Econometric Input Output (EIO). The present paper demonstrates how both models, using the same input data, may yield different outcomes. However, the paper suggests that EIO has been underutilized even though it provides a strong complementary tool accompany that enhance analyses using a CGE approach. This paper urges regional economists to rediscover the EIO model, especially two variants that are described in the paper, and bring them to the forefront of their research agenda

    PyIO: Input-Output Analysis with Python

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    This is a User Manual about PyIO, an Input-Output analysis tool using Python. Up to date software is available from the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) homepage. http://www.uiuc.edu/unit/real/

    Fragmentación y complejidad : análisis del cambio estructural en la economía de la región de Chicago

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    En este artículo, se diferencian dos dimensiones en el proceso de fragmentación: una dimensión espacial y otra funcional. Por un lado, debido a la fragmentación y a la deslocalización industrial, las economías regionales y nacionales están perdiendo encadenamientos internos. Esta fragmentación espacial determina una reducción de la complejidad de los sistemas productivos. Por otro lado, la externalización, como forma de fragmentación funcional, incrementa la densidad de transacciones y encadenamientos dentro de una economía. El impacto global de la fragmentación sobre la complejidad de los sistemas productivos nacionales y regionales depende del efecto neto de estas dos fuerzas de fragmentación. En este artículo se estudian los efectos de la fragmentación sobre la complejidad de la economía de la región de Chicago a partir de una serie de tablas input-output estimadas para el período 1978-2014, utilizando longitudes medias de propagación (APLs).__________________________________In this paper, two dimensions are differentiated within the fragmentation process: a spatial and a functional one. On the one hand, due to fragmentation and industrial relocation, regional and national economies might be losing some internal linkages. This spatial fragmentation determines a decrease in the complexity of the production systems. On the other hand, outsourcing, as a form of functional fragmentation, increases the density of transactions and linkages within an economy. The overall impact of fragmentation on the complexity of the regional and national economic systems depends on the net effect of these two fragmentation forces. In this paper, the effects of fragmentation on the complexity of the economy of the Chicago region are studied from a set of input-output tables estimated for the period 1978-2014 using Average Propagation Lengths (APLs)

    Distributional Welfare Impact of the 2013 Adjustment of Tax-Free Income Threshold in Indonesia: A CGE Simulation

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    A tax-free threshold, the level of income that the tax rate is zero, in Indonesian tax system is initially motivated by equity principle. The government of Indonesia periodically adjusts the tax-free threshold to keep the purchasing power of the low-income household’s group. Within the last decade, there were three times adjustment in 2006, 2009, and the last started effectively implemented in January 2013. The magnitude of the last adjustment is relatively high, the tax-free threshold increased by 53.4%. The policy objective is not only to protect the poor from paying tax but also to stimulate the economic growth through consumption. This study analyses the impact of the 2013 tax-free threshold adjustment with the main focus on the distributional welfare impact using an integrated multi-households computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The model’s database consolidated from three key data sources: (a) the 2008 Indonesian Input-Output Table; (b) the 2008 Indonesian Social Accounting Matrix; and (c) the 2008 National Socioeconomic Survey
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