748 research outputs found

    The exposure history of Jilin and production rates of cosmogenic nuclides

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    Jilin, the largest known story meteorite, is a very suitable object for studying the systematics of cosmic ray produced nuclides in stony meteorites. Its well established two stage exposure history even permits to gain information about two different irradiation geometries (2pi and 4pi). All stable and long-lived cosmogenic nuclides measured in Jilin so far correlate well with each other. An example is shown where the Al-26 activities are plotted vs. the spallogenic Ne-21 concentration. These records of cosmic-ray interaction in Jilin can be used both to determine the history of the target and to study the nature of production rate profiles. This is unavoidably a bootstrap process, involving studying one with assumption about the other. Production rate equations are presented and discussed

    Low level γ-ray germanium-spectrometer to measure very low primordial radionuclide concentrations

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    Abstract A new germanium spectrometer especially suited for large sample measurements is described in detail. It is operated in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory under shielding rock of 3300 m water equivalent, which reduces the muon flux by six orders of magnitude. The integral background counting rate in the energy range from 50 to 2750 keV is about 0.15 min−1. The low peak count rates of mostly less than 1 count per day together with a relative efficiency of 102% and the high sample capacity makes this spectrometer one of the most sensitive worldwide. Some sample measurements for the solar neutrino experiment BOREXINO and the detector efficiency calibration by the Monte Carlo method are discussed as well

    First Characterization of the Ultra-Shielded Chamber in the Low-noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB) of Rustrel Pays d'Apt

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    In compliance with international agreements on nuclear weapons limitation, the French ground-based nuclear arsenal has been decommissioned in its totality. One of its former underground missile control centers, located in Rustrel, 60 km east of Avignon (Provence) has been converted into the ``Laboratoire Souterrain \`a Bas Bruit de Rustrel-Pays d'Apt'' (LSBB). The deepest experimental hall (500 m of calcite rock overburden) includes a 100 m2^{2} area of sturdy flooring suspended by and resting on shock absorbers, entirely enclosed in a 28 m-long, 8 m-diameter, 1 cm-thick steel Faraday cage. This results in an unparalleled combination of shielding against cosmic rays, acoustic, seismic and electromagnetic noise, which can be exploited for rare event searches using ultra low-temperature and superconducting detectors. The first characterization measurements in this unique civilian site are reported. For more info see http://home.cern.ch/collar/RUSTREL/rustrel.htmlComment: Homepage and quoted hyperlinks have been updated: see http://home.cern.ch/collar/RUSTREL/rustrel.htm

    Results of ultra-low level 71ge counting for application in the Gallex-solar neutrino experiment at the Gran Sasso Underground Physics Laboratory

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    It has been experimentally verified that the Ultra-Low-Level Counting System for the Gallex solar neutrino experiment is capable of measuring the expected solar up silon-flux to plus or minus 12% during two years of operation

    First Results from the HDMS experiment in the Final Setup

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    The Heidelberg Dark Matter Search (HDMS) is an experiment designed for the search for WIMP dark matter. It is using a special configuration of Ge detectors, to efficiently reduce the background in the low-energy region below 100 keV. After one year of running the HDMS detector prototype in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory, the inner crystal of the detector has been replaced with a HPGe crystal of enriched 73^{73}Ge. The final setup started data taking in Gran Sasso in August 2000. The performance and the first results of the measurement with the final setup are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, revtex, 7 figures, Home Page of Heidelberg Non-Accelerator Particle Physics Group: http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/non_acc

    GENIUS-TF: a test facility for the GENIUS project

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    GENIUS is a proposal for a large scale detector of rare events. As a first step of the experiment, a small test version, the GENIUS test facility, will be build up at the Laboratorio Nazionale del Gran Sasso (LNGS). With about 40 kg of natural Ge detectors operated in liquid nitrogen, GENIUS-TF could exclude (or directly confirm) the DAMA annual modulation signature within about two years of measurement.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 5 figures, 3 tables; submitted to Astroparticle Physic

    Highly Sensitive Gamma-Spectrometers of GERDA for Material Screening: Part 2

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    The previous article about material screening for GERDA points out the importance of strict material screening and selection for radioimpurities as a key to meet the aspired background levels of the GERDA experiment. This is directly done using low-level gamma-spectroscopy. In order to provide sufficient selective power in the mBq/kg range and below, the employed gamma-spectrometers themselves have to meet strict material requirements, and make use of an elaborate shielding system. This article gives an account of the setup of two such spectrometers. Corrado is located in a depth of 15 m w.e. at the MPI-K in Heidelberg (Germany), GeMPI III is situated at the Gran-Sasso underground laboratory at 3500 m w.e. (Italy). The latter one aims at detecting sample activities of the order ~0.01 mBq/kg, which is the current state-of-the-art level. The applied techniques to meet the respective needs are discussed and demonstrated by experimental results.Comment: Featured in: Proceedings of the XIV International Baksan School "Particles and Cosmology" Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 16-21,2007. INR RAS, Moscow 2008. ISBN 978-5-94274-055-9, pp. 233-238; (6 pages, 4 figures

    GIOVE, a shallow laboratory Ge-spectrometer with 100 μBq/kg sensitivity

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    A new germanium gamma spectrometer called GIOVE ( G ermanium spectrometer with I nner and O uter V eto) has been set up at the underground/shallow laboratory (15 m w.e.) of MPI-K. Its double plastic scintillator veto system and neutron moderation interlayer lower the background by more than one order of magnitude compared to the other existing spectrometer at this facility. The integral (40-2700 keV) background rate of about 290 counts (day kg)−1 is just a factor 4 to 8 above that of the GeMPI spectrometers operated at LNGS (3800 m w.e.) and thus proves that even under shallow overburden sub mBq/kg sensitivities are achievable. Extended material screening and neutron attenuation studies preceded the final design of the spectrometer. The technical realization of the spectrometer is described in detail with special emphasis on the inner veto system. For its optimisation a simulation model was developed for light collection on small low activity PMT’s under various geometrical conditions. Radon suppression is accomplished by employing a gas tight sample container and a nitrogen flushed glove-box system with an airlock. The active volume of the crystal was modelled by absorption scanning measurements and Monte Carlo simulations. The complete shield is implemented in a Geant4 based simulation framework
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