364 research outputs found

    Hypothyroidism is a rare cause of isolated constipation

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    The prevalence of constipation in children is high and accounts for a large percentage of pediatric and pediatric gastroenterology visits. Thyroid testing is frequently ordered to evaluate constipation and other gastrointestinal complaints in children. We reviewed all patients with thyroid testing ordered by our pediatric gastroenterology division over a five-year period. We found 873 patients on whom thyroid testing was performed, and 56 had evidence of hypothyroidism. Nine patients had constipation and clinically significant hypothyroidism in this group. However, only one child had constipation as their sole presenting symptom. The contribution of occult hypothyroidism to isolated constipation in children may have been previously overestimated

    Neural crest requires Impdh 2 for development of the enteric nervous system, great vessels, and craniofacial skeleton

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    Mutations that impair the proliferation of enteric neural crest-derived cells (ENCDC) cause Hirschsprung disease, a potentially lethal birth defect where the enteric nervous system (ENS) is absent from distal bowel. Inosine 5′ monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) activity is essential for de novo GMP synthesis, and chemical inhibition of IMPDH induces Hirschsprung disease-like pathology in mouse models by reducing ENCDC proliferation. Two IMPDH isoforms are ubiquitously expressed in the embryo, but only IMPDH2 is required for life. To further understand the role of IMPDH2 in ENS and neural crest development, we characterized a conditional Impdh2 mutant mouse. Deletion of Impdh2 in the early neural crest using the Wnt1-Cre transgene produced defects in multiple neural crest derivatives including highly penetrant intestinal aganglionosis, agenesis of the craniofacial skeleton, and cardiac outflow tract and great vessel malformations. Analysis using a Rosa26 reporter mouse suggested that some or all of the remaining ENS in Impdh2 conditional-knockout animals was derived from cells that escaped Wnt1-Cre mediated DNA recombination. These data suggest that IMPDH2 mediated guanine nucleotide synthesis is essential for normal development of the ENS and other neural crest derivatives

    Generative modeling of the enteric nervous system employing point pattern analysis and graph construction

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    We describe a generative network model of the architecture of the enteric nervous system (ENS) in the colon employing data from images of human and mouse tissue samples obtained through confocal microscopy. Our models combine spatial point pattern analysis with graph generation to characterize the spatial and topological properties of the ganglia (clusters of neurons and glial cells), the inter-ganglionic connections, and the neuronal organization within the ganglia. We employ a hybrid hardcore-Strauss process for spatial patterns and a planar random graph generation for constructing the spatially embedded network. We show that our generative model may be helpful in both basic and translational studies, and it is sufficiently expressive to model the ENS architecture of individuals who vary in age and health status. Increased understanding of the ENS connectome will enable the use of neuromodulation strategies in treatment and clarify anatomic diagnostic criteria for people with bowel motility disorders.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Artemin Is a Vascular-Derived Neurotropic Factor for Developing Sympathetic Neurons

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    AbstractArtemin (ARTN) is a member of the GDNF family of ligands and signals through the Ret/GFRα3 receptor complex. Characterization of ARTN- and GFRα3-deficient mice revealed similar abnormalities in the migration and axonal projection pattern of the entire sympathetic nervous system. This resulted in abnormal innervation of target tissues and consequent cell death due to deficiencies of target-derived neurotrophic support. ARTN is expressed along blood vessels and in cells nearby to sympathetic axonal projections. In the developing vasculature, ARTN is expressed in smooth muscle cells of the vessels, and it acts as a guidance factor that encourages sympathetic fibers to follow blood vessels as they project toward their final target tissues. The chemoattractive properties of ARTN were confirmed by the demonstration that sympathetic neuroblasts migrate and project axons toward ARTN-soaked beads implanted into mouse embryos

    Differential Regional and Subtype-Specific Vulnerability of Enteric Neurons to Mitochondrial Dysfunction

