2,317 research outputs found

    Field-tuned quantum critical point of antiferromagnetic metals

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    A magnetic field applied to a three-dimensional antiferromagnetic metal can destroy the long-range order and thereby induce a quantum critical point. Such field-induced quantum critical behavior is the focus of many recent experiments. We investigate theoretically the quantum critical behavior of clean antiferromagnetic metals subject to a static, spatially uniform external magnetic field. The external field does not only suppress (or induce in some systems) antiferromagnetism but also influences the dynamics of the order parameter by inducing spin precession. This leads to an exactly marginal correction to spin-fluctuation theory. We investigate how the interplay of precession and damping determines the specific heat, magnetization, magnetocaloric effect, susceptibility and scattering rates. We point out that the precession can change the sign of the leading \sqrt{T} correction to the specific heat coefficient c(T)/T and can induce a characteristic maximum in c(T)/T for certain parameters. We argue that the susceptibility \chi =\partial M/\partial B is the thermodynamic quantity which shows the most significant change upon approaching the quantum critical point and which gives experimental access to the (dangerously irrelevant) spin-spin interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetic-Field Induced Quantum Critical Point in YbRh2_2Si2_2

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    We report low-temperature calorimetric, magnetic and resistivity measurements on the antiferromagnetic (AF) heavy-fermion metal YbRh2_2Si2_2 (TN={T_N =} 70 mK) as a function of magnetic field BB. While for fields exceeding the critical value Bc0{B_{c0}} at which TN0{T_N\to0} the low temperature resistivity shows an AT2{AT^2} dependence, a 1/(BBc0){1/(B-B_{c0})} divergence of A(B){A(B)} upon reducing BB to Bc0{B_{c0}} suggests singular scattering at the whole Fermi surface and a divergence of the heavy quasiparticle mass. The observations are interpreted in terms of a new type of quantum critical point separating a weakly AF ordered from a weakly polarized heavy Landau-Fermi liquid state.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Avoided Antiferromagnetic Order and Quantum Critical Point in CeCoIn5_5

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    We measured specific heat and resistivity of heavy fermion CeCoIn5 between the superconducting critical field Hc2=5TH_{c2} = 5 T and 9 T, with field in the [001] direction, and at temperatures down to 50mK. At 5T the data show Non Fermi Liquid behavior down to the lowest temperatures. At field above 8T the data exhibit crossover from the Fermi liquid to a Non Fermi Liquid behavior. We analyzed the scaling properties of the specific heat, and compared both resistivity and the specific heat with the predictions of a spin-fluctuation theory. Our analysis leads us to suggest that the NFL behavior is due to incipient antiferromagnetism (AF) in CeCoIn5, with the quantum critical point in the vicinity of the Hc2H_{c2}. Below Hc2H_{c2} the AF phase which competes with the paramagnetic ground state is superseded by the superconducting transition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Specific heat of heavy fermion CePd2Si2 in high magnetic fields

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    We report specific heat measurements on the heavy fermion compound CePd2Si2 in magnetic fields up to 16 T and in the temperature range 1.4-16 K. A sharp peak in the specific heat signals the antiferromagnetic transition at T_N ~ 9.3 K in zero field. The transition is found to shift to lower temperatures when a magnetic field is applied along the crystallographic a-axis, while a field applied parallel to the tetragonal c-axis does not affect the transition. The magnetic contribution to the specific heat below T_N is well described by a sum of a linear electronic term and an antiferromagnetic spin wave contribution. Just below T_N, an additional positive curvature, especially at high fields, arises most probably due to thermal fluctuations. The field dependence of the coefficient of the low temperature linear term, gamma_0, extracted from the fits shows a maximum at about 6 T, at the point where an anomaly was detected in susceptibility measurements. The relative field dependence of both T_N and the magnetic entropy at T_N scales as [1-(B/B_0)^2] for B // a, suggesting the disappearance of antiferromagnetism at B_0 ~ 42 T. The expected suppression of the antiferromagnetic transition temperature to zero makes the existence of a magnetic quantum critical point possible.Comment: to be published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Order and nFl Behavior in UCu4Pd

