164 research outputs found

    Fish Diversity in Mangroves of São Tomé Island (Gulf of Guinea)

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    Tese de mestrado, Ecologia Marinha, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2021Mangroves are valued for their role in climate regulation, countering coastal erosion and providing raw materials. Mangroves have diverse fish communities, and the roots of mangrove trees provide shelter for fish species, especially juveniles. Little is known about Santomean mangroves, with 12 mangrove systems identified, from which four were included in this study. This thesis aims to comprehend how fish diversity varies between mangroves with different characteristics, using Santomean mangroves as case study. The environmental conditions found in the smaller systems were more homogeneous than those of the larger systems. Twenty-two species were sampled, with Malanza showing the highest richness and Praia das Conchas the lowest. The functional diversity results suggest that Malanza is more diverse and has a functionally richer community. This higher diversity is probably due to the heterogeneity of environmental conditions and their temporal stability. Angolares had low diversity, with an even but species poor community. Likely due to the environmental variability that only allows tolerant species to establish. The reduced size and depth of Diogo Nunes is probably stunting its diversity. Nevertheless, the fish community of Diogo Nunes is functionally more diverse than that of the larger Angolares system. Pelagic and marine species preferred larger and deeper mangroves, while benthic and estuarine species were predominant in Diogo Nunes. Species and functional diversity were positively correlated indicating complementarity between them and showing that functional diversity adds information about species-environment interactions. Functional and species evenness were not correlated showcasing the importance of the use of both metrics to acquire a more complete understanding of the communities. Taxonomic and functional diversity were negatively correlated indicating that species from different taxa may perform similar functions. From a management point of view this approach represents an advantage as it can identify which systems are more important for which groups, allowing the prioritizing of systems for conservation and management

    Neurologische Komplexbehandlung - Auswirkung auf Versorgungsqualität und Kosten der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherungen

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    Hintergrund. Zweck dieser Studie war ein Vergleich der Standardbehandlung eines Schlaganfalls mit der im Operationen- und Prozedurenschlüssel in Deutschland vorgesehen neurologischen Komplexbehandlung. Patienten und Methoden. Es wurden 3827 Patienten aus 2005 mit 4315 Patienten aus dem Jahr 2007 hinsichtlich der Sterblichkeit im Krankenhaus sowie der Langzeitsterblichkeit nach 30-, 90- und 360-Tagen verglichen. Weiterhin wurden die veränderten Kosten für die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen in Relation zu den Ergebnissen der Differenzen bei den Sterblichkeitsraten gesetzt. Das Jahr 2005 wurde als Proxy für die Standardbehandlung; das Jahr 2007 als Proxy für die neurologische Komplexbehandlung gesetzt. Ergebnisse. Es traten signifikante Unterschiede bei der 1-Jahres Sterblichkeit in Form einer Reduktion in Höhe von 3,11 Prozentpunkten auf (p Schlussfolgerung. Die Einführung der neurologischen Komplexbehandlung steht in keinem kausalen Zusammenhang zur Veränderung der Sterblichkeit. Es sind von den Krankenkassen erhebliche Mehrkosten aufzubringen, die sich im internationalen Rahmen bewegen

    Towards a conceptual model of staffs in disaster response organizations

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    We argue that staffs and their leaders play an important role in disaster response. The main contribution of this paper is a conceptual staff model. It based on scientific literature on leadership, command and control, emergency response coordination patterns, staffs, staff regulations and an empirical basis of three command post exercises

    Fair is Fair: A Fair Value Distribution Mechanism for Cloud Manufacturing Ecosystems

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    Cloud Manufacturing is a manufacturing paradigm that focuses on collaboration and resource utilization. Until recently, little research has been done to combine the perspectives of cloud manufacturing and digital platform ecosystems. In the cloud manufacturing paradigm, the cloud coordinator takes up the dual role of a matchmaker and a platform owner, though, so it is interesting to research how any power dominance of the platform owner can be avoided. To do so, three dimensions of platform governance suggested by Tiwana 2014 – pricing policies, decision rights, and control – were considered in this contribution to recommend a fair value distribution mechanism for platform ecosystems in cloud manufacturing. Requirements for such a solution are formulated in this contribution and design patterns satisfying these requirements are derived. We propose using tokens administrated by distributed ledger technologies and smart contracts to enable a special split revenue scheme that satisfies th

    Concepts for Command & Control Effectiveness in German Disaster Response

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    The paper analyzes relevant concepts for command & control effectiveness in the German disaster response system. The concepts are derived from legal text review, an analogy between military and disaster response domain and interpretations of representatives from major German disaster response organizations. The concepts are integrated into a conceptual model

    Construction of Pushout Complements in the Category of Hypergraphs

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    We describe a concrete construction of all pushout complements for two given morphisms f : A -> B, m: B -> D in the category of hypergraphs, valid also for the case where f, m are non-injective. It is based on the generation of suitable equivalence relations. We also give a combinatorial interpretation and show how well-known coefficients from combinatorics, such as the Bell numbers, can be recovered. Furthermore we present a formula that can be used to compute the number of pushout complements for two given morphisms

    Digital Fitness – The Goal of Digital Transformation

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    Digital Transformation forces a technology-driven change in organizations and society. Due to this change, companies fear that they will not be able to keep up with innovations. Although digital transformation is a very popular topic in business and research, a precise state a company should strive for, is not discussed adequately. Thus, the aim of this paper is to understand and conceptualize the target state of digital transformation. To achieve this goal, we discuss literature and expert interviews. We found out, practitioners themselves are not aware of the target state, although they have to decide what is to reach on the digital transformation journey. Based on these findings, we propose a model of digital fitness that conceptualizes the target state of digital transformation comprising of three dimensions: digital adoption, digital expertise and the adoption rate of digital innovations

    Hunte 1 reloaded – combining ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity tomography, corings and excavations at the Neolithic domestic site Hunte 1, Germany

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    With the help of geophysics an old excavation plan from the 1930ies and 1940ies could be relocalized. The interface between peat and sand can be traced over the whole area by GPR. Diffraction hyperbola in GPR data as well as excavation revealed piles and timbers. The Neolithic domestic site was much larger in extent and more complex than known before our research
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