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is a central mediator of disease progression in diverse neurodegenerative diseases that often present with prominent gastrointestinal abnormalities. Gastrointestinal dysfunction in these disorders is related, at least in part, to defects in the enteric nervous system (ENS). The role of mitochondrial deficits in ENS neurodegeneration and their relative contribution to gastrointestinal dysfunction, however, are unclear. To better understand how mitochondrial abnormalities in the ENS influence enteric neurodegeneration and affect intestinal function, we generated mice (Tfam-ENSKOs) with impaired mitochondrial metabolism in enteric neurons and glia through the targeted deletion of the mitochondrial transcription factor A gene (Tfam). Tfam-ENSKO mice were initially viable but, at an early age, they developed severe gastrointestinal motility problems characterized by intestinal pseudo-obstruction resulting in premature death. This gastrointestinal dysfunction was caused by extensive, progressive neurodegeneration of the ENS involving both neurons and glia. Interestingly, mitochondrial defects differentially affected specific subpopulations of enteric neurons and regions of the gastrointestinal tract. Mitochondrial deficiency-related neuronal and glial loss was most prominent in the proximal small intestine, but the first affected neurons, nitrergic inhibitory neurons, had the greatest losses in the distal small intestine. This regional and subtype-specific variability in susceptibility to mitochondrial defects resulted in an imbalance of inhibitory and excitatory neurons that likely accounts for the observed phenotype in Tfam-ENSKO mice. Mitochondrial dysfunction, therefore, is likely to be an important driving force of neurodegeneration in the ENS and contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms in people with neurodegenerative disorders

    Hirschsprung-like disease is exacerbated by reduced de novo GMP synthesis

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    Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is a partially penetrant oligogenic birth defect that occurs when enteric nervous system (ENS) precursors fail to colonize the distal bowel during early pregnancy. Genetic defects underlie HSCR, but much of the variability in the occurrence and severity of the birth defect remain unexplained. We hypothesized that nongenetic factors might contribute to disease development. Here we found that mycophenolate, an inhibitor of de novo guanine nucleotide biosynthesis, and 8 other drugs identified in a zebrafish screen impaired ENS development. In mice, mycophenolate treatment selectively impaired ENS precursor proliferation, delayed precursor migration, and induced bowel aganglionosis. In 2 different mouse models of HSCR, addition of mycophenolate increased the penetrance and severity of Hirschsprung-like pathology. Mycophenolate treatment also reduced ENS precursor migration as well as lamellipodia formation, proliferation, and survival in cultured enteric neural crest–derived cells. Using X-inactivation mosaicism for the purine salvage gene Hprt, we found that reduced ENS precursor proliferation most likely causes mycophenolate-induced migration defects and aganglionosis. To the best of our knowledge, mycophenolate is the first medicine identified that causes major ENS malformations and Hirschsprung-like pathology in a mammalian model. These studies demonstrate a critical role for de novo guanine nucleotide biosynthesis in ENS development and suggest that some cases of HSCR may be preventable

    The timing and location of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor expression determine enteric nervous system structure and function

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    Ret signaling is critical for formation of the enteric nervous system (ENS) because Ret activation promotes ENS precursor survival, proliferation, and migration and provides trophic support for mature enteric neurons. While these roles are well established, we now provide evidence that increasing levels of the Ret ligand GDNF in mice causes alterations in ENS structure and function that are critically dependent on the time and location of increased GDNF availability. This is demonstrated using two different strains of transgenic mice and by injecting newborn mice with GDNF. Furthermore, because different subclasses of ENS precursors withdraw from the cell cycle at different times during development, increases in GDNF at specific times alter the ratio of neuronal subclasses in the mature ENS. In addition, we confirm that esophageal neurons are GDNF responsive and demonstrate that the location of GDNF production influences neuronal process projection for NADPH diaphorase expressing, but not acetylcholinesterase, choline acetyltransferase, or tryptophan hydroxylase expressing small bowel myenteric neurons. We further demonstrate that changes in GDNF availability influence intestinal function in vitro and in vivo. Thus, changes in GDNF expression can create a wide variety of alterations in ENS structure and function and may in part contribute to human motility disorders