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    We have studied the role of disorder in the non-Fermi liquid system UCu4Pd using annealing as a control parameter. Measurement of the lattice parameter indicates that this procedure increases the crystallographic order by rearranging the Pd atoms from the 16e to the 4c sites. We find that the low temperature properties depend strongly on annealing. Whereas the non-Fermi liquid behavior in the specific heat can be observed over a larger temperature range after annealing, the clear non-Fermi liquid behavior of the resistivity of the unannealed sample below 10 K disappears. We come to the conclusion that this argues against the Kondo disorder model as an explanation for the non-Fermi liquid properties of both as-prepared and annealed UCu4Pd

    Specific Heat of URu2_{2}Si2_{2} in Fields to 42 T: Clues to the 'Hidden Order'

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    The large Δ\DeltaC observed at 17.5 K in URu2_{2}Si2_{2} is inconsistent with the small, 0.04 μB\mu_{B} moment measured for the antiferromagnetism observed starting (perhaps coincidentally) at the same temperature. We report measurements of this specific heat transition, thought to be due to some 'hidden order', in magnetic fields between 24 and 42 T, i. e. through the field region where three metamagnetic transtions are known to occur at 35.8, 37.3, and 39.4 T. The response of Δ\DeltaC in single crystal URu2_{2}Si2_{2} to magnetic field, which includes a change to Δ\DeltaC being possibly associated with a first order phase transition for high fields, is analyzed to shed further light on the possible explanations of this unknown ordering process. At fields above 35 T, a new high field phase comes into being; the connection between this high field phase revealed by the specific heat and earlier magnetization data is discussed

    The break up of heavy electrons at a quantum critical point

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    The point at absolute zero where matter becomes unstable to new forms of order is called a quantum critical point (QCP). The quantum fluctuations between order and disorder that develop at this point induce profound transformations in the finite temperature electronic properties of the material. Magnetic fields are ideal for tuning a material as close as possible to a QCP, where the most intense effects of criticality can be studied. A previous study on theheavy-electron material YbRh2Si2YbRh_2Si_2 found that near a field-induced quantum critical point electrons move ever more slowly and scatter off one-another with ever increasing probability, as indicated by a divergence to infinity of the electron effective mass and cross-section. These studies could not shed light on whether these properties were an artifact of the applied field, or a more general feature of field-free QCPs. Here we report that when Germanium-doped YbRh2Si2YbRh_2Si_2 is tuned away from a chemically induced quantum critical point by magnetic fields there is a universal behavior in the temperature dependence of the specific heat and resistivity: the characteristic kinetic energy of electrons is directly proportional to the strength of the applied field. We infer that all ballistic motion of electrons vanishes at a QCP, forming a new class of conductor in which individual electrons decay into collective current carrying motions of the electron fluid.Comment: Pdf files of article available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~coleman/online/breakup.pdf, pdf file of news and views article available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~coleman/online/nvbreakup.pd

    How do Fermi liquids get heavy and die?

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    We discuss non-Fermi liquid and quantum critical behavior in heavy fermion materials, focussing on the mechanism by which the electron mass appears to diverge at the quantum critical point. We ask whether the basic mechanism for the transformation involves electron diffraction off a quantum critical spin density wave, or whether a break-down in the composite nature of the heavy electron takes place at the quantum critical point. We show that the Hall constant changes continously in the first scenario, but may ``jump'' discontinuously at a quantum critical point where the composite character of the electron quasiparticles changes.Comment: Revised version with many new references added. To appear as a topical review in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Physics. Two column version http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~coleman/online/questions.ps.g

    Politische Dimensionen von Militärübungen und Manövern – ein Projektbericht

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    Die virtuellen Kriege und Operationen, die in Militärübungen gespielt und geprobt werden, können entweder der Abschreckung dienen oder aber Angriffe vorbereiten bzw. zur Maskierung tatsächlicher Angriffe dienen. Für Beobachter ist es vielfach nicht offensichtlich, um welche Art von Militärübung es sich handelt. Die Ergebnisse eines vierjährigen internationalen Projektes zu politischen Dimensionen von Militärübungen richten das Schlaglicht insbesondere auf Missverständnisse und deren ungewollte politische Auswirkungen, die im Extremfall unbeabsichtigt zum Krieg führen können