    Hepatocyte growth factor and MET support mouse enteric nervous system development, the peristaltic response, and intestinal epithelial proliferation in response to injury

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    UNLABELLED: Factors providing trophic support to diverse enteric neuron subtypes remain poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and the HGF receptor MET might support some types of enteric neurons. HGF and MET are expressed in fetal and adult enteric nervous system. In vitro, HGF increased enteric neuron differentiation and neurite length, but only if vanishingly small amounts (1 pg/ml) of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor were included in culture media. HGF effects were blocked by phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase inhibitor and by MET-blocking antibody. Both of these inhibitors and MEK inhibition reduced neurite length. In adult mice, MET was restricted to a subset of calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive (IR) myenteric plexus neurons thought to be intrinsic primary afferent neurons (IPANs). Conditional MET kinase domain inactivation (Met(fl/fl); Wnt1Cre+) caused a dramatic loss of myenteric plexus MET-IR neurites and 1-1\u27-dioctodecyl-3,3,3\u27,3\u27-tetramethylindocarbocyamine perchlorate (DiI) labeling suggested reduced MET-IR neurite length. In vitro, Met(fl/fl); Wnt1Cre+ mouse bowel had markedly reduced peristalsis in response to mucosal deformation, but normal response to radial muscle stretch. However, whole-bowel transit, small-bowel transit, and colonic-bead expulsion were normal in Met(fl/fl); Wnt1Cre+ mice. Finally, Met(fl/fl); Wnt1Cre+ mice had more bowel injury and reduced epithelial cell proliferation compared with WT animals after dextran sodium sulfate treatment. These results suggest that HGF/MET signaling is important for development and function of a subset IPANs and that these cells regulate intestinal motility and epithelial cell proliferation in response to bowel injury. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The enteric nervous system has many neuronal subtypes that coordinate and control intestinal activity. Trophic factors that support these neuron types and enhance neurite growth after fetal development are not well understood. We show that a subset of adult calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-expressing myenteric neurons produce MET, the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor, and that loss of MET activity affects peristalsis in response to mucosal stroking, reduces MET-immunoreactive neurites, and increases susceptibility to dextran sodium sulfate-induced bowel injury. These observations may be relevant for understanding and treating intestinal motility disorders and also suggest that enhancing the activity of MET-expressing CGRP neurons might be a useful strategy to reduce bowel inflammation

    Retinoblastoma protein prevents enteric nervous system defects and intestinal pseudo-obstruction

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    The retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) tumor suppressor is a critical regulator of cell cycle progression and development. To investigate the role of RB1 in neural crest–derived melanocytes, we bred mice with a floxed Rb1 allele with mice expressing Cre from the tyrosinase (Tyr) promoter. TyrCre(+);Rb1(fl/fl) mice exhibited no melanocyte defects but died unexpectedly early with intestinal obstruction, striking defects in the enteric nervous system (ENS), and abnormal intestinal motility. Cre-induced DNA recombination occurred in all enteric glia and most small bowel myenteric neurons, yet phenotypic effects of Rb1 loss were cell-type specific. Enteric glia were twice as abundant in mutant mice compared with those in control animals, while myenteric neuron number was normal. Most myenteric neurons also appeared normal in size, but NO-producing myenteric neurons developed very large nuclei as a result of DNA replication without cell division (i.e., endoreplication). Parallel studies in vitro found that exogenous NO and Rb1 shRNA increased ENS precursor DNA replication and nuclear size. The large, irregularly shaped nuclei in NO-producing neurons were remarkably similar to those in progeria, an early-onset aging disorder that has been linked to RB1 dysfunction. These findings reveal a role for RB1 in the ENS
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